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Intellectual property law-We are providing Intellectual Property Law Services in the USA. our team is experts in Ip law, Patent, Invention, Litigation, and Licensing

Patent Companies. Guide Step by Step. Music Artist Protection The U.S.

Guide Step by Step

Copyright Office is responsible for maintaining copyright registration records in the United States, including a Copyright Catalog. The office issued a final rule on February 23, 2021, that creates a new “group” registration option for albums of music and works related to that music. The rule took effect on March 26, 2021. Reasons Why You Need a Patent. List of Our Projects.

PLATFORM FOR OPTIMIZING DATA DRIVEN OUTCOMESIssued Publication: 10061812 / 20140280136A1Serial Number: 14/212,429 Brief: A system, method, server, and computer readable medium for tracking outcome specific data.

List of Our Projects

Input establishing accounts for providers serving clients is received. The accounts are stored in a server. Each of the clients is assigned to one or more of the providers in response to selections from an administrator. Intellectual Property Network. Nathaniel Bradley is the named inventor of several phonetic and navigational patented inventions known as AudioEye.

Intellectual Property Network

He is the inventor and founder, Edison Gold Award winner (Edison Universe) and former Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Innovations Officer and Director of AudioEye, Inc. the leader in Internet Accessibility technology for individuals with disabilities. Recognized by the American Foundation for the Blind and recipient of Ernst & Young’s EY Entrepreneur of the Year, as Finalist in the Southwest Region. Intellectual Property Network. NDA and Concept Capture Once your initial NDA form and idea or invention concept is returned and approved and you decide to become an IPN partner, the first step in the partnership process is a formal contract and NDA which documents and protects your idea throughout each of the four steps in our ideation process.

Intellectual Property Network

After the NDA is in place we capture your initial invention concept, we review and formally benchmark the novelty of the idea and explore additional potentially patentable concepts. Pricing and Fee Structures. We offer a simple, straight forward, four-phase merit-based patent process and client approved fee structure, with no incentive to lure you into secondary services if a concept is deemed an unlikely candidate to receive a patent.

Pricing and Fee Structures

The validity search, concept capture, secondary recommendation and patent filing phases allow the inventor to evaluate and determine the appropriate steps at each phase of the invention process. Are you concerned that a patent for your idea is too expensive? Intellectual Property Services. MOTHBALL or ABANDONED IP ASSESSMENT – IPN Process that helps inventors and companies identify unlicensed or underused patent potential across latent patents and other underutilized inventor or corporate IP assets.

Intellectual Property Services

This IPN process is used to identify, assess, and make recommendations to indicate new areas of patent coverage, value and recommendations related to licensing, litigation, and monetization potential. This process improves the chances for transformation of under the radar patents into corporate assets. Learn more about MOTHBALL or ABANDONED IP ASSESSMENT. How to Patent an Invention. Cold hard facts of patent ownership and the risks you assume as an inventor Learn more •Not every idea for a patent is granted.

How to Patent an Invention

We do our best to anticipate the prior art landscape, but the IPN makes no assurance that a patent we file will result in an issued patent. *The IPN makes no assurances or guarantees related to the issuance, marketability or license potential for any filed patent application or from work performed at the IPN. •Patents are expensive to create and produce and have additional annual maintenance costs just to keep the patent active at the USPTO level. Intellectual Property Network. Do you have a new invention or idea you think might be patentable?

Intellectual Property Network

You have come to the right place. The Intellectual Property Network specializes in “Ideation and Concept Innovation” and can help you take your idea from concept to a patented invention. We are services focused and very selective of our clients: Our main focus at the IPN is to help you turn your idea into an issued patent or design patent for your product or concept. Intellectual Property Network. Our Services. About Our Team. How to Patent an Invention. Intellectual Property Services. Intellectual Property Network. List of Our Projects. PLATFORM FOR OPTIMIZING DATA DRIVEN OUTCOMESIssued Publication: 10061812 / 20140280136A1Serial Number: 14/212,429 Brief: A system, method, server, and computer readable medium for tracking outcome specific data.

List of Our Projects

Input establishing accounts for providers serving clients is received. Intellectual Property Network. Nathaniel Bradley is the named inventor of several phonetic and navigational patented inventions known as AudioEye.

Intellectual Property Network

He is the inventor and founder, Edison Gold Award winner (Edison Universe) and former Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Innovations Officer and Director of AudioEye, Inc. the leader in Internet Accessibility technology for individuals with disabilities. Recognized by the American Foundation for the Blind and recipient of Ernst & Young’s EY Entrepreneur of the Year, as Finalist in the Southwest Region. Mr. Bradley has been CTO for Marathon Patent Group Nasdaq; MARA. Over his career Mr Bradley has also developed the technology, businesses and patent portfolios of VoiceAmerica, Inc., Radio Pilot, World Talk Radio & BoomBox Radio. Intellectual Property Services. MOTHBALL or ABANDONED IP ASSESSMENT – IPN Process that helps inventors and companies identify unlicensed or underused patent potential across latent patents and other underutilized inventor or corporate IP assets. This IPN process is used to identify, assess, and make recommendations to indicate new areas of patent coverage, value and recommendations related to licensing, litigation, and monetization potential.

This process improves the chances for transformation of under the radar patents into corporate assets. Learn more IP FAMILY EXPANSION (OPEN APPLICATION TO ISSUANCE) – IPN Process that helps patent owners who have an open application by assisting in the ideation and patent creation process of filing additional patents on a pending open patent application in order to gain the benefit of an early priority date from the original parent application. The IPN will also participate in office actions and other responses to the USPTO to ensure the patent is issued in a timely manner.

Pricing and Fee Structures. We offer a simple, straight forward, four-phase merit-based patent process and client approved fee structure, with no incentive to lure you into secondary services if a concept is deemed an unlikely candidate to receive a patent. The validity search, concept capture, secondary recommendation and patent filing phases allow the inventor to evaluate and determine the appropriate steps at each phase of the invention process.

Are you concerned that a patent for your idea is too expensive? Patenting and maintaining Intellectual Property is generally an expensive endeavor, especially for the garage based inventor or self funded IP creator. Intellectual Property Network. NDA and Concept Capture Once your initial NDA form and idea or invention concept is returned and approved and you decide to become an IPN partner, the first step in the partnership process is a formal contract and NDA which documents and protects your idea throughout each of the four steps in our ideation process. After the NDA is in place we capture your initial invention concept, we review and formally benchmark the novelty of the idea and explore additional potentially patentable concepts. Initial Invention Capture and Concept Expansion Process The invention capture process takes place after the concept has been vetted and a formal NDA is in place.

How to Patent an Invention. Cold hard facts of patent ownership and the risks you assume as an inventor Learn more •Not every idea for a patent is granted. We do our best to anticipate the prior art landscape, but the IPN makes no assurance that a patent we file will result in an issued patent. *The IPN makes no assurances or guarantees related to the issuance, marketability or license potential for any filed patent application or from work performed at the IPN. •Patents are expensive to create and produce and have additional annual maintenance costs just to keep the patent active at the USPTO level. Intellectual Property Network. Do you have a new invention or idea you think might be patentable? You have come to the right place. The Intellectual Property Network specializes in “Ideation and Concept Innovation” and can help you take your idea from concept to a patented invention. We are services focused and very selective of our clients: Our main focus at the IPN is to help you turn your idea into an issued patent or design patent for your product or concept.

When working with the IPN you can be rest assured that you will retain complete control and 100% ownership of the idea at all phases. Intellectual Property Network.