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Top Stories - Quartz. Publish and promote your content. Neurociência entra pesado na briga pelo consumidor. Identidade olfativa, trilha sonora especial e, claro, muita tecnologia.

Neurociência entra pesado na briga pelo consumidor

Vale quase tudo para manter o cliente dentro da loja André Lessa/AE Loja de Marcelo ganhou clientes com a mudança Aguçar os sentidos para engrossar o caixa no fim do mês. How Mobile Technologies Are Shaping a New Generation - Tammy Erickson. The cohort I like to call the “Re-Generation” began to take shape around 2008.

How Mobile Technologies Are Shaping a New Generation - Tammy Erickson

Individuals at the formative ages of 11 to 13, those born after about 1995, were part of a substantively different world than the one that had shaped 11 to 13 year olds over the preceding fifteen or so years. In an earlier post, I discussed the impact the Global Financial Crisis had on the formation of this new generation. Technology, of course, has also been a powerful influence on the Re-Generation, so much so that Bill Gates proposed that we call this next wave Generation I, for Internet. The Future Of Mobile [DECK]