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Reactive Paint (by @baekdal) #design. Shi Yuan has created a way to turn normally passive things into something with a life of its own. Like this wallpaper that reacts to heat, the painting that react when you touch it, or the daily calendar that fades away during the day. It is made using heat sensitive paint - and it is incredible. Heat Sensitive Wallpaper Turn up the heat and your wallpaper starts to blossom. ...and now on.

A painting with feelings Show people how you feel by touching the painting. The day that simply faded away... Watch how the day slowly fades away with this calendar (Via Shi Yuan) Follow: 42Concepts. My TSA Encounter – NO BLASTERS! 日々の生活、姿勢が大事 人間の身体というのは、全ての方が同じ状態になっているわけではありません。 人それぞれに、悩みを抱えていたり、特別な症状を抱えていたりします。 その悩みの中には、特に気にしなくてもよい軽度のものもあれば、適切な手術で治しておかなければならない重度のものもあります。 軽度なのか重度なのか、という判断を誤ってしまうと、深刻な事態になってしまう場合も出てきます。 日本の方は、8割から9割が抱えている症状があります。 それはO脚です。 言葉自体はよく知られていますが、具体的にどのような事態のことを指しているのか、あまり認識していない方も多いです。 まず、生活習慣・姿勢を見直すことから始めるのが適切です。 これらの方法は、短期間で効果が出るものではなく、継続することで少しずつ効果が出てきます。 手術はそんなに大変ではありません O脚によって生じるデメリットとして、多くの人は身長が低くなる、という点を挙げています。 整形外科医院などに行くと、適切な対処方法を教えてもらえます。 様々な治療を試した後、どうしても改善しない場合には手術を行うことになります。

Scott Wilson's iPod Nano Watch Breaks Kickstarter Records, Raises $400K in a Week | Co.Design. Last Monday, we had a breaking exclusive on a lovely new design by Scott Wilson: The TikTok and LunaTik wristbands, which transform the iPod Nano into a wristwatch. Initially, Wilson was hoping to raise $15,000 in 30 days, to get the watchbands into production. But guess what? The watch has become a bona fide Internet sensation, raising nearly $400,000 on Kickstarter in just a week, from over 5,000 backers -- and $180,000 in the first three days alone. Over the course of the full month, it raised just shy of $1 million. Those numbers make the project the second highest earning project of all time on Kickstarter -- not to mention breaking records for fundraising speed. And they also serve as proof of how much of a force Kickstarter has become in funding independent creative projects. For $25, you can pre-order the rubberized TikTok (which will be $35 at retail); for $50 you get the aluminum LunaTik (which will be $70 at retail).

Imeüble 2.5 dimension shelf system by Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. Second and a Half Dimension Shelves This project goes by the name “Imeüble” and it’s a shelving system that accesses not just your eyeballs and book-storing hands, it works with your mind to help you store information the same way you learn to associate words to their meanings! The easiest comparison is one the designer uses: when you read the word “cornfield,” you imagine a field full of corn, not the word “cornfield.” In that the shelf appears to be 2D but is actually 3D, this whole system works in the same environment of learning.

Confused? It’s really quite simple and wonderful. As you look at the shelves, they appear to be flat, sideways, weird in some way or another to your eyes. In this fabulous work of associations, designer Bjørn Jørund Blikstad hopes to inspire you to take another look at what storing items on these shelves really means. Fabulovely! Designer: Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. The Rules of a Gentleman.