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Top 5 Beauty Secrects from Korea. It’s been a little over a year since my last visit to South Korea but I still remember how impressed I was by the beauty of Korean girls and their efforts to look pretty and stylish.

Top 5 Beauty Secrects from Korea

I really enjoyed the time I had spent in Seoul and the most interesting part of it was adjusting to the Korean lifestyle and discovering the beauty secrets of Korean women. Korean girls have naturally thick, healthy & shiny hair to die for and they really enjoy trying different hairstyles. Long wavy hair is the most popular hairstyle among young Korean women followed by a medium length bob haircut with full bangs. It not only makes them look youthful but also extremely feminine and doll-like.

Most Korean girls dye their hair in various chocolate brown to dark blond colors depending on what’s in. Five best home beauty tips for modern women. You don’t have to spend a fortune at a spa to look fantastic.

Five best home beauty tips for modern women

I’ve found five beauty tips that you can use every day at home without spending a lot of money. 1. Apply sunscreen religiously every day. Most women think that sunscreen is for the beach. It is, but it’s also for overcast days when you’re sitting inside reading by the light of the window, driving down the highway with the sun streaming through the windshield and for every day in between. 2. Complementary colors, which are opposite on the color wheel, cancel each other out. 3. I like to think of the eyebrows as the picture frame for the eyes. Image Source: © Valua Vitaly | Beauty Secrets from Aishwarya Rai. Aishwarya Rai is known for her flawless skin and sparkling eyes.

Beauty Secrets from Aishwarya Rai

Indian beauty tips used by Aishwarya Rai can also be used by anyone looking for glowing skin and vibrant eyes. Beauty secrets from Aishwarya Rai would include treating blemishes to create a poreless appearance and moisturizing so the skin seems to glow from within. Eye treatments will give the skin around the eyes a firm appearance and help you look well-rested. In my opinion, the most important step in creating flawless, glowing skin is to stay out of the sun.

Sun damage changes the texture of the skin. Many Indian beauty tips focus on natural skincare. Natural blemish treatments like tea tree oil can be used to spot treat breakouts. The Best Tips on How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup. Every woman wants to look beautiful everyday, and not all of us want to spend time and money on expensive makeup.

The Best Tips on How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Wearing makeup for most of us is a way to hide flaws and imperfections on our face like acne, dark spots, and scars but following a few simple tips can help reduce the imperfections that we feel like we need makeup to cover, and steer us away from the costly makeup isle. A crucial step in keeping our face looking beautiful is to wash it every day. For those of us with oily or dry skin, it is important to keep our skin clean and free of dirt, which is the main cause of acne and large pores. Washing your face twice a day will increase your chances of having beautiful, natural skin rather than piling on the makeup products. Today: 5 makeup mistakes that make you look older on MSN Video.

Fitness and exercise

15 of The Worst Mistakes Women Make Trying To Look Pretty - Wanna Enlarge Your Breasts? Try Breast Slapping! Women are bombarded with images of big-busted women via advertising and the media, making many feel inadequate and leading them to regard bust size as a “life-or-death” issue.

Wanna Enlarge Your Breasts? Try Breast Slapping!

Ladies who want to enlarge their breats should consider heading to Thailand to undergo breasts slapping. I am dead serious, ladies! Slapping? Yes, breast slapping is an officially approved method of breast enhancement. Khemmikka Na Songkhla, a Bangkok beautician invented the method of breast slapping that was eventually approved by Thailands government health board in 2003 as a natural alternative to surgery. Ms Khemmikka says she has enlarged the breasts of thousands of Thai women over the past 14 years – not with chemicals or silicone, but by using traditional massage. Khemmikka Na Songkhla The treatment involves a kneading action that massages fat from surrounding areas around the breasts, and pushing them towards the breasts. Boob massage Her customers come from a wide range of backgrounds, ages and professions.

How To Create Striking Eyes in 3 Easy Steps. Makeup brushes care and cleaning tips. Makeup brushes are your everyday tools to stay beautiful and bright. So they have to be cleansed as often as once in two weeks or more often if you use them everyday. In order to keep your brushes clean and your skin healthy we prepared some tips on makeup brushes care and cleaning. Why cleaning makeup brushes is important Makeup brushes accumulate not only old makeup products like shadows, foundation or blush but also dead skin cells and oils.

So when the brush is used very often it becomes full of these things which are perfect for bacteria. Prevent bacteria buildup. Natural hair highlights - Homemade hair treatments. Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems. Our skin is the first thing people notice about us. Beauty Secrets for Mummies: Parent Guide for Modern Mothers. Just because exhausted mummies lack time, doesn't mean we lack style!

Beauty Secrets for Mummies: Parent Guide for Modern Mothers

Here are some fashion tips and tricks from some sexy mummies to keep us all looking hot and yummy! Always put on some lip gloss! Even if you have don't have time for anything else - lip gloss at least makes it look like you tried! Marisa in Coquitlam, BC Get those toenails ready, spring is coming. Make sure you check yourself from the back as well as the front when you get dressed! Young skin diet - Diet. There's a saying that when you get older you have to choose between your face and your figure because when you lose weight you lose volume in your face, which makes you look older.

Young skin diet - Diet

But with our brilliant new skin diet you can have glowing, youthful skin and still lose weight. What is it? It's a one-week kick-start diet that will make your skin glow, your eyes brighter and your hair shine. Plus you could lose up to 5lbs in a week. It's packed with foods that are good for your skin, such as oily fish, nuts, seeds and fresh vegetables. How does it work?

The 7-day diet plan involves eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals that are especially good for the skin. Staying Slim More Complex than Previously Thought. Potato chips had the highest association with weight gain in one study.

Staying Slim More Complex than Previously Thought

Photo by stu_spivack/ The adage “Eat less, exercise more” generally works, but new research suggests that half the fight to stay slim lies in long-term lifestyle changes and eating the right foods. One study in The New England Journal of Medicine reports that avoiding fattening foods and sugar-heavy beverages reduces weight gain, yet some foods are far better at keeping the pounds off. To better understand the relationships among lifestyles, food and weight, the team approached the problem in reverse. Rather than studying weight loss in overweight or obese individuals, scientists looked at how certain activities and diet affected weight gain over several years. NEWS: Diet Based on TV Ads Makes People Fat, Unhealthy Using data tracking 120,877 healthy U.S. men and women for 12 and 20 years, researchers surveyed lifestyle variables such as exercise, TV time, sleep and alcohol use.