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Gingivitis & Periodontitis: Symptoms & Treatment of Gum. A recent Japanese study confirms that supplementation with DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid) can improve the outcome for individuals with gum disease.

Gingivitis & Periodontitis: Symptoms & Treatment of Gum

According to estimates, gingivitis is the 2nd most common disease worldwide. Estimates are that 30-50% of American men and women have some form of periodontal disease, a serious oral infection that destroys the soft tissue and bone that sustain the teeth. The discovery that supplementing ones diet with omega-3 fatty acids could reduce dental disease holds remarkable promise! The anti-bacterial properties of omega-3 fatty acids against oral pathogens were previously reported in a research project at the University of Kentucky’s College of Dentistry. According to that study, all three omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA and ALA) limited the growth of Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Candida Albicans, even at low doses. What does this mean to you? Here is a list of foods highest in omega-3 fatty acids:

New Dental Technologies Used for Best Treatment. Technology is progressing at an unimaginable speed.

New Dental Technologies Used for Best Treatment

What used to be writings of sci-fi writers has become our reality and an essential part of our lives. There is no sector or field in the world that has remained untouched by technology. The same goes for the dental field. Over the last few decades, significant progress has been made in dental procedures, equipment, and methodologies. As a result, they are more efficient, painless and faster. Top Foods That Damage Your Teeth - iSmile NYC. Although everyone knows that drinking soda (including diet soda) and eating sweets can damage teeth, many of our New York City cosmetic dental patients are surprised when, after noticing some dental erosion, we ask about their “healthy” habits, such as juicing.

Top Foods That Damage Your Teeth - iSmile NYC

Here are five “healthy” foods that may be challenging your beautiful smile, and some tips to maintain your pearly whites! Gummy Vitamins Prior to the presence of gummy vitamins, children often balked at the chalky texture of chewable vitamin tablets. Seeking a more palatable option for kids, vitamin manufacturers created little chewable vitamins similar to gummy bear candies. Best Vitamins for Teeth & Gums to Optimize Your Dental Health. Many patients treated at my Manhattan cosmetic dental practice believe in the power of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Best Vitamins for Teeth & Gums to Optimize Your Dental Health

They take them because they know that sticking with the healthiest diet doesn’t always happen; that our soils are depleted of minerals compared with even 50 years ago, and because they want to maximize their health and well being. Resin, Porcelain or Ceramic: What’s the Difference? Over the past 20 years, dental patients have benefited from advances in dental technology.

Resin, Porcelain or Ceramic: What’s the Difference?

Examples include traditional metal braces that have been supplemented with Invisalign, and manual flossing with its high-tech alternative, water flossing. The standard in dental fillings, that being the silvery metallic fillings we all recognize, have been marginalized as dentists and consumers alike find ceramic and resin dental materials superior to their ancestor. Ceramics have been used since the early 1900s to create dental porcelain, although the formula has been made stronger over the years, and today’s products are more natural looking than previously. If you lost a tooth in the 50’s or 60’s, it’s likely it wasn’t replaced with an exact match, due to technology limitations at the time.

How to Detox Your Body with Oil Pulling - iSmile. Here at iSmile, our cosmetic dentist practice in NYC, Dr.

How to Detox Your Body with Oil Pulling - iSmile

Chiarello and I are quite familiar with Oil Pulling. The Most Compelling Reason to Floss Your Teeth. There’s a proven connection between poor dental health and dementia.

The Most Compelling Reason to Floss Your Teeth

What’s that you say? Yes, it’s true. Here are links to two separate studies on that topic: The study from the University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine and Dentistry The study from Kanagawa Dental College in Japan. Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment at iSmile. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is one of the most common dental surgeries in the world.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment at iSmile

Wisdom tooth extraction is defined as a procedure, conducted through surgery, to remove either one or more of the wisdom teeth from an individual’s mouth. 5 Damaging Brushing Habits to Avoid. Of course you’re brushing your teeth at least twice daily: upon rising and before bed.

5 Damaging Brushing Habits to Avoid

Hopefully, you’re thoroughly rinsing your mouth after lunch and snacks during the day when brushing isn’t possible. These Oral Bacteria Are Linked To an Increased Chance of Pancreatic Cancer. Most of us brush and floss twice a day for fresh breath and to keep away cavities, but there are more important reasons to keep a clean mouth: research studies have shown links between poor oral health and illnesses such as heart disease, premature birth, stroke, and diabetes.

These Oral Bacteria Are Linked To an Increased Chance of Pancreatic Cancer

Recently, researchers have linked two specific dental bacteria, already known to be present in periodontal disease, to an increased risk for pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, individuals with both bacteria present in the mouth had double the risk of developing the disease. We want our New York dental patients to be aware of this study. New York University researchers took oral samples of 732 individuals at the beginning of a 10-year study. During the study period, half of the 732 developed pancreatic cancer. The results of the study were presented at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. It’s not all bad news. Researcher Dr. Encouraged by the study, Dr. Your oral health is our primary concern. Teeth Whitening (Laser Whitening in NYC) - Cosmetic Dentistry. This is the season for special occasions, especially graduations, bridal showers and weddings. If you’re looking for an interesting gift idea to wow your gifted, one of the most unique, interesting, and useful gifts is teeth whitening!

