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Developing Backbone.js Applications - By Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) Available free for open-source reading below or for purchase via the O'Reilly store.

Developing Backbone.js Applications -

Pull requests and comments always welcome. Backbone.js Tutorials. Backbone.js Tutorial: Editing Lists. Preparation Before starting this tutorial, you’ll need the following: alexyoung / dailyjs-backbone-tutorial at commit 465523f The API key from part 2 The “Client ID” key from part 2 Update app/js/config.js with your keys (if you’ve checked out my source) To check out the source, run the following commands (or use a suitable Git GUI tool):

Backbone.js Tutorial: Editing Lists

Backbone patterns. Building apps with Backbone.js Here, I try to document the good practices that our team has learned along the way building Backbone applications.

Backbone patterns

This document assumes that you already have some knowledge of Backbone.js, jQuery, and of course, JavaScript itself. Table of contents. Backbone.js.