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Michael K. Ford

I am Michael K. Ford working in the marketing team of IRIS Solutions. It is the leading provider of managed IT solutions and Support for dental and medical practices throughout the southeast US.

4 Best Ways: Cloud Storage Can Elevate Your Business Productivity. Introduction to Cloud Storage A few years back the organizations used to store important information in paper files.

4 Best Ways: Cloud Storage Can Elevate Your Business Productivity

Then, in 1956 IBM introduced hardware storage devices, that reduce the burden of the business. 7 Key Characteristics Of Cloud Computing. Cloud computing solutions have been growing very fast.

7 Key Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

Whether it’s a small enterprise or a big business organization, cloud-based solutions improve their continuity and performance. The cloud solutions provider stores all your data in virtual servers, and you can access it from any location worldwide. This will not only save valuable time and money for the companies but also give them an imperative competitive edge. Cloud computing allows businesses to store large amounts of data in a systematic and well-managed way; so that the required information can be easily fetched from the large pool of files and folders. Many goofy entrepreneurs have a myth that small businesses do not need cloud solutions at all. Cloud computing services gained popularity in 2006 with the introduction of AWS’s elastic calculation product. Multitenancy Multitenancy means the pooling of computing resources so that multiple users can access them. On-Demand Service. 5 Tips To Choose The Best Data Backup And Recovery Service Provider.

Whether you are running a small business or a large enterprise, data is the most valuable asset to every organization in this digital world.

5 Tips To Choose The Best Data Backup And Recovery Service Provider

Therefore, it’s extensively important to store data securely and maintain its integrity. As per the survey of Unitrends conducted in 2019, 84% of companies are using cloud-based data backup and recovery services, with 8% saying that they are looking forward to implementing cloud storage and around 8%- 9% said that they do not have any plan to subscribe to cloud storage services. Cyber ​​attacks are increasing every day and making it necessary for all types of businesses to subscribe to data protection and recovery services. The vendor helps enterprises secure their important files and folders that contain customer information, a sales record, inventory statistics, agreements, contact lists, and other sensitive data. Many small business owners have a misconception that only big organizations become the victim of hackers.

All You Need To Know About Cloud Storage - Types of Cloud Storage. Cloud storage is a cloud computing model in which data is stored via the internet and stored in remote locations, and when required, it is again retrieved by the user over a secure network.

All You Need To Know About Cloud Storage - Types of Cloud Storage

The cloud service provider or managed service provider manages, maintains, and backed up data on the virtual servers. Virtual servers run on the cloud computing platform and are built via virtualization software. This software converts a physical server into multiple virtual servers, and each virtual server has its own operating system. Why Do Healthcare Businesses Need Cyber Security Managed IT Solutions? In the present era, digital technology has fully mingled with our everyday lives.

Why Do Healthcare Businesses Need Cyber Security Managed IT Solutions?

We can’t even imagine our lives without the internet, mobile phones, computers, etc. They help us a lot in communication and simplify routine tasks. Whether it’s an IT sector, commercial business, or healthcare industry, technology plays a vital role in running their day-to-day operations. But with a lot of positive impacts, technology has also created entirely new problems to deal with. One of them is cybercrime. Improve Patient’s Experience By Providing Better Dental IT Services. Every dentist wants their patient to leave their clinic with a smiling face.

Improve Patient’s Experience By Providing Better Dental IT Services

Unfortunately, even after delivering the best dental services, many clinics are not able to satisfy their patients. This is because patients experience unpleasant things in the office room. Without appropriate facilities and management, the patient may feel neglected and develop negative suspicion about your services. The time has come to automate the repetitive and routine tasks by coordinating IT in your dental facilities. Dental IT support helps clinics in managing staff & finance, analyzing patient’s history, securing networks, and more.

3 Reasons Your Consumer Grade Firewall Will Fail Your Business. As a typical computer user, you don’t give much thought to what a firewall is or what it is used for.

3 Reasons Your Consumer Grade Firewall Will Fail Your Business

A firewall is the network device that protects your private network from the public internet. All internet data, including financial, business, social media, and email, moving to and from your network flows through this device. Data Recovery. Data Backup and recovery plans are essential for small businesses; it safeguards the data against natural disaster, human error, machine failure, and cyber-attack.

Data Recovery

Data loss can severely disrupt business operations and cause huge financial losses. It also affects the productivity and image of the firms. Companies that cannot secure their important files and folders lose the trust of their customers and cannot stand out in the crowd. According to experts, around 20% of small businesses are hacked per year, and half of them are not even aware that they have been hacked. This is because small business owners prefer to manage their organization’s network on their own and use the internet to perform many tasks rather than just sending an email.

