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Sona. SONA BUILD GUIDE: The Maven Of The Strings by MissyMegan. Ashe: Ashe and Sona have very good synergy. The burst from the first critical, if saved + power chord makes for a huge advantage if both landed at level 1. Just from that early level 1 advantage, can really help either get first blood or just make the enemy use potions or miss some cs or flash. At level 6 this combo works very well together, Ashe's followed by Sona's is an amazing combo. Caitlyn: Works very well together, as Sona works with basically all Ad's just because her utility and her champions kit. Into a Caitlyn. Corki: Corki is pretty strong early with his , so that damage + Sona's works very well. And is really good also. Ezreal: This can work, the poke from Ezreal is actually pretty strong, and with many people going rather then on Ezreal his damage accompanied by Sona's is very nice. Graves: Graves is naturally pretty tanky, adding Sona or Soraka just make him all that much more.

Is very good. Can really work in your favor. KogMaw: As most Ad's this works as well. Sivir: Sivir's . . Sona Build Guide. SONA BUILD GUIDE: Resonance of Support by Kurii. As a support character, you will have very little gold. You will want good supportive multi-purpose items for a cheap cost while working on your own weak points (survivability, mana, and gold gain). After about 26-28 minutes, these items pay for themselves. These items are great because of this. They add the stats that you need, they build into late game items that you need, and they generate gold that you need especially when you aren't taking any minion kills from your lane partner. This is a very underestimated item. . , Clarity Seals/Glyphs runes, and Perseverance/Meditation masteries, it does a lot. Vs scales with Mana Regen and a large mana pool. Doesn't scale with anything and it takes a while to start up. Isn't a bad item, has pretty much the same effect towards the end.

Doesn't need stacks and helps immediately, it also provides Magic Resist, and it costs 105 gold less. . ; if you're out of mana, you have to wait around a lot longer before you start spamming again. . . . . . Instead. Perb UI 0.47 by Perb | UI Mods | League of Legends (LoL) | ENG.