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School Age Bullying. Videos about Bullying. Workplace Bullying. Bob Sutton: The No Asshole Rule. It is Thanksgiving morning here in California and I was thinking of all the good things in my life I have to be thankful for, just as I know that so many of you are thinking today.

Bob Sutton: The No Asshole Rule

I thought it would be nice to reprint a story and poem I first posted on this blog over five years ago, on the day The No Asshole Rule was published and it was updated shortly after on the day Vonnegut died. The key part is Vonnegut's Joe Heller poem, one of the last things he published before he died. His message that reminding ourselves how much we have (rather than how much we want), that so many of us "have enough," is timeless and especially fitting for the day.

Enjoy and have a happy Thanksgiving. Discussion Flowchart.