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4. Implementing OAI-PMH. Contents | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Previous | Next Back to OA-Forum tutorial entry Contents of this part of OAI for Beginners, the Open Archives Forum online tutorial Before implementing OAI-PMH, you must consider a number of organisational decisions that will affect your implementation. Data Provider Which data do I want to deliver? Which Service Providers do I want to provide with data?

Service Provider Which service, or services, do I want to provide, and to whom? Data Provider & Service Provider Which aspects do we have to agree upon among Data Providers and Service Providers? As has already been noted, unqualified Dublin Core (DC) is the metadata format required for basic interoperability. NOTE: At the time of preparation of this tutorial, a discussion had been initiated in the OAI community that may result in the status of unqualified DC from "mandatory" to "recommended". Support for the Set construct is optional within OAI.

OAI sets may be hierarchical. Components. Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting - v.2.0. Editors The OAI Executive:Carl Lagoze < > -- Cornell University - Computer Science Herbert Van de Sompel < > -- Los Alamos National Laboratory - Research Library From the OAI Technical Committee:Michael Nelson < > -- NASA - Langley Research Center Simeon Warner < > -- Cornell University - Computer Science Table of Contents 1.

Introduction2. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (referred to as the OAI-PMH in the remainder of this document) provides an application-independent interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting. Data Providers administer systems that support the OAI-PMH as a means of exposing metadata; and Service Providers use metadata harvested via the OAI-PMH as a basis for building value-added services. This document refers in several places to "community-specific" practices to which individual protocol implementations may conform. 2.1 Harvester 2.2 Repository None. Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) est un protocole informatique fondé par l'Open Archives Initiative pour échanger des métadonnées. Il permet de constituer et de mettre à jour automatiquement des entrepôts centralisés où les métadonnées de sources diverses peuvent être interrogées simultanément.

Utilisé notamment par les Archives Ouvertes et les entrepôts institutionnels, il s'est aujourd'hui largement répandu dans les institutions patrimoniales et notamment les bibliothèques. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Fonctionnement[modifier | modifier le code] Principe[modifier | modifier le code] Ce protocole repose sur la présence de deux types d'acteurs distincts : les fournisseurs de données et les fournisseurs de service (moissonneurs). Le fournisseur de données doit fournir ses données au format Dublin Core au moins mais peut s'il le souhaite proposer en supplément d'autres schémas (BiblioML, MarcXML ...). Views OAI-PMH. OAI Harvester module - a developer's guide.

OAI Harvester module Introduction The OAI Harvester module collects metadata records from OAI-PMH data providers through the OAI-PMH protocol v2.0. More about the protocol see The harvester simply harvests: it does not store the records, because there are many possible ways to store such records in Drupal. There are hooks which the OAI harvester invokes and with which it sends the data to the implementers of that hooks. The XC Drupal Toolkit contains one module, which implements these hooks (xc oai harvester bridge module). The two parts of OAI Harvester Module: The database structure and user interface, which helps to harvest data.The hooks, which helps to store or index data coming from a repository. The concepts of the OAI harvester Repository Repository is an OAI-PHM data provider.

Schedule A process of harvesting a single repository. A single process An initial URL A resumptionToken URL Processing a single request Signature: