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Making paid content work – the New York Times experience. Browse > Home / Blog / Making paid content work – the New York Times experience It’s still not easy, but subscriptions to digital content can work.

Making paid content work – the New York Times experience

Paul Smurl, Vice President, The New York Times Company, spoke at the Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin about the NYT’s experience in embracing paid content strategy. Introducing paywall at The New York Times was a long process, with years in the making. They started with international subscriptions (1996-98), built a not so successful Times Select (2005-07). Despite the efforts, when the global recession came in 2009, all advertising income went down. Paul Smurl said, that the answer to question about how to drive value from main asset was to ask people to pay. Lessons learned: 1. optimizing across the business. 2. listen to readers and take their guidance. 3. becoming an e-tailer.

After the first year New York Times was told it would be going to go flat. 4. turning advertising threat into opportunity. 5. enable a brand relationship. The NYT's $150 million-a-year paywall. The New York Times’s once-torrid paywall growth continued to slow in the second quarter, adding 23,000 digital-only subscribers.

The NYT's $150 million-a-year paywall

That’s the second quarter in a row that the NYT has set new lows for digital-subs growth (it added 36,000 in the first quarter), signalling that the slowdown is real and circulation revenue growth is no longer quite enough to offset advertising declines. Revenue was down 1 percent from a year ago. Let’s keep this in perspective, though. The law of large numbers all but dictates a slowdown from early high growth rates. The paper has gone from zero to 699,000 subscribers in just nine quarters, and even with the two-quarter slowdown is still adding digital subscribers at a rate of about 100,000 a year.

All in all, the Times Company is taking in roughly $202 a year in revenue per subscriber. Em um ano, paywall agrega audiência e assinaturas à Folha - 21/06. 21/06/2013 - 03h35 O paywall (muro de pagamento) poroso do site da Folha completa hoje um ano. Green, yellow, blue, and red: The Globe and Mail’s paywall of many colors. Assessing the Globe’s paywall numbers. Phillip Crawley In October, The Globe and Mail joined a growing group of newspapers putting up website paywalls; today the paper released encouraging numbers on the impact of charging readers for digital access.

Assessing the Globe’s paywall numbers

In the four months since The Globe and Mail put up its paywall, page views have dropped between 10% and 15% – though there has been no appreciable impact on daily unique visits – and 80,000 digital subscribers have signed up. The upshot is new revenue from digital subscriptions – though it’s unclear just how much – with no negative impact on digital advertising revenue, according to executives at the Globe who spoke with Marketing Thursday morning. “We’re pleased with the progress to date,” said publisher Phillip Crawley. “We are certainly ahead of our own forecasts to this point.” “We are certainly seeing a lot of people who are not print subscribers, sign up,” said Crawley.

Crawley also said the paper has also seen an increase in print subscriptions since Unlimited was launched. Globe and Mail adds 80,000 paywall subscribers, unclear how many new. The Globe and Mail spilled some of the details on the performance of its digital paywall Thursday, but it’s not clear whether the 80,000 subscribers it signed up since launching the subscription model last fall are new paying customers or not.

Globe and Mail adds 80,000 paywall subscribers, unclear how many new

The Toronto-based newspaper started its metered access model in October 2012, offering up to 10 free articles per month before requiring a paid subscription of $19.99 per month for complete access to its website. The Globe offers online subscriptions for free to readers who also subscribe to the print edition for either five or six days a week and offers a discounted rate of $4.99 per month for weekend print subscribers. LANCE!Net se prepara para implementar paywall. 24 de abril de 2013 · Atualizado às 16h08 Compartilhe: O Grupo LANCE!

LANCE!Net se prepara para implementar paywall

Advertising. BuzzFeed hires Guardian bureau chief in latest push for influence. Cidades - Portal Gazeta Online terá novo modelo de acesso a partir desta segunda-feira (20) Seguindo uma tendência mundial, o Gazeta Online vai iniciar, a partir desta segunda-feira, a implantação de um novo modelo de acesso, que tornará o seu conteúdo exclusivo para assinantes.

Cidades - Portal Gazeta Online terá novo modelo de acesso a partir desta segunda-feira (20)

Conhecido como paywall, o sistema permitirá ao internauta acessar até 20 matérias por mês, gratuitamente. Gazeta do Povo, do Paraná, adota paywall. Formato de assinatura digital disponibiliza acesso limitado ao conteúdo do portal 23 de Janeiro de 2013• 13:05 O portal do jornal Gazeta do Povo, do Paraná, também adotou o formato de assinatura online e passa a restringir o acesso dos internautas ao seu conteúdo.

Gazeta do Povo, do Paraná, adota paywall

Em estilo paywall, o mesmo da Folha de S.