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Design Crush & Popsicles! - StumbleUpon. Not to sound full of myself, but I’m pretty sure this is the be all, end all of popsicle roundups.

Design Crush & Popsicles! - StumbleUpon

There’s a little something for everyone: the foodies, the purists, the ones who prefer frozen yogurt, the ones who prefer a little alcohol, everyone. Tweny-five options to be exact. The post I did last summer on the cold guys was one of DC’s most viewed ever, so I thought you’d all be up for another round – was I right? Click on the photo to be taken to the recipe. All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted. Free Texture Packs To Spice Up Your Designs - Noupe Design Blog - StumbleUpon. Feb 25 2011 Every day we try our best to present to you some useful tips, dear reader, to inspire you with fresh ideas and to try out new things.

Free Texture Packs To Spice Up Your Designs - Noupe Design Blog - StumbleUpon

Today, we’ve prepared a nice collection of free texture packs that you just may have been looking for to freshen up your designs you’re working on. Enjoy! Natural Pools or Swimming Ponds - StumbleUpon. Natural Pools or Natural Swimming Ponds (NSPs) Let nature clean the water...

Natural Pools or Swimming Ponds - StumbleUpon

Chemical-free water garden and swimming pool. The plant portion, or regeneration zone, is separated from the swimming area by the wall seen a few inches below the water’s surface. The pools have skimmers and pumps that circulate the water through the regeneration zone and back into the swimming area. The aquatic plants filter out contaminants and use nutrients from the water as food which helps prevent algae. Then rocks, such as granite river rock or haydite, to which friendly bacteria attach, act as biological filters. There are many options as to design. A gradual slope contains the plants, gravel and loamy sand, a wall keeps them separate from the swimming area. Vacuum but twice a year and tend to the plants as needed.

The regeneration zone can be along the perimeter of a natural pool or a pond unto itself but connected to the swimming area. Decoracion – Decoradoras Decocasa » dormitorio infantil. Muebles de guardado vintage en el dormitorio infantil Las amantes de los aires antiguos amarán estas ideas y sugerencias.

Decoracion – Decoradoras Decocasa » dormitorio infantil

Es que hoy les mostramos algunas alternativas que les permitirán dar un toque de otros tiempos al dormitorio de los niños sin por eso perder la atmósfera infantil y divertida. Los antiguos aparadores y armarios son excelentes alternativas para pintar de tonos llamativos e incorporar al dormitorio infantil ya sea sin puertas …. o con ellas! Todas las que desean dar un toque diferente e industrial apreciarán esta idea de pintar un viejo mueble de casilleros, una alternativa que servirá para guardar muchas cosas!

Para terminar, una opción que nunca falla: un viejo baúl decapado y pintado! Escrito por Andrea Korniusza de Decocasa Imágenes vía: La Lole blog. Muebles modernos. Es fabuloso ver como este mueble moderno , tiene la impronta del diseño japonés . El aprovechamiento del espacio en primerísimo lugar dan cuenta de una forma de pensar. Ideado principalmente para jóvenes debido a las posiciones del cuerpo que se ven implicadas, esta propuesta de mueble multi-función soluciona en un producto diferentes necesidades. Este diseño es de Shin Yamashita , estudiante en Kyoto, y se llama Land Peel , que significa algo así como “la superficie de la tierra que se vuelve mueble”.

La propuesta, hasta ahora realizada a nivel conceptual, está pensada en madera, resina de poliuretano y una lámina de fibra de carbono. Shin propone un mueble para interior con la posibilidad real de transformarse sin límites. Agosto 2010. Tiny countries that pack a big punch - travel tips and articles - Lonely Planet - StumbleUpon. Monaco, 1.95 sq km Image by Salvatore.Freni If you want posh then you’ve come to the right principality.

Tiny countries that pack a big punch - travel tips and articles - Lonely Planet - StumbleUpon

Monaco was established in 1297 when François Grimaldi seized the fortress that still dominates the area from a rival Italian faction. The 195- hectare independent state, which lies on an exceptionally picturesque, narrow coastal strip, has long been a tax refuge for the spectacularly rich and famous. Actress Grace Kelly, who married Monaco’s Prince Rainier, is buried in the cathedral in the heart of the wonderfully preserved Monaco-Ville old town. Grenada, 344 sq km Image by Ruth L This oval landmass, known as the Spice Isle because it produces vast quantities of mace and nutmeg, contains some of the Caribbean’s most spectacular natural vistas.

Malta, 316 sq km. Amanda's Scrapbook Room. Home | What's New?

Amanda's Scrapbook Room

| Pictures | Scrapbook | Recipes | Fonts | Our Wedding | Contact Info Please put your mouse over any part of the image to zoom in! Put your mouse over a drawer to see inside it! Please scroll down for more information about the supplies in my room! My Dad made the desk and the paper holders on the shelves!!! The room is painted Benjamin Moore Sapphireberry.

Desktop Flowers, Ribbon Scraps & Extra Buttons Jars Jars from Hobby Lobby Inside the Drawers... Inside the Drawers... Pinterest / Home. Can't wait to have a home<3 / Full length mirror with jewelery storage inside. Where can I find this? I NEED.