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Changing life

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50 Bad Ass Inspirational Quotes to Live by - Devoted2Greatness. I think everybody loves inspirational quotes.

50 Bad Ass Inspirational Quotes to Live by - Devoted2Greatness

They are powerful words of wisdom condensed into just 1-2 lines. 42 Ways to Make Life Simpler. Image by notsogoodphotography (license).

42 Ways to Make Life Simpler

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”Confucius “The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity.”Ludwig Wittgenstein I love simplifying my life. It makes me more effective and life less stressful. It makes me calmer, more energetic and happier. How to Change Your Life: A User's Guide. ‘You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.’

How to Change Your Life: A User's Guide

~Mike Murdock By Leo Babauta Start with a simple statement: what do you want to be? Are you hoping to someday be a writer, a musician, a designer, a programmer, a polyglot, a carpenter, a manga artist, an entrepreneur, an expert at something? How do you get there? Do you set yourself a big goal to complete by the end of the year, or in three months?

Как не быть жирной ленивой свиньей и начать жить. Договор с самим собой на выгодных для себя условиях.

Как не быть жирной ленивой свиньей и начать жить

Мне было 34 года, когда я понял, что превратился в жирную ленивую свинью. У меня начала появляться одышка, болело сердце, суставы. Но главный мотив изменить жизнь — испуг после того, как я увидел свою физиономию на фото в компании друзей. Тогда я поклялся найти способ вылезти из создавшейся ситуации. Я выгребаю из ямы Первое, что я сделал — взглянул на себя со стороны. Итак, вот что я сделал, чтобы не быть разорванным на части. Это была самая безумная акция в моей жизни Через несколько дней я обнаружил себя в чистой пустой квартире с девственно-белыми стенами, за окнами которой так же девственно белел февральский снег. И произошло чудо. А дома меня ждала ровная поверхность письменного стола, на котором лежало лишь необходимое. 28 Signs You’re Wasting Your Youth. 1.

28 Signs You’re Wasting Your Youth

You spend an inordinate amount of time before any moderate-to-big decision worrying — not about how you feel about it, but how others might perceive it. 2. You have already given up on several goals because you deem yourself “not good enough.” 10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself.

60 Small Ways To Improve Your Life In The Next 100 Days. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life.

60 Small Ways To Improve Your Life In The Next 100 Days

At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances. 16 Scientifically-Backed Ways To Boost Your Happiness Almost Instantly (INFOGRAPHIC) Whether you have five minutes to relax or a year to focus on building lasting habits, here are 16 scientifically-backed ways to boost your happiness levels.

16 Scientifically-Backed Ways To Boost Your Happiness Almost Instantly (INFOGRAPHIC)

Go for a run. Physical activity boosts the brain’s release of endorphins, feel-good neurotransmitters that can improve mood and well-being. Pray. Spirituality and religious involvement is linked with greater well-being and happiness, according to a review of more than 300 studies on the connection between spirituality and health, while prayer is thought to relieve stress. Eight (harsh) Truths That Will Improve Your Life... They say life is what we make of it.

Eight (harsh) Truths That Will Improve Your Life...

By the end of this post, I hope to have helped you decide whether that statement is true or not. There is no doubt that life has its ups and downs. However, how we deal with them can sometimes make all the difference. Today I want to share eight harsh truths that I've come to learn from life. There's also a message in each that I think we can all learn from, and when applied, will improve our lives infinitely.

Some of these lessons may be old-hat for you. 1. Friends will always come and go in your life; even though I'm back in the UK now, all my friends are in university around the country and not exactly in meeting distance. Important Lesson: There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with. What It Takes To Form A Good Habit. I think "accountability buddy" really misses the point.

What It Takes To Form A Good Habit

There is satisfaction and joy in accomplishing the task, but that's where accountability buddy is a misnomer. All habits of any sort will trip, falter, fail, etc. It's all about getting back in the game. People who falter in quitting smoking, depression, learning a new skill, taking up exercise or learning a new habit need a buddy who they enjoy doing it with and will help them get back in the game. We are humans and we love to connect and share experiences with - even introverts have a means by which they connect and share. By far, the most important aspect of developing any habit is the actual doing of the habit. [From years of experience as fitness center owner/operator]