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Opportunity details. ... are people who commit their time and skills over the Internet, freely and without financial considerations, for the benefit of society. Tell others about the Online Volunteering service so that more development organizations can benefit from the support of online volunteers. Tips and resources Read more about this organization The opportunity is no longer available The task is to develop a project with innovative use of information and communications technology to strengthen actors who work for democratisation and freedom of expression. The deadline for the first draft is September 30th The GCI will provide consultations, direction and coordination. Number of volunteers: 4 The GCI works for improvement of the social and economic situations of Kyrgyzstanis and the project will support these intentions The prospective candidate has to have background in social media with experience in project design and management, with at least 5 years of professional experience.

5 Fascinating Social Media Predictions for 2013. Note: This is a guest article by Nathan Brown. More details about him after the post. Days have gone since the last New Year celebration and every dawn has had something new for the humankind. With the thought of the New Year comes the thought of the mysteries that are in store. The scenes that flash in our mind when we hear the phrase ‘New Year’ are drinking wine and champagne, devouring the cake, and dancing with the crowd. But what are we going to do from the next day? Of course, the world will not change dramatically over a night. Yet, there will be notable changes in social media. While the Church awaits the prophecies for 2013, the techies are busy pondering on the growth of social media. Here are 5 fascinating Social Media predictions for the upcoming year 2013… 1.

Water cooler talks about popular TV programs are going to continue on social networking sites, the difference being real-time comments. 2. Google has already dipped its toes into social waters by launching Google Plus. Social Media for Business - Establishing Effective Structure. 10 Tools To Start Your Own Social Network. Before starting a social network one must understand the inner workings of it.

A social network is basically comprised of a complex social structure that includes individuals and/or organizations; the relationships, connections and interactions between them is often regarded as a scientific study such as social psychology, statistics, sociology, and graph theory. One of the first persons to be credited with developing the first sociograms (sometime around the 1930s) was Jacob Moreno. His study was based on the analysis of interpersonal relationships as a mathematical equation, where people are points and their relationships were lines.

In a nutshell, a social network is able to bring people together while developing as a self-sustainable organism. 10. Source OneSite offers a hybrid social networking CMS platform and includes custom profiles, user-generated content such as photos, videos and forums, groups, calendars, activity streams, blogs, and so on. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. BJP manipulating social media to show Modi PM favourite: Digvijaya - Politics - Politics News - ibnlive. Indore: Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh on Sunday alleged that the BJP is maintaining "fictitious" accounts on social media and manipulating online surveys to project that Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has an edge over Rahul Gandhi as future prime minister. "You know that there are a lot of fictitious accounts on social networking sites and the BJP is managing voting on such sites to show results in its favour," Singh told reporters on a query about Modi being ahead of Gandhi in opinion polls on future prime minister.

The Beauty of Blogging and Twitter. 5 Critical Mistakes Businesses Make with Social Media. The top five mistakes businesses make when promoting their products and services through social media: 1: We know you are a business, but please don't remind us The biggest mistake businesses make with social media is constantly posting about their company, products or services. Anybody that receives the messages you post have actively 'liked' or 'followed' your brand; not because they want to read a company newsletter every time they logon to Facebook or Twitter but because they want to get personal with your brand.

A real-world example of over-the-top promotion is when you are in a supermarket and there is that slightly annoying noise in the background... the tannoy. The brands that succeed through social media are those that post about a variety of topics, as well as their company. As you can see Barmade Ltd made the most of Google's Olympic themed doodles and posted about them regularly, with occasional business related posts. 2: Not engaging with your 'fans' and 'followers' You post. Your Tweets During Nicki Minaj's Concert Could Appear in Times Square. How to Make an Infographic of your Twitter Profile. Computer technology at its birth was complicated and extremely difficult to use. It was the sand box of geeks and engineers. You had to have a degree in computer science to play with the big mainframes of IBM and Hewlett Packard.

