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10个阅读工具类网站设计欣赏. 阅读是人类获取知识永恒不变的途径,阅读的方式也渐渐的有很大一部分从线上转到了线上,互联网成为获取信息最便捷的途径。 而从互联网获取信息的方式也慢慢的从单纯的WEB端向移动APP端扩展,全平台覆盖的信息获取方式渐渐的成了阅读工具的标配。 即使是单纯只提供APP方式的阅读工具,一个好的精美的介绍网站,仍然是锦上添花的事情。 Flipboard ReaderMX Pulse Skimn Hacker News iPhone App Spreads TangCha Digital Post Readymag Babel 更多阅读类工具网站设计欣赏Reader website Gallery – Essentials x A Better Backpack. TriplAgent - Your World Is Out There. Amazee Labs Drupal Development and Web Design Zurich Switzerland. Build a Website - Squarespace. The No 1 Online Free Hearing Test. 快 達 票 香 港 有 限 公 司. 5 Ways to Get Over Someone You Love. Steps Part 1 of 5: Letting It All Out 1Cry. Bawl your eyes out. Scream into a pillow. Shout obscenities at the wall. 8Limit the amount of time you wallow in grief. Part 2 of 5: Cutting Ties 1Avoid unnecessary contact. 5Reconcile when ready. Part 3 of 5: Living Life and Moving On 1Leave the house. 5Love yourself. Part 4 of 5: Specific Circumstances – Crushes 1Put an end to a crush. 6Back off a crush on someone already in a relationship.

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