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Dental Care Tips. Man sues, says SPD conceals dash-cam videos. Originally published October 5, 2011 at 2:34 PM | Page modified October 6, 2011 at 11:39 AM Eric Rachner is doing everything he can to make the Seattle Police Department regret his arrest three years ago while playing a game of "urban golf" on Capitol Hill.

Man sues, says SPD conceals dash-cam videos

Even though the charges were dismissed, the 35-year-old owner of a computer-security company has dedicated his expertise to expose what he says are gaping holes in the Police Department's public-disclosure and video-retention policies. In 2010, he won a $60,000 public-disclosure judgment against the department for denying it had dashboard-camera recordings of his arrest as well as logs of the recordings, when it did. He has used much of that money in a three-year legal fight with the department. On Wednesday, Rachner sued the department and officers involved in his 2008 arrest, alleging false arrest, malicious prosecution and "spoliation of video evidence. " Pub crawl goes wrong Rachner and another man, David Hulton, were arrested. Sgt. Prized Thinking - Creative Leadership.

Almost ten years ago I was vacationing on Cape Cod with my family when I was reading through the obituaries (the beauty of vacation is that you can get so bored that you read absolutely all parts of the newspaper at least five times) and found this story about the late Professor Martin Deutsch.

Prized Thinking - Creative Leadership

He was someone who was long reputed as having missed the opportunity during his life to win the Nobel Prize, but having done amazing things nonetheless. His attitude towards this prevailing attitude was particularly endearing: “My attitude to prizes is peculiar, not clearly pathological but peculiar,” Deutsch wrote. “I’m really glad that I did not get the Nobel Prize in 1956.

It would have spoiled my life.” He recalled a story from when he was a child on summer vacation with his family and how his mother had entered him in a potato-sack hopping race for children. “I was leading. Like this: Like Loading... 10 Amazing Google Labs Experiments. Google has always come up with amazingly useful apps that make your life easier, for example, Google Reader, Google Maps, and Google Trends etc.

10 Amazing Google Labs Experiments

Although most of the apps are experimental and faulty but their features are really mind blowing. So here is a list of 10 amazingly useful apps that will actually make your life a lot easier. But please remember to send your feedback at Google Labs in case you find some bug or want to give some suggestions. 1. App Inventor For Android Advertisement Well as the name suggests, this awesome experimental app lets you create apps. 2. This is a great app that will prove to be very useful for people who want the best content from the web but don’t have enough time to search for it. 3. Got a question in your mind and you want its answer right now?

The Way You Sit or Stand Can Make You Feel More Powerful « HR.BlogNotions - Thoughts from Industry Experts. Students of non-verbal communication have long been aware that gestures and posture can have a great deal of negative or positive impact on others.

The Way You Sit or Stand Can Make You Feel More Powerful « HR.BlogNotions - Thoughts from Industry Experts

If, for example, you stand up in a team meeting (when the rest are sitting) and lean forward in a hawk-like pose, you convey confidence and power to the team members. Occasionally I meet someone who questions that conclusion. If I’m standing in a conversation, I lean forward and look directly into their eyes, continuing with my conversation–and then watch them change their posture and tone. A quick debrief of what has just happened puts an end to the doubting Thomases. Or take my nonverbal recommendation for women in a man’s world–occupy as much space at the conference table as possible. But what we don’t know is whether certain postures could make people feel more commanding and powerful. Ninety percent of the workforce misses out on their career objectives and limit their future because they fail to use power.

My response wasn’t unusual. Apprenticeships. Strength For The Journey » Get more strength for your journey.