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Nina Doiron

At iStage & Organize, we work with people who don’t know where to start when it comes to improving their home’s appeal. We offer simple, affordable solutions that make homes look and function better, and also help protect and retain their value.

What The Home Staging Process Looks Like? Stop Complaining and Get Maintaining. If you have come to know me, either personally or through my blog, you understand that my favourite TV network is HGTV.

Stop Complaining and Get Maintaining

I love the whole “before and after” scenario: how the designers solve problems and the ultimate transformation at the end. The story lines are all very similar. Home Staging services in Toronto. The best Home Staging services in Toronto Your home is likely your largest financial investment.

Home Staging services in Toronto

Demystifying home accessories – what you wanted to know! There’s definitely an art to picking the right accessories to accentuate your home.

Demystifying home accessories – what you wanted to know!

In one of my recent Facebook Live sessions, I was asked to offer some advice on the best strategy for finding the right items, deciding on colours and figuring out how many to use. Watch my short video here as I share some valuable advice on the selection and placement of accessories. I’m going to elaborate more in this blog. What are accessories? Accessories for the home can include artwork, lamps, throw cushions, plants, floral displays and décor pieces -- just to name a few. Set A Professional Tone For 2020. Happy New Year!

Set A Professional Tone For 2020

Let me also say Happy New Beginning! While we often wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity at the start of the year, we might also wish them a clean slate. Home Redesign - iStage & Organize - Where home staging services is about helping you prepare your home with the object of appealing to the highest potential number of buyers to achieve a sucessful sale, Home Re-Design on the other hand, is about improving your home's appeal for you and your family.

Home Redesign - iStage & Organize -

My re-design service can help you to love your home again. I will help you with recommendations for updates, fixes, new furnishings and accessories that best suits with your lifestyle and personality. Home Re-Design Services Colour ConsultationFull-Service Re-Design (incl. shopping, contractor coordination and project management)Virtual Design services Holiday & Special Occassions Design Services. Four Tips That Can Forever Change The Way You Manage Papers. Many years ago, I used to work for an office supplies manufacturer.

Four Tips That Can Forever Change The Way You Manage Papers

The company makes binders, file folders and many other products which are designed to store papers. At one point, many people in that sector wondered if they’d be put out of work by the evolution of technology and cloud based storage. Remember all those promises of a paperless society? Well, while it is reported that printer and writing paper volume has declined, most of us are still inundated with a lot of paper, especially for business purposes. As well, with increased reports of cyber security threats, I believe many of us have taken to printing important documents as a safety precaution. Six Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Move. Moving homes is almost always a challenge.

Six Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Move

I should know. In 2018 alone, our family moved four times. It’s a long story but let’s just say it was a crazy year as we sold our home, then lived in a couple of temporary houses while our new place was under construction. Needless to say, we have become experienced movers and know firsthand how stressful and disruptive it can be for the entire family. The summer months are typically peak moving season as families often like to settle into their new communities before the start of the school year. 1. Even as a professional organizer, packing up my own home of nearly 20 years was overwhelming. Home Organization - iStage & Organize - How To Organize Photos. Can you believe it’s November already?

How To Organize Photos

This time of year, I find myself thinking about photography because this last quarter of the year provides so many opportunities for great photo-taking with Thanksgiving, Halloween, fall colours and of course Christmas. With smartphones and the multitude of photo apps and filters, capturing photos has never been easier. I’ve been asked a few times to write a blog about organizing photos, and November makes a perfect time to share some tips with you. If you’re not a member of Gen Z (people born between 1995 – 2015), then you still remember print photography, and boy did it produce a lot of prints and negatives.

My mother-in-law recently passed and we are in the midst of going through her house and belongings. A Merry Blush Christmas. I admit I’m more of a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas decorating.

A Merry Blush Christmas

So Christmas to me has always been red, green and gold. But I’ve begun to branch out, so to speak. With my most recent Christmas holiday decorating project, the homeowners’ colour pallet was all grey and blush pink. How to get your home looking and STAYING nice when you have young kids. 7 Easy DIY Weekend Home Improvement Projects. Whether you’re planning on a bit of a home design refresh or getting ready to place your house on the market for this fall, this is the perfect time of year to tackle some DIY projects to give your home that updated look.

7 Easy DIY Weekend Home Improvement Projects

Here are 7 common DIY projects that you can easily tackle over a weekend. 1. Painting Furniture If you have wood furniture, painting it can really give it new life. Don’t be afraid; designers all over the world paint over wood furniture all the time. Although you can use oil based paints, I prefer latex paint myself as it gives off less odour and is less damaging to the environment. Six Reason Why You Should Not Self-Stage. March is here and even though it’s cold out and many neighbourhoods are still snow-covered, spring weather is just around the corner. Really. At least I hope so. With spring being the busiest real estate season, you might be one of thousands of people getting ready to sell over the next few months. The latest TREB Market Watch report (January 2019) indicates 11,962 active listings across the GTA and surrounding areas, of which more than nine thousand were added in January.

Simple Tips For Home Staging. Interior Design Companies Toronto. Trends come and go, as do ourmany stages oflife. What made sense for a young couple, often on a tight budget, no longer works fora growing family. Ditto for parents with teenagers, empty nesters, singles, and older adults. You love your home’s location, but what’s inside has become dated and dysfunctional. Now may be the time to refresh the look – or give it a complete makeover! What Do Buyers Want? With spring upon us, the real estate market is heating up. If you are planning to sell your house this spring season, it is important to understand who your potential buyers are, and how best to market to them. A house, when on the market, becomes a product like any other for sale. The Front of Your House Can Say A Lot. It has almost taken until summer for spring to have sprung this year, and temperatures are still a bit cool. Still, as I walk about my neighbourhood, I love to see how milder weather is bringing more people outdoors and enjoy watching the gardening that is happening everywhere.

Home Decorating Services Toronto. ISTAGE & ORGANIZE IS YOUR HOME APPEAL SPECIALIST. Istage&organize Home Staging Company Toronto. Our Services - istage & organize Company. Istage & Organize Improving Your Home Appeal. First impression matters. Istage & organize- Improving Your Home Appeal. Home staging - iStage & Organize - Best Home staging services in Toronto.