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Adobe After Effects - Mediabox - Centre de Formation Adobe - Ressources. Cette section présente des tutoriaux qui vous permettront d'apprendre ou de vous perfectionner avec After Effects. Photo/Video/Audio Editing. BBC/OU - Creative Archive - A-Z of video. Copyrighted image Credit: The Open University fades away... For ten years, give or take, was the online home of Open University and BBC programming. Over the last few months, though, we've been moving into OpenLearn, creating one home for all The Open University's free learning content.

It means we share a home with the Open University's iTunesU and YouTube channels, and much more besides. You can use the navigation at the top of this page to explore what we have on offer. There's lots to do - you could watch Evan Davis exploring the state of British manufacturing7; explore the frozen planet8; get to know the science and history of the Olympics9 or have a look at our free courses. Most of the content from has been brought across; if you've landed here after typing or searching for an URL then you're probably looking for something that fitted into one of these categories: Open2 forums We still want you to join in, comment and share your views. ACTION/CUT Filmmaking Seminars - How to Write Visually. Boris Continuum UpRez - PlugInFinder | Toolfarm's Plug-in Finder.