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This Film Is Not Yet Rated Part 1. ‪Stuart Hameroff about Quantum Consciousness 1‬‏ Consciousness: Mind Over Matter. Visions Of The Future (1 of 3) The Intelligence Revolution. Kymatica (2009) What The Bleep Do We Know: Down The Rabbit Hole ( Full Length Movie ) The Secret Life of Chaos Part (1 - 6) Connected - HOW KEVIN BACON CURED CANCER. A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything. How Much is Your Dead Body Worth? | Watch Free Documentary Online. The Mystery of Empty Space | Watch Free Documentary Online.

Into Eternity | Watch Free Documentary Online. Invisible Worlds. Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds is a BBC television documentary programme presented by Richard Hammond that features state-of-the-art camera technology used to focus on what humans cannot see with the naked eye. It is one series long consisting of three episodes. 1. Speed Limits - Richard Hammond explores the extraordinary wonders of the world of detail hidden in the blink of an eye. The human eye takes about fifty milliseconds to blink. But it takes our brain around a hundred and fifty milliseconds to process what we see. We're not aware of this time lag going on, but in those few milliseconds, there are extraordinary things happening that completely pass us by.

But what if we could break through this speed limit? What new marvels would we see? 2. 3. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 2 hours, 56 minutes) Google: Behind the Screen. What if all the information in the world was categorized and easily searchable? What if all the news from around the world, all books, written texts, photos and videos that exist on a place in the world would be collected, and would be available everywhere?

That is precisely the goal of Google and it will not be long for it to be realized. Through the well-known search engine, Google Earth, where all information is classified by geographical location, along with Google Books, a project where Google digitizes complete libraries. Tegenlicht visits the head office of Google in Mountain View, California and spoke with Vint Cerf, who commissioned by the American army is the forerunner of the developed Internet. Google grows like a cabbage and they continue to hire more and more smart people in order to achieve their company goal faster. But in China to cooperate in censorship, Google have lost a lot of confidence. Watch the full documentary now. Aftermath: Population Zero. Life After People. The very notion is deliciously ghoulish: What happens to earth if - or when - people suddenly vanished?

The History Channel presents a dramatic, fascinating what-if scenario, part science fiction and part true natural science. Welcome to Earth, Population: 0 is the catchy tagline, Life After People's 94 minutes are so gripping you nearly forget while you watch that you, yourself, will be gone too. It turns out that earth can go along very nicely without us. The hardest part of the special is probably in the first 15 minutes, when pet owners confront what likely will happen to their dogs (thankfully, the show follows those dogs who break out of their houses, and the prognosis for them to survive as scavengers is good).

As the fictional days and weeks tick by, the process of nature's reclaiming the planet becomes less grim and more fascinating. The impact of the lack of people will be noticed right away, as most power grids shut down around the planet. The Search for Life: The Drake Equation. For many years our place in the universe was the subject of theologians and philosophers, not scientists, but in 1960 one man changed all that. Dr Frank Drake was one of the leading lights in the new science of radio astronomy when he did something that was not only revolutionary, but could have cost him his career. Working at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Greenback in Virginia, he pointed one of their new 25-meter radio telescopes at a star called Tau Ceti twelve light years from earth, hoping for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence.

Although project Ozma resulted in silence, it did result in one of the most seminal equations in the history of science - the Drake Equation - which examined seven key elements necessary for ET intelligence to exist, from the formation of stars to the likely length a given intelligent civilization may survive. However, in the 50 years of listening that has followed, not one single bleep has been heard from ET.

Equinox. Equinox. Parental Control My4oD: As viewing video on 4oD requires javascript, related functions such as viewing history, playlist and favourites cannot be used with javascript disabled First Broadcast: 12AM Sun 27 September 2009 Channel 4 This programme - first broadcast in 1999 - takes a look behind the scenes of air traffic control in New York, the world's busiest airspace. There has a dramatic rise in the number of near misses, but is this due to the sheer volume of traffic or to some other factors? Currently displaying all only audio described episodes + Display all episodes + Display only audio described episodes There is already a Channel 4 account registered to {| current_emailAddress |} {| merge_radio |} Sign in with your Channel 4 account {* #tradAuthenticateMergeForm *} {* signIn_emailAddress *} {* mergeSignIn_password *} {* signIn_signInButton *} {* /tradAuthenticateMergeForm *} To sign in wiith your Facebook account you need to register with 4 {* newsletterOptIn *} {* stayLoggedIn *}

Equinox. Quantum Communication. Networks: Part 1. Alan and Marcus Go Forth and Multiply. Ever since he was at school, actor and comedian Alan Davies has hated maths. And like many people, he is not much good at it either. But Alan has always had a sneaking suspicion that he was missing out. So, with the help of top mathematician Professor Marcus du Sautoy (The Story of Maths and How Long Is A Piece Of String?) Alan is going to embark on a maths odyssey. Together they visit the fourth dimension, cross the universe and explore the concept of infinity. But did his abilities peak 25 years ago when he got his grade C O-Level? This documentary is available for preview only. An Experiment to Save The World. In March 2002, the scientific world was rocked by some astonishing news: a distinguished US government scientist claimed he had made nuclear fusion out of sound waves in his laboratory.

