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Pawned. Gamification and Its Discontents. Definition of Gamification. Game Mechanics Introduction | Media Evolution. Gabe Zichermann is an author, editor of The Gamification Blog and is the chair of the Gamification Summit. For the whole picture download or order our publication Gamification. Gamification is a relatively new term, but not a new concept. It’s the process of implementing game mechanics into non-gaming scenarios in order to better engage audiences and solve problems.

Some common examples of game mechanics are points, levels, badges, leaderboards, challenges and rewards. From loyalty programs for businesses to educational video games, to rewarding children for doing chores, people have always been trying to better merge work and play. You’ve already been participating in these games for years even if you’re not conscious of it.

Do you sometimes work harder to increase these numbers purely out of a sense of competition? Create motivation Game mechanics While there are many ways to create engagement in consumers through gamification, game mechanics are where most designers begin. Gamification - Nitro is the Participation Engine - Bunchball. We know what motivates people to take action: a goal that matters, recognition among peers, and a meaningful reward. Bunchball Nitro puts the most advanced gamification engine to work for you – combining what you know about your audience with proven motivation techniques to achieve real results. Contact Us Request a Demo Motivate employees and customers to take action Deploy Nitro to amplify enterprise apps, websites, and social networks. Bring on new employees, customers and partners faster with easy, introductory challengesExpand adoption and usage with progressive challenges targeted to individuals or teamsSustain employee and customer engagement with leveling, goal-setting, and meaningful rewardsPromote social activity and collaboration using leaderboards, notifications, and newsfeedsTo find ideas about motivating employees, increasing customer loyalty and engaging your online communities.

Design and push challenges in minutes Create a seamless experience with rich rewards. Plan It Green for Mac | How to Beat Procrastination. Part of the sequence: The Science of Winning at Life My own behavior baffles me. I find myself doing what I hate, and not doing what I really want to do! - Saint Paul (Romans 7:15) Once you're trained in BayesCraft, it may be tempting to tackle classic problems "from scratch" with your new Rationality Powers.

But often, it's more effective to do a bit of scholarship first and at least start from the state of our scientific knowledge on the subject. Today, I want to tackle procrastination by summarizing what we know about it, and how to overcome it. Let me begin with three character vignettes... Eddie attended the sales seminar, read all the books, and repeated the self-affirmations in the mirror this morning.

Three blocks away, Valerie stares at a blank document in Microsoft Word. In the next apartment down, Tom is ahead of the game. Eddie, Valerie, and Tom are all procrastinators, but in different ways.1 Eddie's problem is low expectancy. The Procrastination Equation But there's more. Flow. Impact of Climate Induced Sea Level rise on Coastal Cities in United States.