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Installation Theatrical Engineering (I.T.E.) is an Australian owned company established in 1980. I.T.E. have been manufacturing and installing Audio Visual, Theatre Lighting, Theatre Stage Equipment, Theatre Drapes and Theatre Machinery products across Australia and worldwide for in excess of 40 years.

Installation Theatrical Engineering: The Benefits of Smoke and Fire Curtains. Fire and smoke curtains offer an effective protective barrier when a fire breaks into the property.

Installation Theatrical Engineering: The Benefits of Smoke and Fire Curtains

We have witnessed multiple times where the smoke has spread and impaired people's vision, preventing them from finding escape routes. In the worst cases, people have choked to death on the fumes. The primary reason for the death was smoke inhalation. Fire Resistant Curtains in Port Melbourne. Installation Theatrical Engineering: How Stage lighting is beneficial for Stage shows. Stage lighting is an essential part of stage shows; without it, nothing would be visible.

Installation Theatrical Engineering: How Stage lighting is beneficial for Stage shows

Are you looking to create a stage show for a special evening or a business owner of a stage looking for collaboration for the stage lighting in Melbourne? You can head over to the ITE (Installation theatrical engineering), a piece of Australian theatrical equipment, engineering and supplies company, and check out various services it can offer. Importance of Stage lighting Melbourne: For every scene, there is a specific mood that needs to be translated to the audience. Stage lighting can be an incredible tool for translating specific moods to the audience, so stage lighting Melbourne can be helpful to set the mood on stage.

The Usage of Wool Fabric in Making Stage Drapes and Their Different Types and Qualities. Stage drapes are huge pieces of cloths that are produced to conceal all the backstage components of a theatre from the audience.

The Usage of Wool Fabric in Making Stage Drapes and Their Different Types and Qualities

In order to create stage drapes, there are several kinds of fabrics utilised including wool. Wool fabric in Australia is known for its heaviness, thickness as well as durability. Along with its thermal insulation, protection for health and availability in considerable quantities, wool fabric has sound absorption behaviour. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CHAIN HOISTS. Best Uses of Wool Fabric in Australia - Installation Theatrical Engineering. Making the best Wool Fabric in Australia is a significant industry and qualifies for many purposes in the country.

Best Uses of Wool Fabric in Australia - Installation Theatrical Engineering

With the help of one of the best industries of Australia, called the Installation Theatrical Engineering (ITE) industry, new inventions or creations have taken place regarding wool fabric, and new techniques or ways of its usage have been introduced. Uses of Wool Fabric in Australia: Following are some fantastic uses of Wool Fabric in Australia that is widespread and influences almost all the people of Australia without any doubt- Horse Rugs: Horses are covered with rugs to have a shield or protection against adverse weather conditions.

This keeps the horses comfortable and healthy for a much longer time. Upholstery: This is a soft textile fabric pad that gives warmth and softness to the people with their usage. Blankets: Looking for Theatre and Stage. Looking for Theatre and Stage. Smoke and Fire Curtains - I.T.E. Enhance the Look and Feel of Your Theatre by Installing Quality Stage Curtains. Well, every stage curtain is unique, and a single designed curtain will not fit all.

Enhance the Look and Feel of Your Theatre by Installing Quality Stage Curtains

For example, while some theatres choose drapery fabric, others may choose molten fabric for the curtains. That’s why it is advisable to hire professionals to get the best solutions. They can offer the best style that can match your requirements. When it comes to choosing the size, fabric, and curtain operation method, you will get a lot of options. But you need to choose one that comes under your budget and make sure that the fabric meets the required FR-Fire Retardant standards. Wool Curtain Fabric - Installation Theatrical Engineering. Do you want Stage Molton Fabrics in A… Installation Theatrical Engineering. ​Here's Some Knowledge About The Theatre Drapes That You Need - Installation Theatrical Engineering. We all know from years now that there is no stage without a curtain.

​Here's Some Knowledge About The Theatre Drapes That You Need - Installation Theatrical Engineering

Do you know what kind of materials or fabrics are used to make the curtains? One thing is certain - the sort of stage curtain utilized greatly affects the situation. Red velvet curtains are classic, while newer alternatives have video projection capabilities. Let's talk about why theatre curtains made of wool supplies are so significant to the show before we look at the various stage curtain fabrics and their attributes. What is the Theatre Curtain? Curtains in theatres are usually used to enclose the stage and keep the audience from viewing the performance area until the play begins. Smoke and Fire Curtains. Installation Theatrical Engineering: ITE IFR Smoke and Fire Curtains. Installation Theatrical Engineering (ITE) is theatrical equipment, engineering, and supplier company that provide services on stage engineering, drapes & tracking, audio-visual, stage lighting, and maintenance.

