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Desmitificando el bloqueo creativo con infalibles estrategias. Infinity Expressed As Hypnotic GIFs. How do you represent infinity as an image?

Infinity Expressed As Hypnotic GIFs

You could go all esoteric with the snake eating its own tail, known as Ouroboros, or maybe you prefer something a little more mathematical like the sideways figure 8. Or maybe, just maybe, you'd like to dedicate a whole tumblr blog to hypnotic geometric representations of "that without limit" in GIF form. That's what the person who runs Hexeosis has done. Animator by day, conjurer of infinity by night their aim, as stated on their tumblr, is to create "a collection of original gifs created to visually represent infinity". Simple. ¿De qué color son los sentimientos? ¿Qué aspecto tienen? ¿Qué palabras utilizan? Alegría Los sentimientos poseen en su naturaleza una ambigüedad que oscila entre la realidad más palpable y cierta abstracción que en ocasiones los hacen parecer falsos o meras ideas sin sustento efectivo.

¿De qué color son los sentimientos? ¿Qué aspecto tienen? ¿Qué palabras utilizan?

Un interesante proyecto llevado a cabo por Orlagh O’Brien nos invita a ver desde otra perspectiva la realidad de los sentimientos, pues por medio de “Emotionally Vague” (“Emocionalmente Vago”), la diseñadora gráfica de origen inglés dio color, forma e incluso voz a la ira, la alegría, el miedo, la tristeza y el amor. Amor. El pibe de la bici. + Cecilia Amorín @cesamorin - 11.08.2013, 06:27 hs Texto: -A / A+

El pibe de la bici

La fascinante teoría del color de Goethe. 8 inventos de estudiantes que podrían revolucionar el mundo. FMX: Check out the new FMX 2014 trailer RUGBYBUGS! ¿A qué suena el color azul? La extravagante psicoldelia de la sinestesia. La sinestesia es uno de esos desórdenes neuronales tan extravagantes que a veces desearíamos tenerlo.

¿A qué suena el color azul? La extravagante psicoldelia de la sinestesia

Se trata de una rara condición neuronal que lleva a la estimulación por un sendero sensorial que detona una experiencia por medio de otra; es decir, un corto circuito en las neuronas que permite que fenómenos tan extraños como escuchar colores, ver sonidos y probar olores tengan lugar. Лучшая наружная реклама мира » Jo-jo * Твоё место под солнцем. Мы предлагаем вам посмотреть подборку лучшей наружной рекламы в мире по версии пользователей сайта Реклама укрепляющей зубной пасты «Вчера ты сказал «Завтра».

Лучшая наружная реклама мира » Jo-jo * Твоё место под солнцем

Nike. Desarrollo rápido de productos innovadores para mercados emergentes. Coursera. ¿Dónde nace la creatividad? Ilustraciones de Matheus Lopes Castro.

Agencia de viaje

Booyah Medium Dog Pet Bike Trailer Pet Trailer and Stroller Red: Sports & Outdoors. ¿Cuánta información se produce en un minuto en Internet? (INFOGRAFÍA) Canvas, Camera, Brush, and Algorithms Enable Robot Artist’s Beautiful Paintings. If there were a Turing test for artificial creativity (AC)—e-David might well be on its way to passing.

Canvas, Camera, Brush, and Algorithms Enable Robot Artist’s Beautiful Paintings

The robotic system, built by researchers at the University of Konstanz in Germany, employs a variety of styles to produce paintings remarkably similar to their human counterparts. However, although e-David’s paintings look human, the system itself isn’t remotely creative. Viajar en bici. Eugenia's Collages. If Apple's Jony Ive Could Redesign The World. Las redes de actores como elementos claves del desarrollo local. Aportaciones desde la sociología y la antropología del desarrollo.

Las redes de actores como elementos claves del desarrollo local.

Las redes de actores como elementos claves del desarrollo local. Aportaciones desde la sociología y la antropología del desarrollo

Plan estratégico para una imagen corporativa. Introducción. Infographic Gallery. Video: Lo Que Ud. Debe Hacer Para Invertir en la Bolsa de Valores. Quantum Network Secretly Running for 2 Years. A national laboratory has been running a quantum network that could make perfectly secure Internet communications a reality.

Quantum Network Secretly Running for 2 Years

Though the new technology, described May 1 in the preprint journal, is still being run in a test network, the technology could be the first economical and scalable quantum cryptography that could be used with existing fiber-optic networks, specifically on the networks that run electrical grids and other critical infrastructure. Unbreakable codes In cryptography, computers send coded messages that require a key to decipher. But existing encryption techniques aren't perfectly secure — with enough computational power and time, they can be hacked. Enter quantum cryptography. Graffiti con cinta adhesiva: el arte callejero en asfalto y paredes de Buff Diss (FOTOGALERÍA) Open-rTMS / Code / [r29] Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY.

6 Obscure NASA Sites Every Nerd Has to See. NASA has Twitter down to a science.

6 Obscure NASA Sites Every Nerd Has to See

The agency knows the ins and outs of YouTube. It even even makes Google+ look cool. But what you may not know is that NASA has plenty of forgotten features all over its websites, just waiting for geeks to uncover. Here are six of them. 1. Now You Can Buy 3D Printers From Staples. Staples just became a little more cutting edge.

Now You Can Buy 3D Printers From Staples

Animated GIF by Jamie Beck. Paolo Soleri, founder of Arcology, dies at 93. Arcology is the term coined by visionary architect Paolo Soleri to mean a fusion of both architecture and ecology. Soleri spent his lifetime investigating how architecture, and specifically the architecture of the city, could support the endless possibilities of human aspiration. He founded Arcosanti in Arizona, an urban laboratory focused on innovative design, community, and environmental accountability. His ideas were vast and envisioned on a grand scale, and throughout his long life he used them to question our familiar ideas about what architecture could be. He passed away April 9 at the age of 93. Soleri’s Arcology seeks to create a “Lean Alternative” to hyper consumption and wastefulness through more frugal, efficient, smart and elegant city designs.

Vibrant GIFS That Will Show You Another World. If you like visual sensory overload, then you will love these bright animated GIFs by Yuriy Mironoff. In this series, the artist/illustrator/animator, who is based in Kiev, Ukraine, brings tribal figures to life with vibrant, colorful animation. If you listen to the music at the bottom of the post while you gaze through the collection the creatures will appear to dance to the beat.

See Also ABSTRACT IN MOTION: MIND BENDING GIF ANIMATIONS In an interview with the Daily Dot, Mironoff said: “GIF is the most interesting format of my Tumblr generation. Check him out on Tumblr, Behance, Twitter, and Flickr. Manga Fan Brings 2D Art to Life Through Perspective. Seeking to make himself a cool profile picture, a Chinese engineering student named Gaikuo-Captain had some fun with a camera and photoshop. He superimposed himself into illustrations of his most beloved manga and anime characters and posted his 21 images on the internet. In just a day he had received 10,000 views and a lot of fans of his work! Visual News - The Cure For Eyeball Boredom.

Dattatec le informa que su cuenta de hosting ha sido creada en forma exitosa. Отличные картины Оскара Гутиреза. By Art 4 Январь,14:25 Завораживающая глаз коллекция оригинальных работ художника Оскара Гутиреза (Oscar Gutiérrez) из Мадрида, Испания. Geomancia. Sintiendo las energías telúricas. FUENTE La geomancia es una creencia muy antigua. Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator. 22 Broken Gifs That'll Probably Make You Question Your Sanity - CollegeHumor Picture Gallery. Делаем креативный сувенир своими руками » Jo-jo * Твоё место под солнцем. Фотоэкскурсия по красивейшим местам в мире » Jo-jo * Твоё место под солнцем. Сегодня я хочу предложить вам увлекательную фотопрогулку по самым красивым местам нашей планеты, которые нужно обязательно увидеть в своей жизни.

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The fruit makes its way through the bird’s digestive system, and the seeds of the fruit – coffee beans – come out perfectly processed. These coffee beans are among the most exclusive in the world. This story has inspired us, and the bird has lent its name to the new micro-roastery in Ålesund, Norway. JACU COFFEE ROASTERY was established in 2011.