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PHILIP K. DICK DOCUMENTARY PART 1 OF 9. Super Humans. The Trouble with Experts. As filmmaker Josh Freed’s entertaining new documentary The Trouble with Experts, reminds us, we are all addicted to experts.

The Trouble with Experts

They tell us what to eat, how to vote, raise our kids, fix our homes, buy our wines, interpret political events and, until recently, choose the right stocks. They're all over the media telling us what to think, because there's just too much information for us to sort out ourselves. So we often cede our own opinions to them because, well... they're experts, so they know better than us. Or do they? In the recent stock meltdown, we discovered that some of our most important experts – our financial gurus - didn't know much at all. New York: A Documentary Film. This seven part television event explores New York City's rich history as a premier laboratory of modern life.

New York: A Documentary Film

A sweeping narrative covering nearly 400 years and 400 square miles, it reveals a complex and dynamic city that has played and unparalleled role in shaping the nation and reflecting its ideals. The Country and the City. Beginning in 1609, episode one chronicles the arrival of the Dutch, the impact of the English, the horrors of colonial slavery, and New York's critical role in the American Revolution. Order and Disorder. Episode two looks at New York's rise as a burgeoning cultural center and multi-ethnic port, concluding with the Civil War Draft Riots -- America's bloodiest civil disturbance. Sunshine and Shadow. Everything is a Remix. Everything is a Remix is produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker.

Everything is a Remix

Ferguson examines modern attitudes toward intellectual property and how these attitudes rather counterintuitively stifle creativity rather than fostering it. He illustrates the interconnectedness of our creations and how current laws and norms miss this essential truth. "The hard truth is that most creations are worthless immediately. Most books, films, albums, computer applications, or whatever else are met with not just indifference but disuse. They basically aren’t read, aren’t viewed, aren’t used. Only a slim minority of works have commercial value after that and current copyright legislation is clearly written for this tiny group.

InFact. InFact with Brian Dunning is the web video series that gives you the real facts behind popular myths.


Some people say a global catastrophe will kill millions in 2012. Ai Weiwei: Without Fear or Favour. God Grew Tired of Us. Three young men leave behind a land in chaos to find new lives in a thoroughly different culture in this documentary.

God Grew Tired of Us

Anima. PressPausePlay. Big River Man. In February 2007 Martin Strel began an insane attempt to be the first person to swim the entire length of the world's most dangerous river, the mighty Amazon.

Big River Man

Martin is an endurance swimmer from Slovenia, who swims rivers - the Mississippi, the Danube and the Yangtze to date - to highlight their pollution to the world. Martin is also a rather overweight, horseburger loving Slovenian in his fifties who drinks two bottles of red wine a day... even when swimming. Unsettling, fascinating and exhilarating. John Maringouin plots a course for the heart of darkness in the company of a 52 year old Slovenian endurance swimmer. This documentary is available for preview only. Alan Watts discusses Nothing - StumbleUpon. The Reality Conversation - StumbleUpon. The World According to Monsanto. Ever Since The World Ended part 1. Fed Up, Excellent Documentary About Genetically Altered Food Pt. 1. Tom Waits reads Charles Bukowski‬‏ The Pyramid Code: The Band of Peace.

Zeitgeist: deception for a dream

We Feed The World. Every day in Vienna the amount of unsold bread sent back to be disposed of is enough to supply Austria's second-largest city, Graz. The American Dream. The American Dream is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of the government system.

The American Dream

From the author: All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track. Watch Free Documentary Online. To describe Touching the Void as a mountaineering documentary would be to do this breathtaking drama an injustice.

Watch Free Documentary Online

Tropic of Capricorn. 18th Street Gang. 18th Street is considered the largest gang in Los Angeles, California, and is a strong armed transnational Latino criminal gang. It is estimated that there are thousands of members in Los Angeles County alone. There are approximately 200 separate individual autonomous gangs operating under the same label within separate barrios in the San Fernando Valley, the San Gabriel Valley, the South Bay, South Los Angeles, Downtown Los Angeles, Pico Union, Inglewood, Cudahy, and Orange County, according to the latest figures from the NDIC.

Human Resources. It's a documentary about Social Control, examining the history, the philosophy and ultimately the pathology of elite power.

Human Resources

Overall, Human Resources is rough around the edges but still overloaded with gems. Set aside some time to digest this - and take notes. Scott Noble does an admirable job of fitting ten hours of material into two. He gives the space to all the people he interviews... there's a metric ton of ideas here and he lets almost all of them unfold and breathe at their own pace. Streets of Plenty. An unprecedented look into the underworld of Vancouver's downtown east-side ghetto. This 65 minute documentary follows one man's 30 day experiment of joining the thousands of homeless, ill, and addicted, who survive the streets of Vancouver's cold, wet December.

He starts off with nothing but a pair of underwear. Where he ends up is a place he never knew existed, even though its a place he passed by every day. PHILIP K. DICK DOCUMENTARY PART 1 OF 9. Clash of the Gods.