Rusi Taleyarkhan's breakthrough was such important news because nuclear fusion is one of the most difficult scientific processes, and also one of the most coveted. It could solve all of our energy problems for ever. In principle, sufficient fuel exists on earth to provide clean, pollution-free energy for billions of people for millions of years. To make it happen, individual atoms must be slammed into each other with enough energy to make them fuse together, something that requires temperatures found only in the core of stars like our Sun – over 10 million Kelvin. Taleyarkhan's fusion breakthrough was based on a little-understood process called sonoluminescence. Watch the full documentary now. Science and Islam. Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries.

Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science – there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and on his travels he uncovers a diverse and outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science.

Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 2 hours, 56 minutes) The Beauty of Diagrams. Series in which mathematician Marcus du Sautoy explores the stories behind some of the most familiar scientific diagrams. Vitruvian Man - He looks at Leonardo da Vinci's world-famous diagram of the perfect human body, which has many layers from anatomy to architecture, and defines our species like no other drawing before or since. The Vitruvian Man, drawn in the 1480s when he was living and working in Milan, has become one of the most famous images in the world. Leonardo's drawings form a vast body of work, covering every imaginable subject in spectacular detail: from feet, skulls and hands to muscles and sinews; from hearts and lungs to buildings, bridges and flying machines. Copernicus - When Polish priest and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus developed his extraordinary theory of a sun-centered universe 500 years ago, he was flying in the face of both science and religion.

To explain what he had done, Newton created a diagram. Florence Nightingale - Can a diagram save lives? BBC Horizon (2011) - What is Reality? (complete, uncut) Cymatic experiment. Platonism & Alchemy Part 1. Dynamic Self Organisation of Ferrofluid. The Secret Life of Chaos | Watch Free Documentary Online - Preview. Chaos theory has a bad name, conjuring up images of unpredictable weather, economic crashes and science gone wrong. But there is a fascinating and hidden side to Chaos, one that scientists are only now beginning to understand. It turns out that chaos theory answers a question that mankind has asked for millennia - how did we get here? In this documentary, Professor Jim Al-Khalili sets out to uncover one of the great mysteries of science - how does a universe that starts off as dust end up with intelligent life?

How does order emerge from disorder? It's a mind-bending, counterintuitive and for many people a deeply troubling idea. But Professor Al-Khalili reveals the science behind much of beauty and structure in the natural world and discovers that far from it being magic or an act of God, it is in fact an intrinsic part of the laws of physics. The natural world is full of awe-inspiring examples of the way nature transforms simplicity into complexity. How Long Is A Piece Of String? Alan Davies discovers that answering that question is much harder than he originally thought after visiting mathematician Marcus du Sautoy to help him find an answer. However, this creates more questions, which requires a trip to a place dedicated to measurement, the National Physics Laboratory.

Finding out the exact length of the string proves even more troublesome when Marcus proposes the string could be infinitely long, thanks to the theory of fractals. After leaving Marcus, Alan visits a physics teacher to see if measuring the string in atoms can help him find an answer. However, this means exploring Quantum Mechanics. Alan goes to a lab to explore the theory of Quantum Mechanics in more detail to see if his string can be in two places at once, confusing him even further. If Alan was to find the most accurate way of measuring his string he could theoretically create a black hole. Watch the full documentary now. Through The Wormhole: Can We Travel Faster Than Light?

Prior to the day in 1947 when test pilot Charles E. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier for the first time, people argued it wasn't possible for a plane to fly that fast. So, perhaps we shouldn't be deterred by the part of Einstein's special theory of relativity that seemingly bars traveling at speeds faster than light. That said, cracking the light-speed barrier is vastly more complicated than going faster than sound. The aircraft that Yeager used to break Mach 1, for example, didn't have to change form. But according to Einstein, an object that attains light speed would be converted to energy itself. Nevertheless, as some physicists point out, there are nuances of Einsteinian physics that might permit faster-than-light travel.

Watch the full documentary now. Six Degrees of Separation. Pandora’s Box. It began with a weapon created by scientists that threatened to destroy the world. But then a group of men who were convinced they control the new danger began to gain influence in America. They would manipulate terror. To do so, they would use the methods of science. Pandora's Box was a six part 1992 BBC documentary television series written and produced by Adam Curtis, which examines the consequences of political and technocratic rationalism.

Curtis' later The Century of the Self had a similar theme. The title sequence made extensive use of clips from the short film Design for Dreaming, as well as other similar archive footage. Episode 1: The Engineer's Plot. Episode 2: To The Brink of Eternity. Episode 3: The League of Gentlemen. Episode 4: Goodbye Mrs Ant. Episode 5: Black Power. Episode 6: A is For Atom. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 4 hours) To Infinity and Beyond. What We Still Don’t Know? The Universe is still a place of mystery and wonder. As a cosmologist, I am exhilarated that we can make some progress towards tackling what seem very fundamental questions.

These programs focus on: Was there a beginning? Whether we are alone? What's the future of the cosmos? What is the nature of reality? Sir Martin explores the possibility that life exists on planets beyond our own. Everything you thought you knew about the universe is wrong. There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. Episodes: Are We Alone? Watch the full documentary now (playlist)

What the Bleep Do We Know!? This hard-to-describe movie, which combines talking-head documentary footage with a fictional narrative, attempts to explain quantum physics in terms most audiences can understand. The extent to which it succeeds will largely be the extent to which a viewer grasps the complex theories being addressed in those terms. Does matter exist? Does time flow in one direction? This documentary is a radical departure from convention. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. It's a documentary. This documentary is available for preview only. Magnetic Storm.