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__. Through the Looking Glass .__ So.. I thought I posted this entry here, but silly me put it up at my graphics journal. So putting this here... this should have been before the last one. Thursday..Jul 08 2010 | 05:24pm I LJ and to all the LJ friends I still actually manage to have after this long of a breka! - So, I decided for the betterment of myself, I have decided to cut off facebook and twitter for a week. How are you all? And Kellee .. well, she has been a very frustrating friendship / roommate situation as of late. So, hi again. Xoxo Jaime. Memorable [S2] Getting Started Entries. PANTS!! _outsideofme_ - Community Info. Soulsucked - icon post. Potterpuffs_ Well, it's actually the first of J... Well, it's actually the first of July now, but...meh, it's still the 30th in some places. XD Anyway! Today we have Fred and George for opaleyes, Remus/Severus lovin' for ziri, Sirius, Bellatrix and Regulus for framedinblood, Tom Riddle with the basilisk for fickle_goddess, Snape's Worst Memory for the gazillion people who have been requesting the Marauders, and a truckload of icons.

Hee. Blanks: Fred, George and The Fat Lady I really like the background for this one. Blanks: Remus & Severus 1024x768 version for desktop use I was trying to think of a window in time where all three characters were alive, not in Azkaban and would likely be together...naturally, I decided to draw them as kids. Blanks: Regulus, Sirius and Bellatrix 1024x768 version for desktop use The basilisk took me like a million years to do. Blanks: Tom and the basilisk ...I don't think I really need to say anything about this one.

Blanks: Remus, Peter, James, Sirius and Snape 1024x768 version for desktop use Love, Naomi. Â⊘¢ Leggyslove's Journal â⊘¢ *taps mic* Is this still on? Yeah, I've been a terrible LJ'er and LJ friend. School (and tumblr, and Avengers) have pretty much taken over my life. I honestly cannot believe that I haven't updated since July, this is the longest in 10 years of having this journal that I haven't updated it. Things in point form because things in point form always seem a lot better (maybe, IDK): - in August I went on a road trip down to seaside Oregon and Seattle with my dad. We went to the Seattle zoo and I got to feed an elephant. Her name was Bamboo and I got to feed her bamboo. - School started and since we're almost all digital this year I have some new toys: My new 27" iMac they give us (but technically our tuition pays for it all) and the 24" HD Wacom Cintiq.

. - School is kicking my ass as well as everyone else's. . - Having said that I am enjoying most of the classes I'm in. . - Mum and I may be getting kicked out/evicted again, but we don't know, so that's an added stress for sure. User Pictures. Sugar From Her Arteries - American McGee Link Bin. Sarah531 First of all, the icons, all ROTS (and o. First of all, the icons, all ROTS (and one ROTS comic book image): -comment, credit, don't hotlink-brushes by calixa And now...a Christmas present, of sorts. :D A ROTS mood theme. (rejected, intimidated, lonely, enthralled, refreshed, uncomfortable) Click for the images & Click for the coding Download the zip file, take out the images and upload them to your own server. (The rest taken from Livejournal's FAQ...they explained it better. When you're ready to continue, make sure you're logged in, and go to LiveJournal's command console, where you can enter the commands to define your mood theme.

The first thing you're going to do is create the theme. Moodtheme_create name des where name = the name of your new theme, which will be displayed in the lists from which users select.des = a short description for your theme, which will be accessible through the console's moodtheme_list command. For example: moodtheme_create "Munch's Screamers" "You've seen 'distressed'. Now it's time for the tedious part. My First S2. Update Journal. Kamilaa - User Info. Darla mood theme by me and it's here. Component tutorial by pamelajoy. Ph34r her 1337 ski11z. Icon brushes by inxsomniax, crumblingwalls, isabellecs, extraflamey, teh_indy, saava, shagalote, inexorablyhere, quebelly, dtissagirl, hecatesknickers, oxoniensis, pekeana, oh_pants, and 100x100_brushes . Caps from "Buffy Screenshots"; "Angel Screenshots"; "You Can't Take the Sky"; and The Freeze-Frame Network. Because I have 43576578 brushes, and am an idiot, there is a decent chance that I am using brushes by wonderful people not credited here; so, if you recognize one of your brushes in an icon and I don't have you listed, please kick me in the head and I'll fix it asap.