Prevents The Data From The Effects Of Natural Disasters: Strom, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and blizzards can occur at any time and cannot be controlled. 5 Scary Consequences Of Data Loss And It Impact Your Business. 9 Basic Facts about Data and Why Data Storage is Important. - IRIS Solutions. Data is all we own.

9 Basic Facts about Data and Why Data Storage is Important. - IRIS Solutions

We don’t really have much actual paper anymore. Okay, let me back up. We should have much LESS paper than we did twenty years ago. Our access to information, or “data” as called in the digital world, is all we own. Imagine how much information most of us have in our email on our smartphones. All You Need to Know Cloud Accounting. Accounting software has been used for many years to handle the financial aspects of small to large businesses.

All You Need to Know Cloud Accounting

They keep a record of all transactions, revenue, and expenses. It’s a powerful reporting tool that increases the efficiency of businesses to make better financial decisions, which ultimately increases sales and profits in the future. Presently, you will find two types of accounting software: desktop-based and cloud-based. The traditional accounting software is desktop based.

Undeliverable: Why are some emails blocked? - IRIS Solutions. Email and blacklists are hard to make sense of. Spam filters sort through inbound and outbound mail. If you have a spam filter on your network, when an email is sent, the spam filter checks the domain against a known blacklist. If the domain is not on the list the email goes out. Let’s say you send email to Can Google Fiber Save Your Business? To recap from our most recent eblast: Google fiber is rumored to be coming to Charlotte. At this point, “rumored” is not a great term because they have a website dedicated to the Charlotte deployment. Top 8 Reasons Why Data Backup is Crucial for Every Business. In this digital age, data is imperative to take the business forward. Appropriately managed data plays a vital role in improving business efficiency and productivity. Businesses need to manage, integrate, and analyze data efficiently, to deliver high-quality outcomes or services to the client.

The organization spends a lot of years gathering crucial data, and therefore its protection is of utmost importance. Also, ransomware attacks and high profile data breaches tend to increase more and more in the last few years. Hence, it becomes important to safeguard data from various security threats. 5 Ways Financial Institutions can benefit from new technology and a partnership with a Managed Services Provider - IRIS Solutions. Technology is an integral part of any business. Coffee shops are using iPads to take orders, paper charts are near extinct in medical and dental offices. The majority of the workforce spends most, if not all, of their day looking at one, to as many as five (or more), monitors depending on the type and function of the business. 6 Reasons Why Commercial Businesses Needs IT Support. There are many types of commercial businesses out there, and the list is always growing.

In this digital age, technology plays a vital role in the success of any business. Whether you are dealing with engineering, architecture, or commercial goods, you likely have to hire IT experts to sell your product on the internet. 6 Reasons Why Commercial Businesses Needs IT Support. 4 BYOD security risks you should prepare for - IRIS Solutions. Personal computing is with us wherever we go. Thanks to the rise of the mobile industry, smartphones and tablets allow us to take work home with us. And with the bring your own device (BYOD) strategy, businesses have never been so productive. However, BYOD can pose a number of security risks if you’re not careful. 7 Incredible Healthcare Cloud Solution Trends For 2021 & Beyond. The integration of cloud-based services has become the new normal for healthcare departments. The cloud allows creating an on-demand data network, which can be accessed by the employees anytime, anywhere. And the whole network is managed by a cloud Solutions Provider in Charlotte, NC, so that the internal IT team can focus on core processes.

The cloud solution provides a secure place to store the data, and the staff has full access to the patient’s data that is collected from various sources. 4 Ways SMBs benefit from hybrid clouds - IRIS Solutions. The Real Value Of Managed IT Services In Healthcare. Staying in compliance with HIPAA has also become essential for hospitals. What is a Pineapple Wi-Fi and why do I care? Why do we call a Wi-Fi hacker device a WiFi Pineapple? Is CRM software essential to your business? Why Healthcare Departments Needs Managed IT Services. Which business computers are best? 5 proactive defenses against cyberattacks - IRIS Solutions. As IT security consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Top 6 Tips On Perfect Data Backup Plan. Top 6 Tips On Perfect Data Backup Plan Spread the love. 5 Types of Managed IT Support to Drive Your Business Success. Why companies must use Cloud Computing?

SaaS Vs PaaS. Importance of Data Backup And Recovery. Tips to find secure dental IT support for your dental office!!! The Increasing Need for Healthcare IT Solutions. Why is IT Support Necessary For the Healthcare Industry? How Cloud Computing Is Changing Businesses. Managed IT Services for Commercial Businesses Charlotte, NC. Learn about all types of Routers Used in Networking. Why Do Dental Clinics Need Managed IT Services? Tips to find secure dental IT support for your dental office!!! How dental IT support modernize the dental clinics? Reasons Why Businesses Need To Move To The Cloud. IT Services for Dental Offices. IT Services for Medical Offices.