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Inspire: Introduction to Open Video Q&A. Questions When is the next release date for Kaltura CE?

Inspire: Introduction to Open Video Q&A

Are the Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition the same code lines? If not, what are examples of things available only in Enterprise? How does AthletixNation track the metrics on the social network integrations to their API? Is anyone using the Kaltura Wordpress plugin with the new BuddyPress and WP-MU for social functionality? Could you say few words about the business model of kaltura and Open Video? Will there be a uiConf integrator and will the editors (KSE, KAE) have custom uiConf files? What is an example of an innovation Kaltura has integrated into its code which came from the open source community? Feedback on the webinar system: what kind of chat is this?

Feedback on the webinar system: I was very disappointed that I had go and look for a windows machine. Can you say something regarding the new mediawiki plugin? What is a Kaltura video player.. a SWF file that plays content (sound, images and video)? Answers Sure. Télévision, Internet et les nouvelles stratégies de création de valeur - Communauté [...] How To Setup Kaltura CE 4.0 VMWare Image in 15 minutes. By Roni Cohen Various forum threads (@, @, @) discussed issues with the VMWare image of Kaltura CE 4.0.

How To Setup Kaltura CE 4.0 VMWare Image in 15 minutes

The following video tutorial will guide you how to install Kaltura CE 4.0 VMWare image in 15 minutes. In the video we deliberately re-created most of the problems users encountered while setting up the VMWare image. The fixes mentioned in this video also apply to the generic Kaltura Server installation and are not specific to the VMWare image installation (We’ll make sure that in the next release these are simplified and fixed).

Two problems that the video solves particularly are the logs and cache folder permissions and the Sphinx localhost issue. Now set your clocks, follow the video and in 15 minutes you’ll be good to go. CE 4.0 VMWare Image Setup Video Tutorial The above is a good troubleshooting tip for most issues. The Video Instructions in a list – Setting up Kaltura CE 4.0 VMWare image. Kaltura Community Update Newsletter. Community Edition Case Study – StreamUK Launching Enterprise Grade Kaltura CE based Video Platform. This is a guest post by Duncan Burbidge, Co-Founder and CEO of StreamUK, a UK based webcasting and digital media company.

Community Edition Case Study – StreamUK Launching Enterprise Grade Kaltura CE based Video Platform.

StreamUK was founded in 2001 to provide digital media solutions and back then you did everything yourself. After 7 years of trying to match the increasing pace of technological development, the decision was taken to investigate options for StreamUK’s main online video platform (OVP). In 2008, various options presented themselves, including partnerships with the likes of Brightcove, taking investment to re-develop our own OVP or working with an open source variant. After trialling and modelling these approaches, it was decided that the latter (adopting an open source solution) was the most promising for three reasons: Culturally – we, and more importantly our clients, needed control of their features from Europe;Practically – we have huge value to contribute to the solution from a decade of accumulating knowledge at code, CDN and video levels;Temporally(!)