Installation Theatrical Engineering: ITE IFR Smoke and Fire Curtains

They offer a range of curtain textiles that are all useful in various theatre events, clubs, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, dance studios, school concert halls, recording studios, movie halls, and band rooms. The smoke & fire curtains produced by ITE are Inherently Flame Retardant (IFR). The smoke curtain is a component of a smoke control system. Its purpose is to either prevent smoke from reaching another zone or redirect it along a particular route. A fire curtain is used to separate two areas from each other in the event of fire use. It may provide smoke control, but its primary purpose is to prevent the spread of fire. Wool Curtain Fabric by itenetau. I.T.E. provides Stage Maker Chain.

Installation Theatrical Engineering. Why a Fire Curtain System is Important in Commercial Establishments. If you are an owner of public premises or a commercial one, ensuring its safety is of prime importance for you.

Why a Fire Curtain System is Important in Commercial Establishments

Be it offices or schools, you must install a fire curtain system for taking care of the safety of the occupants, especially when they are so vulnerable as young children. It’s no secret that fires are the worst nightmare for a commercial building owner and are responsible for widespread destruction of property and loss of precious lives. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to take for safety norms that the government has set up for different states. Installation Theatrical Engineering. Installation Theatrical Engineering: What are the Advantages of Installing the Fire Curtain System in Your Office ? Being every business owner's worst nightmare, fire is capable of creating widespread destruction when it strikes and not to mention the damages you can have when this occurs.

Installation Theatrical Engineering: What are the Advantages of Installing the Fire Curtain System in Your Office ?

While there are so many causes of office fires today such as cooking equipment, electrical faults and arson, it is essential that you have the most powerful fire strategies for protecting your most expensive office accessories. Among the various things to protect your office from fire, you can have an installation of a fire curtain system in your office as this is an effective way to maintain workplace fires in case of such accidents. Here are the main advantages of installing the fire curtain system in your office: Compliance. Basic Understanding Of Stage Maker Chain Hoist And Its Mechanism. Are you looking for a reliable, sturdy chain hoist?

Basic Understanding Of Stage Maker Chain Hoist And Its Mechanism

The Stage maker chain hoist is now available designed specifically for the entertainment sector. This premium quality rigging hoist comes at an economical price, the device is fitted with enhanced safety measures for handling stage and theatre equipment and ensuring complete safe and precise positioning of speakers, lighting systems, stage sets, sceneries, etc. Stage Maker Chain Hoist doesn’t need any introduction. All That You Need To Know About TheStage Curtains and Fabrics. Smoke and Fire curtains in Melbourne. Installation Theatrical Engineering. The Difference Between Smoke and Fire Curtains in Theatres - Installation Theatrical Engineering. Theatre is a standard arena of entertainment that people around the world visit frequently. The setup of a theatre is very elaborate and uses different components. For the theatre to work properly, every component of the setup needs to work properly.

Moreover, the safety of the audience and the performing crew is also an important aspect of every theatre performance. Additionally, the theatre setup is designed and created by many companies around the world. The theatre setup takes smart engineering so that the setup enhances the performance while also being safe for the crew and audience. Installation Theatrical Engineering. Installation Theatrical Engineering. InstallationTheatrical Engineering PROJECT PROPOSAL 01-01-2020 HeavyWoolCurtainsHeavyWoolCurtains InstallationTheatricalEngineeringprovidesoneofthe besttheatreservicesthatservicetheentertainment businesswithcompletecollectiondrapes. Heavywoolcurtainsarenormallyusedforstage maskingasthefabricfinishlightsandtheweightofthe fabrichelpswithsounddeadening. Stagecurtainsareavailableinawiderangeofcolors andcanbeusedasanalternativetovelvetformain stagecurtains/drapes. TheatreLighting, TheatreStage Equipment, TheatreDrapes, andTheatreMachinery productsacrossAustraliaandworldwideforinexcess of 40 years.

