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.Net. C#: Get which button was pressed in an array of gtk#-buttons. Implementation of Connecting a Socket with Timeout in C# Download client - 45.88 KB Introduction You will notice that neither of the two classes, System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient nor System.Net.Sockets.Socket has a timeout to connect a socket. I mean a timeout you can set. .NET Sockets do not provide a Connect Timeout when calling the Connect/BeginConnect method while establishing a Synchronous/Asynchronous socket connection.

Instead, connect is forced to wait a very long time before an Exception is thrown if the server it tried to connect to is not listening or if there is any network error. Background I have posted this code snippet on my blog to connect with destination machine with timeout using socket programming after solving the issue for one of my projects. Using the Code Here this functionality is implemented as a class.

Here ManualResetEvent plays the main role to implement this. Here BeginConnect of tcpclient is used because this method does not block. Sample Code Conclusion History.

