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Linda Buckmaster

English lecturer; educator and student blogger and online resources

ePub Bud - Publish children's ebooks. Hostway Web Resources. Web 2.0 teaching tools to enhance education and learning — Edjudo. Examples of use of social media and learning: by types of technology/learning.

10 minutes

23 Resources about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) Part of the Cool Sites series For the past year, I have researched the what, who, when, how, and why of Personal/Professional/Passionate Learning Networks (PLNs).

23 Resources about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)

We have seen the benefits of the people we choose to connect, collaborate, and problem solve with through social media. The educators, subject matter experts (SMEs), authors, and mentors we choose to derive knowledge from help us self-reflect on our methodologies and beliefs.

Classroom ideas

Blogging Tips for Teachers. What’s Here This page shares ideas for educators to use in creating websites with teaching resources. Learn how to set up and design your blog, create strong content, build a following online, and more! These tips are based on my own personal experience with running a website for teachers since July 2003–almost a decade! Lots of things have changed over the years, but the need for valuable teacher resources on the web is as strong as ever.

Pearltrees videos

Getting started.