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Imron Rosyadi

just a desert traveler


5 Hot Design Trends for Aspiring Bloggers. So you want to start a blog.

5 Hot Design Trends for Aspiring Bloggers

You've already picked out your subject matter — "Tiny Kittens in Tinier Bowls" — and you're ready to start defining the look of your online domain. Well, there are tons of blog design trends out there just clamoring for your attention — some more advanced than others — and depending on the style, content and theme of your blog, there are a lot of factors to take into account. In fact, sometimes the plethora of choices you have at your disposal can be overwhelming, especially if your only experience blogging was on LiveJournal back in 2003. Before you give up and start scrawling your musings on notebook paper to distribute as a makeshift 'zine on the street corners of your 'hood, take a look at some words of wisdom we've collected from a bevy of designers and other webby folks about what's hot right now in blogs.

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