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How to kickstart a usability audit. If you want an awesome 51-item-checklist to perform a User Experience audit, you’ve come to the right place.

How to kickstart a usability audit

Be sure you download the checklist at the end! If you want an awesome 51-item-checklist to perform a User Experience audit, you’ve come to the right place. You only have to scroll down and check it out. Even download the infographic checklist to print it and have somewhere in your office. But before you do that, I’d urge you to read the whole text, so you can better understand what you’re doing and how to do it. Firstly, this test is a mix of Usability and UX. User Experience tries to analyse all the interactions the user has with a product or service (let’s say a website from now on), including things that would surprise some, such as if the very service or product really makes sense from a user/market perspective, if the aesthetic experience is satisfactory for the user or if the customer support sucks.

So here we go! Inner page elements Does the purpose of the page seem clear? Navigation usability guidelines. List of navigation and IA usability guidelines Download an Excel workbook containing all 247 web usability guidelines You can also download translated versions of this checklist.

Navigation usability guidelines

How to use these guidelines Work through each of the items in the list and mark your site as either conforming or not conforming to the guideline. Remember that all guidelines are context specific. These guidelines are purposefully expressed as positive statements, so that when you feed the results back to the design team you can identify some strengths of the design before you launch into the problems. About the author Dr. Diferenciando entre un Sketch, Mockup, Wireframe y Prototipo. Muchas veces en el desarrollo de productos y/o aplicaciones se cae en el error de unificar o tratar como igual el concepto de Sketchs, Mockups, Wireframes y Prototipos o de usarlos como sinónimos. La definición y uso de estos son ampliamente diferenciados dentro de la etapa de diseño de un proyecto y por esto es que hoy queremos explicar un poco mas algunas diferencias y conceptos clave entre los mencionados elementos.

No sólo evidencian diferencias conceptuales, sino que también presupuestales, ya que construir uno o el otro influye en cantidad de horas de desarrollo/diseño y por ende costos asociados . Aunque en teoría suenan y a simple vista parecen lo mismo hay diferencias importantes basados en las diferentes etapas en que estos deben aplicarse para el desarrollo de un proyecto.

Sketch Es un bosquejo estático en baja calidad de un diseño. El entregable es una imagen, o un papel. Wireframe Es una representación estática en baja calidad de un diseño. – ¿qué? El entregable es una imagen. Human-Computer Interaction - University of California, San Diego. About me. Hi!

About me

I’m Silvana Churruca a User Experience Designer going to Strategist currently working for I’m a UX Designer with a strong multidisciplinary background: starting with Graphic Design, Arts and Communications, and later specializing in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media, Product and Project Design Management and Communication Design Theory. I love to read and learn from everything. In my leisure time I work on craft projects or restoring furniture.