Interests. _belong - Community Info. What We Have Here at _belong, we have a whole host of sub communities where you can go and interact with other students. First off, if you have any questions, belong_faqs might have your answers. When you get sorted, you will be able to go to your common room to talk to your classmates. Belong_gryffsThe Hufflepuff Common room: belong_puffsThe Ravenclaw Common room: belong_ravensThe Slytherin Common room: belong_slyths Now, of course, you are going to want to talk to all the students, and not just the ones in your house.

Belong_thehall and post a comment for everyone to read. When it is time to go to class, you just have to walk over to belong_lessons and learn all about the Wizarding World. Belong_clubs. Belong_games. If you want to know how your House is doing compared to the others, belong_cup is the place to find out. But, if you would rather spend a quiet evening reading instead of playing games, there's always belong_library.

Belong_locked. Here at _belong, we also have the shops of Hogsmeade. Leggyslove Troy caps continued. _shroomy_ - User Info. Lincolnhs - Info, Pictures. Siriuspotter - User Info. All About Me - Quizzes. Dead Like Me Icon Awards. Dymphsite. Buffy & Angel Graphics. US Magazines. Grass_stained - User Info. Everything_LJ. Posted at 10:12 pm Username of journal: kseenaaLayout Style: Profile-layout, costumized! Basic, Paid or Plus: Permanent.Problem you are having: Hello! I need help with my profile-layout. I need to reupload the lil interest-pics, but I can't find where that code is.

<center><table border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="4" width="325px" align="justify"><tr><th><img src=" alt="me-gawariel_design" /></th><th><img src=" alt="other-gawariel_design" /></th><th><img src=" alt="interests-gawariel_design" /></th></tr><tr><td><div align="justify"><font face="Lucida sans unicode" color="#86000D" size="2"><b><font color="#B40012" size="4"><u>ME, MYSELF & I:</u></font></b><br /> Just your everyday swedish woman with extra geekyness.

Http___www.greatestjournal.com_userinfo.bml_use... Do you think anyone&#039;s seen us, Padfoot_ - Against All Odds. Actress Pages at Elve&#039;s and Amazon&#039;s Community. Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:04PM - Jewelry from History Hello all! I've noticed that people interested in recreating historically accurate jewelry and beadwork are scattered to the winds, so I created pastjewels in the hopes of bringing people together to share resources, designs, news, information and skills.

This will become a place to discuss all aspects of creating historically accurate jewelry! Stop by if you're at all interested! Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:18PM - Unisex Necklace & Earrings Máni, ancient Norse god of the Moon, pulled the moon through the sky, watched by Nott, Goddess of the Night, and pursued by the wolf, Hati. In ancient times Hematite was believed to protect warriors in battle, and hematite deposits were thought to form on the grounds where great battles were waged. Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:09PM - Xena Info The season 6 DVDs are coming out really soon.

The Xena Anthology, up until this point has been a little bit pricey. Check it out!! ~Nick~ ~Umi. Gir! Quickly! Ride the PIG! Famous Quotes by Subject. Friends that are too pretty (Icon Posts) Component Help. Hello. I'm kunzite1. I helped create this community back in the early days of LiveJournal. I have been absent from the community for quite some time and for that I do apologize. A lot has happened in my life and now I need your help. I married a wonderful woman back in September, just before my birthday, and we have landed in a tight spot. To whom it may concern, Hello, my name is ephyra_pixie, and I would like to tell you a little about myself. Now I would like to tell you a little bit about my husband. In August of 2010 my then boyfriend (now husband) was diagnosed with stage 2 testicular cancer.

After November of 2011, after dozens and dozens of phone calls, letters, emails and prayer, we were unable to keep up the insurance premiums, rent, car payments, and all the other bills. So here's the problem: Mike still needs a very expensive surgery, something to the tune of $100,000.00 and we don't have insurance. So here's my complaint, my issue, whatever. Thank you for reading this. Eliza Dushku Pictures. Girlfromsouth_ [guys_ where are we_ (The Lost M... Detailed Residential Listing. Colorbar Crazy. Bitter&#039;s End. Food Courtia. Dreamer Graphix. Echoes from Rivendell - 46 icons. I saw thy pulse&#039;s maddening play - SW3RotS - part 1 of.