Drapes Installation producesalldrapesandassociates includingstagecurtains, theatrecurtains, theatredrapes, heavywoolcurtains, fire- resistantcurtains, andsmokecurtainsin Melbourne. Availableinmanytypesof colors. How to get The Best Audio-visual Installation? The Installation of Audio and Visual equipment may be quite a daunting task, especially massive event equipment. It can be a very complex process and have to be done to perfection. If something is inaccurate, then your entire event, show, live performance could fall apart and be a disaster.

Factors to keep in mind even as putting in the Audio Visual Installation There are a few considerations that you should make to make sure which you get the best installations for your needs. Here are some of these critical aspects that you should pay attention to. To hire or buy. Why ITE is The Leader in The Theatrical Equipment, Engineering & Supplies. Established in 1980, Installation Theatrical Engineering (ITE) is an Australian-owned company, unmatched in the theatrical equipment, engineering & supplies industry. For more than 40 years, ITE has been manufacturing as well as installing audiovisuals, theatre stage equipment, concert lighting and stage machinery all over Australia and the world. Identified as one of the early pioneers of the new theatre equipment industry in Australia, ITE's reliability stretches beyond Australia’s borders by providing theatre supplies in Hong Kong, U.A.E., New Zealand, China, and Singapore.

Molten Fabric - Installation Theatrical Engineering. What is the Importance of Molten Fabric in The Theatre Industries? There are various different cotton fabric available naturally with their own authentic characteristics. Molten fabric is one of them that is made of 100% cotton. The Molten fabric is also referred to as Duvetyne, which that’s widely recognized to be used in theatrical structuring from the past century. Its common use is to produce dresses, suits and coats, which share similarities with twill and woollen materials. Stage Lighting Equipment List - I.T.E. Heavy Wool Curtains - Installation Theatrical Engineering - video Dailymotion.

Smoke and Fire Curtains by itenetau. GOING WITH THE FANCY AND ECO-FRIENDLY WOOL CURTAINS AUSTRALIA. Decorating the windows and door panes with some classy, fancy curtains is all someone needs. There can be enough choices choosing the cloth material. How about choosing the best one that’s cost-effective and environment friendly? Why Hotels and Theatres Must Install Smoke and Fire Curtains - Installation Theatrical Engineering.

In commercial kitchens, there is a higher risk of fires due to open flames. And this risk is serious when you consider the occupancy of the kitchens. A small flame may accidentally lead to a large number of fires in the hotels. Installation Theatrical Engineering. Installation Theatrical Engineering: Why should you use a fire curtain system in your office? There is no doubt that fires are the worst nightmare for every business owner. Audio visual Installation Melbourne. Stage Lighting Design - video Dailymotion. Theatre stage equipment,Stage lighting Melbourne,Audio visual integration companies,Theatre fly system,Theatre Lighting Systems,Concert lighting companies.

Smoke_Curtain_Australia - video Dailymotion. Fire resistant curtains by itenetau. Installation Theatrical Engineering. Installation Theatrical Engineering: Five popular advantage of using stage Machinery. Stage Machinery is an effective and useful device that is designed for the production of theatrical effects on the stage. With the help of stage machinery, it is easy to make rapid scene changes, sound effects, illusions, and lightning. There is a number of stages machinery that are most commonly used in the stage due to the common features that they have.

Home Beautification now Possible with Fire Resistant Curtains – Installation Theatrical Engineering. We do invest a lot of time, money and other resources to make our homes comfortable, and beautiful and secure to protect ourselves and our families. Installation Theatrical Engineering. Exploring the benefits of installing high-quality audio and video system by itenetau. It is true that by installing the audio-video system in your company, you can effectively take your business to the highest level. But it is also essential to make sure that the audio-visual system is appropriately integrated. This is a complicated task, and you should always go for professional Audio Visual Installation in Melbourne to get the best services. A perfectly installed system can effectively attract more customers. Amazing sound and video enable your business to develop a perfect atmosphere that can offer a better customer experience. Now, let's have a look at how it can help your business. How the audio-visual system helps your business?

1. With a high-quality audio system, you can make a presentation quite interesting using professional tools, such as smooth & interactive whiteboards and crisp video. Stage Lighting Equipment -Installation Theatrical Engineering. Slide 1: Installation Theatrical Engineering: Theater Drapes and Stage Curtains in Melbourne– Choices. HOW TO SELECT THE BEST AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT ?