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Développement durable

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Annuaire BIO & Bien-être : magasins et sites BIO de l’alimentation BIO, maison BOIS, piscine ecologique, bien etre, produits bio... What is social participation? ‘Social participation comprises three dimensions: neighbouring, trust, and interest in politics.’

What is social participation?

This comes from a chapter of early findings from the ESRC’s Understanding society programme (the new household longitudinal study, described as ‘the world’s largest household panel survey’). The sentence is regarded as sufficiently important to be given a large-font margin box all of its own, so they must have meant it. It’s certainly different. Those who construct these large national surveys have to make a few questions go a long way, which ain’t easy; but it’s quite hard to see how you could get to this 3D reduction from the mix of concepts covered for example in this mindmap which I knocked up a few years ago. And we need the survey makers to get their structures right because they will set in train a whole lot of subsequent research, policy and practice for years to come. Changeons le monde !

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