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White Papers and Social Media: A Symbiotic Relationship. Social media and white papers have both earned their label as white-hot marketing vehicles within today’s rapidly changing online environment. Social media has experienced a significant growth rate relatively quickly. Over the past five years, we’ve witnessed a host of companies establishing a Facebook presence in the same way that websites became the norm in the mid-1990s. For individuals, having a LinkedIn page and adding a Twitter identity to email signatures, contact lists and business cards is no longer just an option; it’s now a social requirement.

Commercial white paper popularity on the other hand has been gradually building over the past 15 years to achieve the same white-hot status as social media. Once the exclusive domain of the large, technically astute enterprise, white papers are now a common marketing tool found in just about every business sector from agriculture to zone planning. I’m of the belief that social media and white papers complement each other very well. to give a presentation.pdf. Presentation Design 101: Making Data Compelling in a Presentation. This post was written by Aristotle Presentation philosopher, teacher, in search of the best gyro.

What are the first words that come to mind when someone says “data”? Probably something along the lines of ‘boring’, ‘tedious’ and ‘complicated’. There’s little chance ‘exciting’ or ‘engaging’ came to mind. Data and statistics have something of a bad rap, and understandably so. Below are several slides from a recent presentation in which we worked on both content and design, and all of them serve as great examples of how to make data compelling in a presentation. Immediately after glancing at this slide, the audience knows what fact is the most important on it, and that’s the number: 80%. The message here is that “85% of all risk comes from 5% of the population.” The message point here is: ”Over the next decade… Let’s take a look at these two slides together.

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.1. Powerpoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint. In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Let’s get started! Also be sure to check out 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2!

Not a Designer? Most of the content on this site is targeted specifically towards professional designers and developers, or at the very least those interested in getting started in this field. You’ve chosen a visual tool to communicate and should therefore take the time to learn a thing or two about visual communications. Follow the ten tips below and see if you don’t start getting comments about your awesome presentation design skills.

Kuler Piknik. How to Design a Professional PowerPoint Presentation. Our recent series of tips on presentation design outlined some generic rules and ideas that you can live by to create better, more professional presentation. Today we want to follow that up by taking you through the actual process of designing a presentation from start to finish. We’ll break down every step of the design process, from choosing colors and images to using whitespace properly. After reading through this you should be all set to design your own beautiful presentation slides that will put your coworkers to shame. A Word About Content I usually make a big deal about content preceding design, and presentations are no exception. The reason that I bring this up is that I don’t really have an actual presentation in mind for this project.

Choosing A Color Scheme Before I even open Photoshop (yes, I design PowerPoint/Keynote slides in Photoshop and drop them in, thought it helps if you do the te), I want to find a color scheme on which to base my entire design. Choosing a Font. Stockholm Singapore SF Top Cities for Startups and Business. Two new studies hit recently that take a look at the best cities around the world for startups and business opportunities.

Fortune magazine went on a search for “cities that share the San Francisco Bay Area’s potent combination of creativity and capitalism” and came up with seven up-and-comers to keep an eye on. Meanwhile, Business Insider looked for “a city’s comprehensive potential for business across ten economic indicators” that range from intellectual capital to natural environment and identified 27 heavyweights (predominantly in the world’s largest cities). So which cities come out on top? Stockholm and Singapore are the only two cities that appear on both lists. Fortune points to Stockholm’s recent startup tech history and government spending on R&D (3.6% of GDP) as well as its business-friendly policies and academic outputs.

The Fortune list was comprised of: Zurich, Switzerland Stockholm, Sweden Singapore Dublin, Ireland Copenhagen, Denmark Oulu, Finland Eindhoven, Netherlands. Success Secrets Of The World's Most Powerful Women. Making Advanced Analytics Work for You. Artwork: Tamar Cohen, The Big Quick, 2010, silk screen collage on vintage book pages, 40" x 50" Big data and analytics have rocketed to the top of the corporate agenda. Executives look with admiration at how Google, Amazon, and others have eclipsed competitors with powerful new business models that derive from an ability to exploit data. They also see that big data is attracting serious investment from technology leaders such as IBM and Hewlett-Packard. Meanwhile, the tide of private-equity and venture-capital investments in big data continues to swell. The trend is generating plenty of hype, but we believe that senior leaders are right to pay attention.

Even so, our experience reveals that most companies are unsure how to proceed. Many CEOs, too, recall their experiences with customer relationship management in the mid-1990s, when new CRM software products often prompted great enthusiasm. Given this history, we empathize with executives who are cautious about big data. 1. The Worst and Best Advice I've Ever Gotten. 6 Tips for Writing a Facebook Post with the Perfect Call to Action.

The phrasing and structure of a Facebook status update correlates strongly to how users will engage with a post. For the best post engagement, use a call to action (CTA). CTAs help inform and encourage users what to do next. For example, if the aim is to get users to watch a video your business posted on Youtube, an effective CTA will not only give information on how that can be done, it will inspire users to follow through with the action as well. When constructing a Facebook post with a call to action, here are six things to keep in mind: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Now that you know the six rules for writing a Facebook post with a perfect call to action, here are two examples of how to rework a status update with a CTA. Examples Before: Great article with some good tips on Facebook fan-gating!