Sound odd? Not really. Antidepressants Increase the Risk of Implant Failure. The results of an 8-month dental implant study, correlating dental implant failure with the use of antidepressants, will be presented at the March, 2016 meeting of the American Association for Dental research. Antidepressants have dramatically improved the quality of many lives. However, there’s a surprising side effect that most people don’t know about: a connection between implant failure and antidepressants.

Why Antidepressants Might Negatively Impact Dental Implants Because antidepressants have been shown to affect the metabolism of bone tissue–see this 2007 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showing that antidepressants sped up the loss of bone tissue in older women–researchers at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine wanted to gauge the strength of that association by studying patients that used antidepressants and received dental implants.

The Study Of the 74 patients in the study, 8 experienced implant failure. Are Electric Toothbrushes Better For Your Teeth than Manual. Like most people, you’ve been brushing your teeth for as long as you can remember, and have likely gone through hundreds, if not thousands, of toothbrushes over your lifetime. You’ve seen toothbrush commercials touting the benefits of toothbrushes with a tiny rubber tip on the end to clean between your teeth and toothbrushes that play music to entice your children to brush.

If you’re old enough, you might remember the Broxodent, the first electric toothbrush introduced in the US, in 1960. Since the introduction of the first “modern” toothbrush in the late 1700s to today’s high-tech ergonomic designs, the lowly toothbrush has come a long way. When we think of the word “toothbrush,” most of us imagine a manual toothbrush with a plastic handle and a row of nylon bristles. However, since the invention of the electric toothbrush, Americans have a choice between manual and electric.

The Benefits of a Manual Toothbrush. Dental Phobia Reduced Through Cognitive Therapy. Individuals with a high level of dental anxiety are more likely to avoid trips to the dentist. As a result of this avoidance, they often experience a more advanced level of dental problems which, when finally treated, serve to reinforce their fears of the dentist. To address this repeating cycle, researchers in the UK tested CBT, a “talk therapy” technique, to see if it might help patients with dental phobia and/or dental anxiety. For the British study, conducted by King’s College London Dental Institute, researchers selected cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which replaces negative thoughts with positive ones to equip patients to address their fears.

Reduce Cholesterol by Eating an Apple a Day. As you know, sugar is converted into various acids in your mouth, which instantly begin to attack tooth enamel, which leads to tooth decay and, if left unchecked, gum disease (periodontal disease). Regular brushing and flossing combined with lowered sugar consumption will help you avoid both.

So, where do apples come in? Crunchy fruits and vegetables like green beans, broccoli, celery, carrots and apples have a high water content that helps dilute the sugar content in them. The act of biting and crunching these foods also stimulates saliva production to help wash away food particles and prevent plaque buildup. Fear of the Dentist: How to Cope with Dentophobia - iSmile. Best Dentists in Manhattan at iSmile Clinic. Not everyone is born with a perfect set of teeth. Tooth Pain After A Root Canal - iSmile Dental Clinic NYC. Dental patients are often surprised when they have discomfort following a root canal because, once completed, no living tissue remains inside the tooth.

Since that’s the case, how could the tooth cause the patient any distress? One of the most common causes of post-root canal tooth pain is inflammation, which can be caused by the procedure itself or because the infection caused the tooth ligament to become swollen. How Brushing and Flossing Lower the Risk for Dementia. Crown vs. Fillings: Which Is the Better Option? - Dr. Shapiro. Dental Implants Vs Dental Bridge: Pros and Cons. Gummy Vitamins Harmful For Your Teeth. Best Cosmetic Dentists in NYC. iSmile - Gum disease and heart disease: The common thread. One of the studies that were conducted in 2014 included people who had both heart diseases and gum diseases.

The study established that individuals who took care of their gum disease had a decrease of 10 to 40% in their cardiovascular care costs, in contrast to people who did not take care. Another review article published in recent years analyzed several studies conducted on this top and successfully concluded that heart and gum diseases are co-related. The article also mentioned that when people have gum diseases, it increases their risk of heart diseases by almost 20%. Chlorine and Your Dental Enamel.

Dental Concerns for seniors. The Dental Health - Oral Tissues and Hormones of Women. Orthodontics - Invisalign Before & After - Orthodontic therapy Ismile. Want to have a pleasant smile? Looking for an effective solution to straighten your teeth? What are dental implants? - Dental implants procedure. Pregnancy and Dental Health - Medication and Precautions. 6 Great Tips During Christmas Holidays for Dental Health. Oral Cancer: Discover Facts about Cancer of the Mouth – iSmile. Evaluation Of The Plaque Removal Efficacy of a Water Flosser. General Dentists New York, NY - iSmile.

Emergency Dental Treatment. Periodontal Plastic Procedures. Dr. Shapiro - Microabrasion in New York City - iSmile. Emergency Dental Care NYC - iSmile Dental Emergencies New York. Periodontal Plastic Procedures. Skin Resurfacing New York City. iSmile - Full-Mouth Reconstruction in New York City, NY. What is Cosmetic Dentistry? Cosmetic Dentistry with Dr. Shapiro. iSmile Teeth Whitening. NYC Smile Design: Best Dentist NYC. Best Dentist Lower Manhattan NYC. All You need to know about General Dentistry - iSmile. Top Implant Dentists Manhattan.

Orthodontics - Invisalign Before & After - Orthodontic therapy Ismile.