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The Video Game Entertainment Curve. 4ZdUnY3gToTP.jpg (1217×694) 7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found. Video game Easter eggs can be a fun way to motivate players to continue exploring a game they've completed ... or they can be terrifying experiences that make sure the players never go near that game again.

7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found

We've told you about those Easter eggs that took years to be found; here are some more that we wish had remained undiscovered. #7. Portal 2 -- Hidden Messages and Rape-y Sounds Portal 2 brought us everything we loved about the first game (portals) and left out everything we hated (cake-related meme horseshit). What it also brought us is a whole bunch of weird secrets, and some of them are downright creepy. Wonderputt. World's Biggest PAC-MAN.