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Total Immersion and the “Transfigured City:” Shared Augmented Realities, the “Web Squared Era,” and Google Wave   Above is an image above from Total Immersion’s augmented reality experience developed for the “Networked City” exhibition in South Korea, – “a fun scenario created for a u-City’s infrastructure and city management service” “To the naked eye, the exhibit looks like a bare bones model of a city.

But when visitors put on the special AR goggles a whole new world unfolds – as graphics overlaid on the city model.” (Games Alfresco) “The Networked City,” is a large scale augmented virtuality of a scenario for a networked city. But my guess, reading the Korea IT Times, is the plan is to move from an augmented virtuality to an augmented reality as Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) realizes its vision to become a leading u-City – where reality is turned “inside out” (see Inside Out: Interaction Design for Augmented Reality ).

Ubiquitous computing and augmented reality are like adenine and thymine – a DNA base pair. A sky view of Incheon Free Economic Zone (from Korean IT Times). 1. And, secondly: Into the Matrix: the future of augmented reality (and you) The growth of augmented reality (AR) will almost certainly change the way we visually experience the everyday world. And, as discussed previously on The Conversation, it’s likely to be Google’s Project Glass leading the way on this new frontier. But other technologies on the horizon will profoundly alter our interactions with computational technologies. More important than the eye-candy value of AR will be the applications for those who are physically or economically disadvantaged. Virtual reality has been a staple of science fiction since the 1950s. In the 1956 film Forbidden Planet a race of aliens – the Krell – build a computer the size of a city in order to leave their physical beings behind and transmute to a virtual world.

As so often happens in science fiction, that virtual world turned out to be doomed to catastrophe. More recently, in the Wachowskis' Matrix series, humans are enslaved in a virtual world created by machines. Biology + technology = the future You read my mind. Absolut Inspire: Augmented Reality Street Art  Check out this Future Lions 2012 entry by Iris Gavric & Daniel Otterbein… Proposed for Absolut Vodka, they’ve attempted to create movement called Absolut Inspire, an Augmented Reality Street Art App designed to create a new world without creative limitations. The campaign is a fusion of the Google Street View platform combined with an app that allows you to create your own digital street art anywhere in the world, all seen through the augmented reality viewer.

Sure, there are a bunch of concepts out there like this, but the integration with the brand and bottle is great, and I’m really glad the next generation of creatives are already digital… Be Sociable, Share! Absolut Inspire, Absolut Inspire Augmented Reality, Absolut Inspire Augmented Reality Street Art, Absolut Vodka, Augmented Reality, Google Street Art, Google Street View, Google Street View Apps, iPhone Apps. Uses of Augmented Reality. Wiki Augmented Reality iPhone 3GS App. Nearest Wiki is your very own information portal in Augmented Reality view. This is the app for you whether you are interested in brushing up on your general knowledge or are keen to learn about your surroundings in a fun interactive way.

Ever walked past a building and wanted to know more? Diminish your unknown with the nearest wiki! Holding the phone vertically gives you an AR view, with a synopsis against points of interest near you. Real Life, Only Better: Augmented Reality Takes Off. My favorite technology — augmented reality, or AR — lets anybody feel like Harry Potter, except that you make magic with a computer or mobile device instead of a wand. I call it “real life, only better” because it takes a live scene and puts useful or entertaining images, video, graphics — whatever — on top of it. When I first wrote about AR last year, it was catching on, but hadn’t gone mainstream. Since then, better hardware and software have boosted its use in a number of industries, including retailing and marketing. Check out the faces of the startled visitors to London’s Victoria Station earlier this year when they stumbled into an AR happening for Lynx body spray.

A few days before Thanksgiving, I turned on a network morning show to see Disney using augmented reality to let people interact and pose for photos with their favorite animated characters on a big screen in Times Square. But it doesn’t always have to be a “big screen” production. It’s also enhanced virtual shopping. Dr. Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the Rise. Augmented reality -- or the addition of a layer to the world before your eyes (aka the "real world") using technology -- is the next big tech trend.

Already making its debut in everything from mobile apps to kids toys, "AR" will clearly soon be talked about by everyone the way they used to talk about "social media" and "Web 2.0" before that. While augmented reality has its uses -- although many of them just involve oohing and aahing at nifty apps -- this trend is already in danger of being over-hyped, even though it has barely gotten off the ground. AR Apps We've Seen So Far We've been fascinated by augmented reality for some time now, especially after we got wind of a new mobile application built for Google's Android platform called Layar. The app, an augmented reality browser, "layers" sets of data on top of your mobile phone's viewfinder as you point the camera at the city around you.

AR Discovered by Marketers. Time to Dial Down the Hype? AR Business card « James Alliban. Inspired by this guy, I just got a fresh batch of business cards from There’s not really enough space on a business card to explain yourself in any detail so I thought I’d extend it using augmented reality. I recorded a short video bio and created a 3D grid of coloured planes. These planes are updated with the colours from the video and extruded depending on the level of brightness. This is now online for all to enjoy. First print out this (or open it on you’re phone). Then go here to play with it. Mac users with iSight camera who are experiencing a black screen might be able to get around this by Following these steps: Right click on the app and select settings. Failing that apparantly it won’t work if you have any other apps that use the iSight open at the same time, so close PhotoBooth, Quicktime etc.

Thanks to JereDog and Bish for these workarounds. I’m using the following AS3 libraries in this project FLARToolkit FLARManager TweenMax OK the application is back up now. Like this: Augmented Reality « Dedric Mauriac. I started playing a little bit with Augmented Reality tonight. Perhaps it is more like augmented virtual reality.

