365 Romantic Things. 50 Best Cheap Date Ideas - Handmade Wedding. Posted July 20, 2012 | 110 Comments The weekend is right around the corner and we thought it was a great opportunity to share this fun weekend-ready post. For some couples, once they get engaged the ‘dates’ go right out the window, traded in for constant wedding planning. We say… bring on the date nights! Take a (temporary) wedding planning break once in awhile to remember why you’re tying the knot in the first place.
Be spontaneous. P.S. 50 Cheap Date Ideas 1. Photo by lindsey k photography Oh, and bring your pup. 2. 10. Photo by click chick images.
New Year. Make this: Pull Piñata Garland « {love+cupcakes} Blog. In celebration of one of my favorite excuses to drink margaritas and kick back with friends, this whole week I’ll be bringing you fun, colorful and tasty inspiration in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
This pull piñata garland makes for a very festive Cinco de Mayo decoration as well as a fun activity for party guests. Simply pull and little surprises come pouring down. Step-by-step after the jump. xoxo! 1. Cut 2×2 inch squares of tissue paper and slit a small “X” in the center. 2. 3. 4. How About Orange. Here's an inexpensive, quick project for decorating plain window shades: contact paper decals.
This vinyl shade was from Home Depot (they'll cut it to size for you if you bring along the dimensions of your window), and if I remember correctly, it was insanely cheap. Something like $5. To spiff it up, add cut contact paper shapes. I made some speedy faux bois circles here, but you could do anything. Some type? To make this, get some contact paper, available at Home Depot, Target, Amazon, hardware stores, etc.
I made some circles in Illustrator, printed it out tiled, and taped the sheets together. Birthday decor ideas / bubbly bar + balloons >> This is superb! DIY Crepe Paper Poms. By Jenny Batt Who hasn’t been to a party or baby shower that has tissue poms?
They are fun and whimsical and great to hang around! Get it? Haha. While shopping a few weeks ago I found these. Supplies - Crepe paper fold (the full sheet rolls)ScissorsTwine Unpack each roll of crepe paper and cut the entire fold in half. You now have many little strips of crepe paper. Make a flurry or a few. {Photos by Jenny Batt for The Sweetest Occasion.} The fine print: Please link with love! ♡ tuto des boules en papier ♡ - Bienvenue dans mon petit coin d'évasion Virtuelle.
Vous êtes nombreuses à me demander comment on fait les boules en papier, alors voici ma façon de faire (très simple) Voir ma petite vidéo très amateur mais explicite quand même Choisir de jolis papiers scrap pas trop fins.....
Vous pouvez trouver des perforatrices dans tous les magasins de loisirs créatifs et tous les sites par correspondance (scrapmalin, la fourmi créative, la fée du Scrap) ♡ donc, on prend une bonne perfo ronde de la grosseur de la boule souhaitée (1.5" pour une boule moyenne ) ♡ on prend de jolis papiers (le papier à scrapbooking est l'idéal) ♡ on découpe une douzaine de ronds, puis on les plie en deux et on les colle les uns aux autres (la colle est bâton est l'idéal) ♡ avant de coller les deux derniers ronds entre eux pour fermer la boule, on peut utiliser une pince pour bien serrer le temps que la colle séche !
♡ et voilà la petite boule est prête, plus la boule est grosse, plus il faut de ronds en papier pour qu'elle soit bien épaisse. Party Must-Have: Confetti Bunting by Engel Super Simple Valentine’s Day Bunting. Bunting is all over the place, and it has been ever since crafters, party planners and artists realized just how whimsical it can be, whether its a pom pom extravaganza, a base for a Confetti System style decoration, or simply construction paper, staples and string.
Our take on bunting is perfect for Valentine's Day, and will have you tapping into your summer camp skills like what. Materials: - string (any kind will do) - glue stick or double stick tape - scissors - hole puncher - newspaper - old catalogs or magazines - colorful paper (origami or construction paper) First, fold up a piece of newspaper two, four or eight times depending on the size you want your hearts. Cut a half heart along the folded side. For us, this yielded 8 hearts. Repeat with folded origami or construction paper, so that the colored paper hearts are slightly smaller than the newspaper ones. And repeat again with catalogs or magazines. Birthday decor ideas / Party Perfect.