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SOTD Interactive Screenplay | Interactive: | The World's End | Focus Features. The 60 foot long jet powered animal you’ve probably never heard of. Screen cap from one of the only pyrosome videos out there (see the end of this post). I was living in Africa the first time I saw a pyrosome, and I nearly cried. I was doing research on plankton, which meant long days staring down a microscope plucking through tiny dead things. And then there it was. I actually gasped in recognition. My first real life pyrosome. Among many marine-inclined folks such as moi, pyrosomes are like unicorns. For starters: if the Borg and the Clone Wars had a baby it would be a pyrosome. But the pyrosome I found was cute. A small pyrosome colony.

And it’s this filter feeding that gives pyrosomes their rocket power. A closeup shot of individual members of the pyrosome colony. Many animals use sucking and blowing movement to get around. So they’re giant, terrifying looking, and trolling through the depths of the ocean, waiting for you to swim in one end and get stuck.

Update (03August 2013): Do not swim inside a pyrosome. Work Cited [1] Edward E. A dream city sits atop a seahorse's head. I gave up a long time ago. If it weren't for fast and interesting reporting, I'd have left Kotaku ages ago. There is something sinister going on regarding the China bashing that goes on there. They start articles just so they can hate on China. It's not really the commenters fault really.. It's Kotaku troll baiting... all the time. Bash does a good chunk of the ignorant articles, but since Eric came on as the Beijing reporter, it's gotten better from a fact-checking perspective.

I do my best to offer a reason or perspective to their troll articles too. So yeah. And this is? 牆頭草 might seem appropriate unless you can explain your fence-hopping between the 2 threads. The Pixar Theory. Every Pixar movie is connected. I explain how, and possibly why. Several months ago, I watched a fun-filled video on that introduced the idea (at least to me) that all of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe. Since then, I’ve obsessed over this concept, working to complete what I call “The Pixar Theory,” a working narrative that ties all of the Pixar movies into one cohesive timeline with a main theme. This theory covers every Pixar production since Toy Story. A Bug’s LifeToy Story 2Monsters Inc.Finding NemoThe IncrediblesCarsRatatouilleWall-EUpToy Story 3Cars 2BraveMonsters University The point of this theory is to have fun and exercise your imagination while simultaneously finding interesting connections between these fantastic movies.

[SIDE NOTE: All text in blue indicates updated edits since the original version] You can read the full theory below, or watch this summarized video that was made and narrated by Bloop Media. Lines are being crossed. Mr. Photo Album. William Shakespeare's Star Wars | Ian Doescher | 9781594746376. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. Last week, on KOTOR I... The Mandalorians declare war on the Republic; the Jedi council, being sanctimonius pricks, officially refuse to involve themselves, and the war goes poorly for the Republic. Eventually a group of rogue Jedi led by Revan join the Republic fleet and the Mandalorians are finally defeated. In the process, Revan goes all Dark Side and seizes control of most of the Republic fleet, calling himself a Sith and beginning to fight the other Jedi. Eventually the Jedi Civil War ends with the Republic decimated, most of the Jedi in the galaxy dead, and Darth Revan vanishing into the unknown space...

During the course of the Let's Play we'll go through: - The entire game without using a lightsaber on the Exile. But first, What's KOTOR II? Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords was the sequel to the original game developed by Bioware. Having basically the same plot helps too. But wait, did I mention the 13 month development cycle? Cast of Thousands. The Greatest Science Fiction-Themed Bars and Restaurants on Earth. 26 Discworld Quotes About Life, The Universe, And Everything. Finding beauty in violent storms. Camille Seaman is known for her dramatic images of icebergs that reveal the beauty of these ancient yet threatened objects. She recently turned her attention to a different natural phenomenon, weather, and applied the same fine-art aesthetic to capture its power and brilliance.

