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Smetic dentistry. الخَل - الطب النبوي. الخَلٌ روى مسلم فى ((صحيحه)): عن جابر بن عبد الله رضى الله عنهما، أنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سأل أهلَه الإدَامَ، فقالوا: ما عندنَا إلا خَلٌ، فدعا به، وجعل يأكُلُ ويقول: ((نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ، نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ)).

الخَل - الطب النبوي

وفى ((سنن ابن ماجه)) عن أُمِّ سعد رضى الله عنها عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ، اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فى الخَلِّ، فإنه كان إدامَ الأنبياء قبلى، ولَمْ يَفْتَقِر بيتٌ فيه الخَلُّ)). الخَل: مركَّب من الحرارة، والبرودة أغلبُ عليه، وهو يابس فى الثالثة، قوىُّ التجفيف، يمنع من انصباب المواد، ويُلطِّف الطبيعة، وخَلُّ الخمر ينفع المعدة الملتهبة، ويَقْمَعُ الصَّفْرَاء، ويدفع ضَرَر الأدوية القتَّالة، ويُحَلِّل اللَّبنَ والدم إذا جَمَدا فى الجوف، وينفع الطِّحَالَ، ويدبغ المَعِدة، ويَعقِلُ البطن، ويقطعُ العطش، ويمنع الورمَ حيث يُريد أن يحدث، ويُعين على الهضم، ويُضاد البلغم، ويُلطِّف الأغذية الغليظة، ويُرِقُّ الدم.

خِلاَلٌ: فيه حديثان لا يَثبُتان، أحدهما: يُروى من حديث أبى أيوب الأنصارىِّ يرفعه: وبعد.. ماذا قال الطب القديم عن الخل؟ The Nutrition Source » Healthy Beverage Guidelines. Table of Contents Introduction In the beginning there was water—abundant, refreshing, providing everything the body needs to replenish the fluids it loses.

The Nutrition Source » Healthy Beverage Guidelines

Humans relied on it as their only beverage for millions of years. What to Eat For Shiny, Healthy Hair! Foods That Fight Headaches. How to Improve Concentration With Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy For Concentration. Aromatherapy is often associated with promoting relaxation, although it offers a number of other healthful benefits.

Aromatherapy For Concentration

In the United States, the use of aromatherapy is growing as an alternative therapy for improving a person’s mood, physical well-being and mental performance. According to the Health-Mind-Body website, the use of aromatherapy is one way to help increase concentration and improve memory. Popular aromatherapy blends of essential oils used to enhance memory include three drops of rosemary and two drops of lemon; two drops of peppermint and three drops of lemon; or one drop of basil and two drops each of rosemary and cypress.

These essential oils can be used in massage oil, bath oil, a diffuser or as an air freshener. When using in a diffuser, multiply individual blend ingredients by four to get a total of 20 drops. Rosemary and peppermint each produce a strong aroma that can be helpful in enhancing concentration diminished by exhaustion. 10 Everyday Tips to Boost Brainpower - The Best List - Mens's Health. Smell Your Way to Success. 6 Scents That Can Transform Your Mood and Productivity. Aromatherapy probably isn't the first tool you think of to help boost your productivity and grow your business, but maybe it should be.

6 Scents That Can Transform Your Mood and Productivity

Smell is the strongest of the senses and is best able to influence brain activity. Olfactory bulbs are part of the limbic system and directly connect to the areas of the brain that process emotion and learning. "This is one of the reasons why so often something that we smell will trigger a memory or remind us of something or someone," says Beverley Hawkins, owner of the Vancouver-based West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy. Essential oils not only help improve job performance but health, meaning employees are less likely to take sick time. "Essential oils have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and using them in an environment where there are a lot of people can help to keep germs at bay," says Hawkins.

Related: 5 Simple Ways to Be Healthier and More Productive Without Leaving Your Desk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Get the Facts on Flax. Flaxseed has been a part of human and animal diets for thousands of years.

Get the Facts on Flax

Even in the days of Hippocrates, flaxseed was eaten for its health benefits. Recently, however, flaxseed has gained popularity among health-conscious Americans. Despite the hype surrounding this little seed, a lot of people have never heard of it. It may not exactly be a wonder food, but flaxseed certainly has nutritional benefits. Nutritional Benefits Flaxseeds contain the following nutrients: Lignans. Drinking Water at the Right Time. It’s common knowledge that drinking eight glasses of water a day is essential for the body to function properly.

Drinking Water at the Right Time

However, do you know what is the optimal time to drink water? Read the following to find out what is the best time in the day to drink water in order to maximise its effectiveness on your body. 1) After waking upDrink one glass of water after waking up to help activate your internal organs. The water will help to remove any toxins before your first meal of the day. 2) Before a mealDrink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. 3) Before a bathDrink one glass of water before taking a bath to help lower your blood pressure.