It was the age of “big iron”, water cooled monsters that took up rooms to crunch data that is now seen as simple tasks and can now be performed on your iPhone. Computing for the Masses The advent of the personal computer brought computing to the masses. Software emerged such as Word, that enabled people to easily write their own documents and by-pass the secretary with the type writer. The emergence of the smartphone has now put a computer and publishing machine in your pocket. The Holy Grail The holy grail of computer visionaries has been to make computers as easy to use as electricity. Steve Jobs said this about technology “The best way to create value in the 21st century is to connect creativity with technology” Give it a try and see what it produces!

Read More. Digital thoughts. Americans Get Social on Their Phones. Social networking, aided by the widespread adoption of smartphones in the US, is quickly making the jump to mobile, according to eMarketer estimates. By the end of this year, nearly 82 million US mobile users will use a social networking site on their phone at least monthly, or more than a quarter of the total US population. The vast majority of these users (95.5%) will be checking social sites on a smartphone, and smartphone users are about twice as likely as overall mobile phone users to do so this year.

By 2014, eMarketer estimates, nearly half of the total US mobile population will be mobile social networkers. Unsurprisingly, most of these mobile social networkers are hitting up Facebook on their phones. Americans Get Social on Their Phones. Social networking, aided by the widespread adoption of smartphones in the US, is quickly making the jump to mobile, according to eMarketer estimates.

By the end of this year, nearly 82 million US mobile users will use a social networking site on their phone at least monthly, or more than a quarter of the total US population. The vast majority of these users (95.5%) will be checking social sites on a smartphone, and smartphone users are about twice as likely as overall mobile phone users to do so this year. By 2014, eMarketer estimates, nearly half of the total US mobile population will be mobile social networkers.

Unsurprisingly, most of these mobile social networkers are hitting up Facebook on their phones. Come chat with us! Join #RaganSocial on Wednesday for another fun Twitter chat. Sign up for the Follow us on: Join us Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 4 p.m. ET to talk about emerging social media platforms. By Samantha Hosenkamp | Posted: August 7, 2012 We hope you enjoyed our last #RaganSocial chat on how to integrate social media into your business plan. If you missed it, here’s a recap. This week we’ll be talking about emerging social media platforms and how to use them for your business. We’ll start by talking about which new or newish platforms you think are most beneficial for business (Tumblr? Hope to see you at #RaganSocial on Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 4 p.m. Have questions? Popularity: This record has been viewed 578 times. Expand, Engage, Evaluate. The Psychology Of Social Networking [INFOGRAPHIC] Huge Changes Are Coming To Twitter. Humanizing Our Organizations Through Social Media.

Cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Alyssa L. Miller Social Media is becoming dominant in every facet of our society. I remember years ago, walking into a church for a concert and seeing on their TV screens, links to their Facebook and Twitter pages and them sharing ways that you could connect to them. It was interesting to think of an institution that is usually known for being so steeped in tradition, thinking of ways they could use this new technology to connect with people that live in an ever-changing world. Yet we still see many schools and school districts fearful of what social media can do in a negative manner to possibly the way they do their day-to-day “business” or even the impact it can have (in a negative way) on their reputation. As more organizations outside of school begin to embrace social media, we have to think about what the purpose of using social media is and how we can learn from others.

As society changes, schools need to change with it. 7 Apps To Help Filter Through The Growing Social Media Noise. Now that internet uses are finding themselves with several social networking profiles to manage, it is easy for all that content and information to become nothing more than noise; pointless chatter that takes up vital brain cells and gets in the way of important details. Several filters, extensions and applications made their way online to help discerning social medias to cut out the more banal aspects of the day-to-day dealings with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and the like.

Below are several of the best available (with one rubbish one thrown in for good measure). Social Fixer Social Fixer is here to reclaim Facebook for those who think Zuckerberg has become bored and has tinkered far too much with the site for their liking. You can change a lot of small, nagging details from the layout and chat to timeline and even the theme. For instance, Social Fixer allows you to decide on the font size and shows a full-size image when you hover over a thumbnail. Newsle Stream Filter TweetDeck. LinkedIn Microsoft Office Integration. There are over 1,000,000 Twitter tools to choose from. Here are the 4 I use.

