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Clear and Present Danger

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Norway Spiral UFO 2. Why microbes are smarter than you thought - life - 30 June 2009. Read full article Continue reading page |1|2 The vast majority of species on Earth are single-celled. Most of these languish in obscurity – many have never even been named – but some of the relatively few species that have been studied exhibit remarkable abilities. Many of these are physical: some micro-organisms are amazingly strong; others can hibernate for hundreds of thousands of years or thrive in environments so extreme that they would kill off most other life forms in a flash.

But many bacteria and protists also exhibit behaviour that looks remarkably intelligent. This behaviour isn't the result of conscious thought – the sort you find in humans and other complex animals – because single-celled organisms don't have nervous systems, let alone brains. A better explanation is that they're "biological computers" with internal machinery that can process information (see our review of Wetware: A Computer in Every Living Cell).

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