I was mainly playing with ARtag. I don’t have a webcam to play with at the moment, so I decided to see what I could do with virtual worlds. Thankfully, a program from ARTag had some sample patterns that I could upload, as well as a program to read images besides video camers and then Augment Reality to display a computer generated image. I had quite a few problems getting the image to work. I had to save it as a portable gray map (PGM). Adobe Photoshop was saving it, but the program couldn’t understand it. I found that image with multiple patterns caused problems, as well as images that were too large. The augmented reality showed an image of myself in-world standing behind a giant floating fish.

With the plug-in archtecture that the Second Life Viewer 2.0 is going to expose, I am curious if we can add in plug-ins to augment virtual reality. Like this: Like Loading... Five Augmented-Reality iPhone Apps We'd Actually Buy - Apple - Gawker. How GPS satellites will become our spacebound eyes in the near future. SExpand This year, the Global Positioning System marks its 30th anniversary of being freely accessible to the public. It has become a near-ubiquitous tool for a variety of military and civilian uses. But we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface. The U.S. Self-driving cars Even a more accurate GPS signal has its limitations, and the most interesting applications pair GPS with other sensor technology. Indoor navigation For urban dwellers, the next step to cover is indoor navigation.

Currently, indoor navigation relies on a variety of hacks using other sensors built into the smartphones we usually have in our pockets. In other words, we’re getting there, if little by little. Augmented reality Indoors or out, more precise pinpointing has plenty of implications for augmented reality, and we're already seeing the results. Finally, for those more socially minded, the next generation of GPS has some humanitarian applications as well. This is your chance. Real Life, Only Better: Augmented Reality Takes Off. LA REALIDAD AUMENTADA COMO EXTENSIÓN DE NUESTROS SENTIDOS | Tócame, que soy Realidad Aumentada. Marshall McLuhan consideraba la tecnología como una extensión de nuestro cuerpo, mente o ser (y hasta de nuestras emociones). Los medios son herramientas que extienden las habilidades humanas, tal y como una bicicleta es prolongación de nuestros pies. La computadora constituye la prolongación del pensamiento; la realidad aumentada, la extensión de los sentidos.

Un universo simbiótico tiende a capacitar a nuestros sentidos y abrir nuevas posibilidades a la percepción cognitiva en un entorno aumentado. La realidad aumentada mezcla el entorno real con capas virtuales de información que nos llevarán a cambiar la percepción de nuestro entorno circundante, al extender nuestro campo visual a 360 grados y materializar imágenes virtuales con las que se interactúa. A partir de algunas reflexiones de McLuhan, se infiere que este universo simbiótico tiende a capacitar a nuestros sentidos y abrir nuevas posibilidades a la percepción cognitiva en un entorno aumentado o enriquecido. AR-nology. Layar, 10 realidades que no ven tus ojos. La realidad aumentada es un tema del que se habla mucho. Sin embargo, no es del todo conocido entre los usuarios y poca gente saca partido de esta tecnología. Hemos elegido Layar, una de las aplicaciones de realidad aumentada más populares, para ver unos cuantos ejemplos prácticos de cómo funciona la realidad aumentada y qué puedes hacer con ella.

Layar es gratuita y cuenta con multitud de capas disponibles. Si no sabes lo que son las capas y las extraordinarias cosas que pueden mostrarte, sigue leyendo. Antes de empezar Si no tienes la aplicación, lo primero que tienes que hacer es descargarla; de momento, puedes disfrutar de Layar solo si tienes Android o iPhone. Hay que decir también que las aplicaciones de realidad aumentada, en general, suelen consumir bastante batería, por lo que es mejor llevar el móvil bien cargado.

¿Qué es todo esto? Lo primero que hay que entender para usar Layar es qué son las capas. Más información, más capas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Geociudad, una inteligente forma de crear puntos y capas de Realidad Aumentada. Nos presentan ahora, una herramienta que podemos usar para crear puntos y capas de Realidad Aumentada en Layar. Después del registro podemos crear de manera gratuita Puntos de Interés (POIs), organizados por categorías en la capa Geociudad de Layar, de una manera fácil e intuitiva y sin tener conocimiento alguno de programación, existiendo la posibilidad de crear capas privadas, bajo suscripción de pago.

Las capas privadas están orientadas a todo tipo de uso, tanto personal como para empresas o turismo. El usuario dispone de un completo panel desde el cual puede gestionar sus puntos y capas, dotándolos de acciones tales como audio y video en streaming y microsite con información extra acerca del punto. Además, si el punto se trata de un negocio u oficina, podrá llamar, visitar el website o escribir un correo electrónico directamente. En la misma web disponen de tutoriales en formato de vídeo para ayudar a los usuarios a comenzar a usar la herramienta.

Beatriz Sousa Santos. (Maria Beatriz Alves de Sousa Santos) Professora Associada com Agregação Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro IEETA - Instituto de Engenharia Electrónica e Telemática de (English version) Responsável pelo Programa Doutoral em Eng. Secretária do Conselho Científico da UA Tem leccionado, nos últimos anos, as seguintes disciplinas: Realidade Virtual e Aumentada Engenharia de Computadores e Telemática (MIECT): Interacção Humano-Computador, Computação Visual,Modelação e Visualização 3D Mestrado em Sistemas de Informação (MSI): Visualização de Informação Engenharia Electrónica e de Telecomunicações (MIEET): Interfaces Humano-Computador, Computação Gráfica MAPI - Doutoramento em Informática (Minho, Aveiro e Porto): InteractiveComputer Systems Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de Telecomunicações (pré-Bolonha): Visualização de Dados e Informação Mestrado em Gestão da Informação (pré-Bolonha): Comunicação Humano-Computador Áreas de Interesse: