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Quickly Setup your PC with the Most Popular Apps. 10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009. These are full-featured cross-platform softwares, free as in beer and speech. Vivek Gite picks his best open source software of 2009. #1: Inkscape ( Vector Graphics Editor ) Fig.01: Inkscape is used by artist/illustrator/designer as vector graphics editor Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.

It is similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, and Xara X. This is perfect for object manipulation and styling objects. From the project home page: Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. Download Inkscape #2: 7-Zip ( Archiver ) Fig.02: 7-Zip is used as archiver 7-Zip is a file archiver and open source software. Note: For Linux / UNIX desktop I prefer to use native tools such as zip/unzip, tar etc. #3: VLC ( Media Player ) Fig.03: VLC is similar to QuickTime / Windows Media Player Download VLC Media Player #4: VirtualBox ( Virtualization ) Fig.04: VirtualBox is used for virtualization Download VirtualBox Rest... Best Privacy Tools.

Syncany - Open-source file synchronization and filesharing application. Gizmos Freeware Reviews. Removing an object on a photo with GIMP. Tutorial to remove objects (or people) and restore the portion of the background they hide in a photo with the Resynthesizer plugin. An impressive video has been posted on Youtube to show how, with Photoshop, it is possible to delete objects in an image automatically, without any design work.

The same can be done with The Gimp in fact and for longer (it is not impossible that the same algorithm has been reused). This plugin "re-synthesizes" the background" and rebuilds it from same elements on the photo. It can thus reconstruct the sky, lawn, or even more complex views, from a sample taken from the image. First, see the Resynthesizer tutorial to know the purpose of controls. We will put in practice the commands using the same pictures that the Photoshop demonstration video. Using Resynthesizer in Script-Fu 1. 2. We want to remove the tree on the top left. 3. This windows is opened. 4.Here is the final image Using the Map -> Resynthesize filter 1. 2. 3. 4.

This window is opened: 5. More. 12 Absolutely and Insanely Essential Utilities For Programmers. In every era in recent times there has been one profession that for a short while you could enter without formal training. Autodidacts in the 19th century could read the law without recourse to formal education (see Abe Lincoln). In the early 20th century it was aviation. For a short while in the 1980s and early 1990s, it was computing, thanks to the release of the Apple IIe, the IBM PC and the Mac. Were it not for that Window® of opportunity, I hate to think what would have become of me. (Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?) But I was very lucky, when I became serious about learning to program all i needed was a book on the 8088 and a book on C, and I was all set to Rock and Roll.

As much as I continue to love to code 30 years later, there are a few aspects I hate: Doing a mundane task more than onceNot remembering how i fixed this problem in the pastLosing work to crashed disks or stupid irreversible revisionsNot being able to find subtle text differences in files. Before We Begin # 1. 30+ Awesome Free and Open Source Audio Applications List.

Open Source community has great Audio Applications. We had featured 20 Audio Editors. Here is a best of the Audio Applications list that has, Audio Editors, Audio Sequencers, Stream Rippers, CD Rippers and much more. This list is constantly updated and comments, additions are most welcome. Thanks for commenting and helping us to grow the list. Also check out similar posts; Amarok – Rediscover music Amarok is a powerful music player for Linux and Unix, MacOS X and Windows with an intuitive interface. Ardour – Digital Audio Workstation Record Audio, Mix, Edit and Collaborate. Audacity – The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. Banshee – Music Player Play your music and videos. CDEx – Audio CD Extractor CDEx is a very popular Open Source Digital Audio CD Extractor with more than 38 million downloads.

Grip – CD Ripper/CD Player Grip is a cd-player and cd-ripper for the Gnome desktop. Jokosher – Multi-Track Audio Studio. Downloadable Computer Repair CDs | Technibble. One of our Technibble forum members, PcTek9, and a handful of other Technibble members have compiled a large list of CDs for various computer repair tasks. In this list, the following types of CD are available for download: Antivirus Boot CDs, Recovery Disks, Hardware Diagnostic Boot CDs, Network Testing/Monitoring, Data Recovery Boot CDs and Special Purpose CDs. Some of these are free to download, some are not. Be sure to read the EULA for the CD’s you download and the applications you use to make sure you are allowed to use them in the manner you plan to use them in. Many of the CDs contain a variety of different programs and some of the applications are free to use as you please, but some of them disallow commercial use.

So be sure to read and abide by the EULA for whatever you use. Also, some of these CD’s may set off an antivirus false positive due to their virus removal, password cracking, system file changing nature. Konboot is one such CD that will set off antivirus software.