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Eclipse-cs: The Checkstyle Plug-in for Eclipse. LZMA SDK (Software Development Kit) Open source search engines every developer should know about. Search is a crucial feature of any website. Even if your navigation is crystal clear, it still doesn’t cater for those power users and return visitors that remembered a particular piece of content, or want to find collections of information stored on your site in the same topical areas. Typically search is one of the most poorly implemented pieces of technology on a site, with developers opting for the standard the out of the box solution which comes with most modern content management systems – and in many cases doesn’t do justice to your content.

I thought I’d take a look at what other enterprise level and open source search engines out there to find and index the information on your site faster, and provide users with a deeper, more relevant resultset. Constellio URL: Constellio is an open source search solution suitable for enterprise level search. SearchBlox URL: Apache Solr URL: Sphinx More from Google. Lucene Index Monitor.


C++ C. Python. Perl. JavaScript. Bash. DOS. Vbs. Google. SSL. Project Management. Cloud. CouchDB - The Definitive Guide. Theory. Cheatsheet. Code. Java. Scala. Groovy. Freemarker. Clojure.