There are a LOT of Twitter tools out there – so many that it can become quite confusing to figure out which ones you really need and which ones you can live without. Sure, they might just be a few bucks a month. But a few bucks can add up quickly if you’re using a lot of different premium tools regularly. In today’s post, we’re going to look at a few highly useful Twitter tools – both premium (paid subscriptions only) and freemium (paid and free subscriptions) – to see: Which ones you absolutely need.Whether they violate Twitter terms of service.Popular alternatives.Other ways you can get around using them without paying full price. 1. HootSuite is a well-known Twitter management tool that allows you to manage multiple social media accounts in one service including Facebook, LinkedIn, and possibly even Google+ in the future. Follow important Twitter streams in columns.

HootSuite is a freemium tool – you can use it for free for up to five social profiles. HootSuite Alternatives 2. 3. 4. 5 Habits of Highly Successful Social Media Managers. How one tweet caused the first casualty of the Social Media Olympics. The “Social Media Olympics” started with a bang as elite Greek triple-jumper Voula Papachristou was removed from her country’s Olympic team after tweeting (what many viewed as) a racist remark making light of Greece’s recent West Nile Virus outbreak. Papachristou also has posted videos on YouTube expressing support for the Golden Dawn political party, a far-right party whose members have expressed views supportive of Hitler and Nazism, so this isn’t necessarily an isolated incident. In Peter Trapasso‘s great post, “How to Participate in the First Social Media Olympics” he recounted all of the ways that fans can interact with athletes and all of the initiatives on specific platforms to enhance the Olympic experience.

Olympians are giving their fans unprecedented accessibility throughout these games and in theory that is very cool. I just wonder if we need all of that to enjoy the event? This just in…. Social Media Plan - Are You The Rifle or The Shotgun? Posted by John Paul Aguiar in social media Social Media Plan Changes I love social media, you love social media, but does social media love us back? This post came to me after talking to a Twitter friend @lorimcneeartist, we were talking about Social Media and all the sites we have available now and I mentioned that… “I’m becoming more social online then I am in real life” Sad right? Here’s an example of this that happened to me last week.

“I was getting my coffee at Dunkin Donuts in the morning before work, and the girl at the window was nice and we were chatting it up “she recognized the sexy I roll with” I was feeling it was going well so I jumped and asked for her……… Facebook page! To me that is ridiculous, yet it’s completely normal now. I love Social media and I think every blogger and business owner should have a social media plan in place. I wrote a post on social media learning at – The 5 Fingers To Social Media Learning But when is it to much? In All Places Yet Not In Any Be The Rifle. Racist tweet sees Greek athlete kicked out of Games. Renew Yourself Inside and Out – Relationships in Social Media.

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ~Albert Einstein PHOTO CREDIT: Maggie Rawlinson I love Social Media. I am on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, just to mention a few. Over the years, I’ve connected with many wonderful people. As someone who has traveled extensively, I enjoy living with “no borders” and exploring new cultures. We all make choices in life. I don’t have enemies. All negativity is a cry for love and compassion. You may have noticed how one upset person can affect a whole community and how one loving, wise person can be inspirational.

When we bring our positive and loving energy to the surrounding environment, others feel loving and peaceful too. We can choose peace no matter how others are acting. We always have a choice; peace over worry and love over conflict. Over time, I’ve learned that simply observing people without making any judgments can lead to better understanding. PHOTO CREDIT: Shannon May. 9 Alternatives to Bitly. 8 Ways To Build Your Community On Twitter. 50 Terrific Twitter Chats for Journalism Students. 49 Social Media Management and Influence Measurement Tools. 18 Cool Things People Do On Twitter. Music Monday: Go Back in Time With These Tunes.

42 Dazzling Tips To Rock You Business with Blogging & Social Media. Without Agenda. Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC] Get Your Facebook Account Under Control This Weekend. Can social media save the planet? How to Fully Utilize Twitter Lists. Brand Engagement Soars as Companies see Growing Profit through Social Media Interaction.


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