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20 Steps To Being A Pinterest Superstar. Posted by: Tracey Lott Heitzman on May 24, 2012 15:32. Posted in Multifamily Insiders Some of you may have already jumped on the Pinterest band wagon and some of you may still be wondering what exactly it can do to help increase traffic to your communities. The number one reason to use Pinterest is for the referral traffic – that is the percentage of Pinterest visitors who click on links to go to other sites, is far higher on Pinterest than other social media sites, according to As of March 2012 Pinterest was ranked as the #3 social media site, with 104 million visitors. Here’s the ranking: Facebook: 7 billionTwitter: 182 millionPinterest: 104 millionLinkedIn: 86 millionTagged: 72 millionGoogle+: 61 million If you haven’t already signed your community up for Pinterest, you will need an invite from a fellow member.

Here are 20 Steps to Help You Become a Pinterest Superstar: Read More….. Like this: Like Loading... Related Top 10 Ways to Use Pinterest for Business In "Business" Why You Should NEVER Buy Facebook Fans. 10 Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy. Why Brand Advocates Power Your Social Marketing. If there was any question that brand advocates can make a huge difference in converting their own networks into fans for your company, new data released today from Wildfire pretty much puts that one to rest. Wildfire, the fast-growing social marketing company that is being acquired by Google, studied 10,000 social media campaigns over the past nine months and came away with some eye-opening conclusions.

It summarized the analysis in a free e-report and is hosting a free webinar this Wednesday to showcase the key findings and share best practices for engaging advocates. The study pretty much confirms that generating a community of sharers and advocates rather than simply building a huge contingent of fans (Wildfire calls them “joiners”) is invaluable in spreading the word about you and in multiplying engagements. A few of the findings: The coolest part is the six specific best practices of the top performing social brands. Connect: Authored by: Paul Simon See complete profile. 25 Great Inbound Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading. Marketing Automation Lessons to Learn from 90s One Hit Wonders. I was driving to work the other day and the song “The Freshman” by the Verve Pipe starting playing on XM radio’s Lithium channel–the Lithium channel being my all-time favorite 90s alternative music station. I immediately got excited and started enthusiastically singing along–even remembering a Verve Pipe and K’s Choice concert my friends took me to see back in New Haven, Connecticut.

I walked into the office humming along to this song, which sparked a pretty hilarious conversation between me and my colleagues about 90s one-hit wonders. What really separated 4 Non Blondes from Radiohead, or The Crash Test Dummies from Nirvana? Well, one may think a lack of epically awesome music, but really for some reason they were unable to continually engage their audiences and keep them interested. Now, what does this have to do with marketing automation specifically? 1) Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. 2) Pay attention to your copy. 3) Keep your audience coming back. Business without Borders | The decade of the CIVETS. Social Media and Technology SHOULD Make Tasks EASIER NOT Harder So, Keep It Simple Stupid [KISS. Technology and Social Media can be as difficult or as easy as you want to make it. I’m not saying that it’s so easy, only that sometimes it doesn’t have to be quite as complicated as some can make it. Sometimes people make technology, social media and digital marketing a lot more complicated than it needs to be.

This is usually because of lack of understanding, negativity toward online platforms, the need to use something that is new and shiny just because it’s new and shiny or a combination of all of the above. So I’ve decided to list a few very simple things that can be done to help you THINK of technology in a different way, a way that can create an easier way to get things done in the easiest way possible. The first thing you should really do is shift your mindset about technology, social media and Internet Marketing. Sometimes a persons mindset about technology can create unnecessary hurdles and complications. Like this: Like Loading... About anisesmith.