A stronger post would be: Looking for ways to increase your Facebook Page’s Likes? Before: We just created a Pinterest account, click her to follow us! A stronger post would be: Are you a DIYer? Connect: Recruitment - Hong Kong: Asian experience now essential in developing a career. How to Plan Social Media Marketing Strategy. January 2010 by Ankush Kohli If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Few of my friends, who were looking for job change, got many calls for interview. Most of time, interviewer’s main query was regarding “Social Media”. Below mentioned are the major questions they’ve asked for: How to create social media marketing campaign? So I thought to write my next post about “Designing Social Media Marketing Plan”. Why Social Media: The most effective way of getting users attention OR To reach online people.People tend to take part in online conversations and are happy to communicate with brands.The information found on the Social Web can be genuinely interesting and quite informative when applied to a business.

Social Media Marketing Plan Steps: 1. 2. Determining if your target audience is onlineExamining the successes and failures of other social media campaignsCreating realistic timelinesHow to measure the results 3. Now, it’s time implement all the plans. How To Build A Successful Social Media Strategy. Did you know that more than 65% of business owners plan to use social media even more in 2012 to help grow their business? Every business will have a different social media strategy. While the basics remain the same, there are different methods that can be used depending on what your niche is. When you develop your social media strategy, always remember to: 1. It is important to pre determine what you want to get out of your social media efforts. 2. Before investing a lot of time and resources into social media, it’s a mandatory to engage and stay engaged with your followers. 3.

Pre-determine what your content and what your aim will be, and design alike. 4. This is a great technique for brand awareness and to build your following quickly. 5. As you build followings on the various social networks, you will also see an increase in traffic to your website. As you can see, there is a lot that can go into ones social media strategy. Connect: Authored by: Samuel Junghenn See complete profile. Planning an Effective Social Media Strategy - YouMoz. Social media is a mess. There’s Facebook which now has over 800 million registered users, Twitter with over 300 Million registered users, Google+ who has some insane growth potential, Tumblr whose traffic has almost doubled in 2011 and who pulled in more than 17 million unique visitors (US) in November 2011, and so on. The list goes on and on. The internet is filled with so many different social outlets who seem to rise and fall every day.

So, as a business, where should you invest your time and money? Obviously it’s impractical for a business to utilize every social media website out there and it’s often unnecessary. Therefor a business needs to make a calculated decision and choose an appropriate tool. The best piece of advice I can offer you about social media strategy is that the answer to all of your questions is always: it depends.

One of the most important parts of having a successful social media campaign is drawing up and implementing a structured social media strategy. How to Find a Job Using Twitter. I’ll admit Twitter isn’t the first place most people are going to start to job hunt, but that’s also why it’s a great place to look. Unlike,LinkedIn where everyone is searching for a job or to connect with people hoping to score them a job, Twitter offers you a chance to connect with jobs not posted on traditional job sites like Career Builder or Monster.

Why is this a benefit? Because you’re not always competing against thousands of other applicants that massively apply to jobs at random. There are also two big bonuses to job searching on Twitter: You’ll immediately get in contact with a real person.You’ll hear back from them much faster. First off, make your Twitter profile stand out and look professional. Next, show off your expertise. Now, start the job hunt. If you want broaden your search look for jobs by using hashtags on Twitter such as #jobs, #recruiting, #jobadvice, #jobposting, #jobhunt and #jobsearch or if you want to be more specific try #marketingjobs, #salesjobs, ect. Richard Branson on Finding a Work-Life Balance. For an entrepreneur launching a startup, it always feels like there are a million things to do and the clock is against you.

It is easy to neglect your health and your family as you spend your time dealing with emergencies. Finding time for yourself or to think about the future of the business may seem just about impossible, but you won't be able to keep going at 100 miles per hour if you are running on empty. Just navigating each day can be a challenge. I find that technology is a great help -- I use phone calendars, email reminders and mobile reminders to maneuver my way to each meeting, event and party. You can also use these things to make sure you have time to eat regularly and that you can get a good sleep. And short breaks can make a big difference. Related: Richard Branson and the Sporting Life And as an entrepreneur you have to find a way to be flexible, because if there is a problem, you need to be able to prioritize. Related: Richard Branson on the Art of Delegation. Four Steps To Deal With Dishonest People. 10 Steps to Getting Started with Google Apps for Business | Slideshow.

To start, go to the main Google Apps for Business page and click "Start Free Trial. " You have 30 days to either opt into a paid Google Apps for Business account, which includes features like tech support, or stick with a basic account. A basic, unsupported Google Apps account is free for up to 10 users. Google Apps for Business starts at $5 per user per month and includes 24/7 tech support and the ability to disable ads. Next, verify the domain name for your business website with Google. Some major website hosting services have simple verification tools. In other cases, you'll have to manually upload something called TXT record from Google to your website host, or paste Google Analytics tracking code into your website's code. The next step is setting up Mail. Each company that hosts your business's online identity will have a different set of tools for managing MX records.

Next, you'll want to add each of the people who want to access the apps. You Might Also Like...