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Interactive Algebra. Computer-mediated Learning in Mathematics and Universal Instructional Design. Graph Paper! ILCCO - Illinois Community Colleges Online Main Page. M U L T I F L Y E R - v02a. Online Network_ Faculty Summer Institute. The Integrator-Power to do integrals as the world has never seen before-powered by Mathematica. Polynomial Functions. By changing the values of the coefficients a, b, c, d, e and f.

Polynomial Functions

It is not easy to draw any conclusion when you change all 5 coefficients at the same time. You can always reduce the degree (highest power) by setting some parameters to zero. For example if you set parameter a to zero and b to a non zero value, you obtain a polynomial of degree 4. Online tools - maths online. One of many scientific calculators on the web.

Online tools - maths online

It accepts brackets, functions like sin, cos, tan, exp, log, sqrt, pow, asin, acos, atan, gamma, the constants E und PI. On the calculator's web page you find a detailed description. - Solutions To Exercises In Popular Math Books, Math Problems and Tutorials, Algebra - Equations, Polynomials. Multiplication Table. Interactive Games -