Seaman credits her daughter with the inspiration for the series “The Big Cloud.” At 8 years old, she was watching a storm-chasing program on television when the idea hit her: “Mom, you should do that,” she said. Interested, Seaman searched the term “storm chasing” on the Internet and discovered a whole industry and community that she never knew existed. “That’s how it began,” she said. Since 2008, she has built on that initial burst of curiosity to produce powerful images of storm clouds brewing throughout the Midwest, in what she considers an extension of her iceberg work. Seaman’s self-assigned task of finding and capturing breathtaking images of storms did not come easily. “Clouds are a beautiful metaphor. American English Dialects. North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns Small-Scale Dialect Map The small map below is the same as the Full-Scale Dialect Map that follows, but shows the entire width of the map (on most monitors). 24-Aug.-2010 Click on any part of this map to move to the equivalent part of the Full-Scale Dialect Map.

(For now this only moves to the far left or the far right of the Full-Scale Dialect Map, so unfortunately it doesn’t work well for the middle portions, and you will just have to scroll over.) 24-Aug.-2010 Full-Scale Dialect Map Instructions For many of the cities or towns on this map, you can listen to an audio or video sample of speech of a native (more specifically, someone who was raised there, though not necessarily born there, and whose dialect clearly represents that place). Use the scroll bars to move around on this map, or, even simpler, start at the tiny map above and click the country (U.S. or Canada) that you want to look at. Help! Map Notes Other Sources 1. Hate Map. The Geography of Hate is part of a larger project by Dr. Monica Stephens of Humboldt State University (HSU) identifying the geographic origins of online hate speech.

Undergraduate students Amelia Egle, Matthew Eiben and Miles Ross, worked to produce the data and this map as part of Dr. Stephens' Advanced Cartography course at Humboldt State University. The data behind this map is based on every geocoded tweet in the United States from June 2012 - April 2013 containing one of the 'hate words'. To produce the map all tweets containing each 'hate word' were aggregated to the county level and normalized by the total twitter traffic in each county.

The numbers that appear in the map during a mouse hover indicate the total number of hateful tweets and number of unique users sending them in each county. Read more about the research and methods behind this project at 8 Extensions That Make Google Drive More Powerful Than Dropbox. f250bestmoviesmap_HQ.jpg (JPEG Image, 3507 × 2160 pixels)


Face Research ⇒ Demos ⇒ Make An Average. MiahrzSZHN1qhzxtto1_250.gif (GIF Image, 195 × 123 pixels) Planarity. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D.: Don't Blame It on the Bible. Most Americans who oppose gay rights and same-sex marriage justify their opposition by turning to the Bible. But does the Bible really oppose homosexuality? You'd be surprised. At the end of March, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, which denies gay Americans the right to legally marry. Major polls show most Americans in support of marriage equality.

But does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? First, it is important to recognize that the peoples of biblical antiquity had no idea of homosexuality as identity, orientation or lifestyle. As for the Bible, its first supposed condemnation of homosexuality is the well-known Genesis story of Sodom and Gomorrah, from which we get the term "sodomite" and "sodomy law," the latter of which criminalizes same gender sex, even between mature and consenting adults. As for the Old Testament, that's it for references to same gender sex. Finally we come to the Gospels.

Obery M. Slave Leo. This year, for con season, I’m dressing as Slave Leia… sort of. If you’ve been following this blog, you know that, over a year ago, I wrote a post somewhat condemning the wearing of the Slave Leia costume. And though I’ve revised my stance, it would seem somewhat hypocritical of me to wear the costume without some justification, so I want to explain why I’ll be trotting around nearly naked at the cons this year. 1: Jealousy Last year at Dragon Con, much of the Skepchick and Mad Art Lab crew dressed in gender bent versions of Star wars characters.

Skepchick and friends gender-bent Star Wars – Photo by Adam Isaak It was awesome. They looked fantastic. I wanted to play, too. I drew the short, and mostly naked straw. 2: Cowardice I will be honest, this costume is well outside my comfort zone. My reason, however, apart from a slight worry about being cold, is fear. My fear is not well reasoned. I typically cosplay on the conservatively safe side. Doctor Ryan circa 2012, Photo by Russ Creech. SILENCIO GAYGEEK ART. The Year's Best Visualizations of Scientific Concepts. The Drunken Moogle. The Scale of the Universe 2.

PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator. When you purchase your custom pulp magazine cover on a printed product, the reliable Pulp-O-Mizer cranks it up to high gear and - after a few seconds of groaning and sputtering - it spits out a high resolution image at (or even over) 300 pixels to the inch. The image is immediately transmitted across the sub aetheric waves, and, well! That's when things really get interesting. We entrust your orders to well trained, electrically motivated henchmen and henchwomen.

When your order arrives at our hidden facility these henchpersons burst into action: the presses fly, the hamster wheels spin, the Interociter... well... we think it interocirates, sort of, and when all's done a high quality Pulp-O-Mized product flies out of its mysterious mechanism and is swept up, before it can escape, by the unflinching claws of our own patented Ship-O-Matic. But even now, the adventure has barely begun! These no-nonsense couriers are ready for anything! ** We salute them! * Heroism is assumed, but not guaranteed. Watching the Star Wars Prequels on Mute: An Experiment. I don't really like the way Boba Fett was used in the prequels, but this shot. Every time. It hurts. Over at The Chronicle Review, Camille Paglia stirred quite a few pots a while back by asserting that George Lucas might be the greatest artist of our time.

It’s no surprise that your average appreciator is having a hard time with that statement, for a veritable walk-in closet’s worth of reasons. But I found myself won over by her argument in many places, particularly where she pointed to George Lucas’ myriad of influences and the fact that he is a primarily visual artist. Which is when I decided to watch the Star Wars prequels with the sound off. Love or loathe them, the Star Wars prequels are undoubtedly the blemish that has made Lucas’ name snicker-worthy for more than a decade now. Then again, the dialogue of the first Star Wars trilogy is anything but poetry.

This odd promo shot kind of says all. So, what do they look like? Well, the first part of the movie is a lot of this... stuff. LGBT Laughs. Magical Deductions. Unspeakableness. Investigation in Emotion Classification This is the early stage research of the project. In late January, 2012, I emailed around Royal College of Art asking for words describing emotions in languages other than English that are untranslatable into English. Interesting enough, in order to understand the untranslatable words I had to have several correspondence with the person who contributed the word, and through this back-and-forth discussion can I actually get the glimpse of the emotion itself. These explanation of the untranslatable words are often in the format of "it is a kind of (emotion A), close to (emotion B), and somehow between (emotion C) and (emotion D).

" This triggers me to map out the emotions based on the classification of emotions provided in Shaver et al. - "Emotion Knowledge - Futher Exploration of a Prototype Approach. " in the book Emotions in Social Psychology by W. Parrott (2001). Notices2013/01/23 [ Errata ] The Untranslatable Words. Zeus's Affairs (launched) | Flash Music Player. ReverbNation. <div id="warning_for_disabled_js_users" style="margin: 0 auto;position: relative;text-align: center; width: 980px;background:#555555; color:white; padding:10px;font-size:18px;line-height:26px;"><div style="float:left;"><img alt="Noscript_exclamation" src=" /></div><div style="float:left;margin-left:10px;text-align:left;"> ReverbNation makes heavy use of javascript<br />You should enable javascript on your browser to best experience this site.

</div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div> This tunepak was made by Spiky SPIKY - Carnival Symposium EXTRACT#1 - The Chronophagist [2011]By: Spiky 02-Enchanted Grounds (... 03-Enchanted Grounds (... 10-The Thingumabob (Pa... 11-The Thingumabob (Pa... 13-The Laboratory [Par... 14-The Laboratory [Par... Vital Signs: The Woman Who Needed to Be Upside-Down. A doctor is baffled: Why did a giant man walk into the ER holding a tiny woman by her feet? The emergency room was busy that afternoon. I had just started my shift and was making my way through a scrum of frantic doctors, nurses, and orderlies when I heard yelling coming from the ambulance bay entrance. “Put her down now!” I recognized the stern voice of Herb, one of our security guards. “Get a stretcher, stat,” said Ellie, the head nurse.

“You’re hurting her,” a woman yelled. I ran to the ambulance bay, rounded a corner, and saw a huge man...


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