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TEDxULg Presentation by Nadia EL-Imam. OSE Europe February Update. Dear OSE Friends, since January Open Source Ecology is spreading more and more in Europe.

OSE Europe February Update

In addition to Spain and Germany, Greece and Italy started to self-organize and the Cohabitat Group from Poland is applying already the OSE principles. Here is a short overview of the current activities by country. Germany We are in the process of creating the open self-organizing network from which project will form in organic way. Creating an OSE Community would be one project from the network and it is relatively open to how it could happen. OSE(E) will be presented at the KarmaKonsum conference in Frankfurt. Greece In January some of the people listening to the OSE call for local action decided to start an informational campaign. There were given 2 lectures about OSE too. Italy The OSE Network expanded rapidly in Italy and we are now planing to create a cooperative and ways to finance the projects. Poland Spain The Open E Land (OEL) community is developing. Related Posts: Open Everything Land.

Peer-to-Peer Governance, Production And Property: P2P As A Way Of Living - Part 1. The Political Implications of the Peer to Peer Revolution by Michel Bauwens P2P and the Commons - General introduction Photo credit: Hightech.Blogosfere It is important to realize that distributed systems differ from decentralized systems, essentially because in the latter, the hubs are obligatory, while in the former, they are the result of voluntary choices.

Peer-to-Peer Governance, Production And Property: P2P As A Way Of Living - Part 1

Distributed networks do have constraints, internal coercion, that are the conditions for the group to operate, and they may be embedded in the technical infrastructure, the social norms, or legal rules. Despite these caveats, we have here a remarkable social dynamic, which is based both on voluntary participation in the creation of common goods, which are made universally available to all. These new property forms have at least three characteristics: The third aspect is why peer property fundamentally differs both from private property and collective property. But the General Public License, or the Creative Commons licenses are different.

Book of the Day: Consent of the Networked. The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom. Book of the Day: Consent of the Networked.

Book of the Day: Consent of the Networked. The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom

The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom Michel Bauwens 29th January 2012 * Book: Consent of the Networked. The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom. Description from the publisher: ‘A global struggle for control of the Internet is now underway. Many commentators have debated whether the Internet is ultimately a force for freedom of expression and political liberation, or for alienation, and repression.

Discussing OWS (3): #OccupyWallStreet as a Culture Change Movement. Excerpted from William Gamson: “The single most important thing to understand about the Occupy movement[deleted plural ending] is that it is primarily a movement about cultural change, not institutional and policy change.

Discussing OWS (3): #OccupyWallStreet as a Culture Change Movement

Cultural change means changing the nature of political discourse and the various spheres in which it is carried on, especially mass media. Changing what is salient on the public agenda can open discursive opportunities for various groups seeking specific institutional and policy changes. The cultural mission of the Occupy movement is to raise consciousness about the corporate domination of American political, social, and economic institutions – and to the enormous inequalities in income and wealth produced by this domination. At the same time, it attempts to build a collective identity within its constituency by making personal suffering a shared experience. One can ask how lasting this cultural change will be. Strategic and Tactical Innovations. Prefigurative Politics.