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Interweave Consulting

As the pioneering Inclusion solutions consulting firm, we offers varies diversity programs for Women Leadership Development training, Prevention of Sexual harassment training,POSH training,diversity and inclusion consulting,Prevention of Sexual harassment and Safe workplace

The Why What And How of the Diversity domain - Interweave Consulting - Medium. The Why What And How of the Diversity domain “When I started my Diversity journey, I literally had to explain what it is that I am really doing and how this was going to be useful for an organisation” Each one of us working in the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) space has had our own interesting trajectory, which is often reflective of the journey of the domain itself.

The Why What And How of the Diversity domain - Interweave Consulting - Medium

In the India context, this is a domain that has spiked only after what seemed like a very long drawn gradual incline. Five Steps to Inclusion in the Time of Isolation. Five Steps to Inclusion in the Time of Isolation The COVID-19 pandemic has placed the world on an unprecedented and indefinite timeout.

Five Steps to Inclusion in the Time of Isolation

Most organizations have chosen to move their workspaces online, asking their employees to stay indoors and practise social distancing. For managers, it has also brought up a new concern: fostering inclusion in a time of isolation. Here are a few ways that organizations can address that concern: Update Your Digital Infrastructure Working remotely can be extremely difficult for employees unless they are provided with the right digital infrastructure to support them.

Make Sure All Voices Are Heard In the time of remote workplaces, virtual connection services such as video calls and internal communication platforms will be the lifeline of organizations. Women leadership. Four Signs That Your Diversity Hiring Isn’t Working - Interweave Consulting. Four Signs That Your Diversity Hiring Isn’t Working.

Four Signs That Your Diversity Hiring Isn’t Working - Interweave Consulting

World Social Justice Day – Advantaged versus Disadvantaged. World Social Justice Day – Advantaged versus Disadvantaged Organisations being reflective of the society we live in, we should familiarise ourselves with the frameworks of social justice.

World Social Justice Day – Advantaged versus Disadvantaged

It will help us understand the process of how being disadvantaged impacts individuals representative of certain groups adversely. On reflection, you will realise that multiple descriptors can be used to describe your identity. Gender, class, ethnicity, religion, physical ability and appearance are a few of these descriptors. Identity being intersectional of these descriptors, one may be advantaged, say as a heterosexual male while being disadvantaged, say as a physically challenged person at the same time. An indicative activity by Dr Warren J. Duties of an employer. Duties Of Employer Under Prevention Of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act The introduction of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, commonly referred to as POSH, changed the Indian legal landscape significantly.

Duties of an employer

For the first time, there came into existence a piece of legislation that exclusively dealt with workplace sexual harassment of women, prior to which only the Vishaka guidelines addressed the issue. An organization must provide its employees with a safe working environment since most employees end up spending most of their time at the workplace. Many factors may cause discomfort to an employee, such as sexual harassment at the hands of a peer or manager, a toxic work environment, or discrimination at the workplace, to name a few. In this post, I’m going to take a look at the duties of an employer with regard to the POSH Act, focusing on what companies need to know most. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Gender Stereotype. Beyond Pink and blue of gendered stereotypes Humans tend to stereotype people from the moment they open their eyes, we tend to put people into predefined roles without reflecting on their needs, inclinations and desires.

Gender Stereotype

Consciously or unconsciously we tend to do the same with our kids, where we push them toward roles that we think are best for their gender. The early learning of male-female categories is characterized by rigid beliefs about stereotypic differences, which may limit the development of a child. Children acquire basic gender categories and learn to apply gender to a wide range of stimuli with remarkable facility.

By age 3, children show some awareness about objects and activities. A good example could be colour association, traditionally, clothes for children were white as it was easier to bleach but later on, advertising agencies coded the colour blue for boys and pink for girls. International Men’s Day - Empowering Men towards a better tomorrow - International Men’s Day – Empowering Men towards a better tomorrow International Men’s Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the men in our lives and empower them.

International Men’s Day - Empowering Men towards a better tomorrow -

As we all know, a large section of the society is predominantly male, they too have their challenges which most times go unnoticed. Our social constructs are dynamic – they are constantly evolving, therefore, the expectations of how men should lead their lives should also change. The theme for this year’s ‘International Men’s Day’ is focused on raising awareness of men’s issues and inspiring them through positive male role models.

We must do so and help remove the undue pressures of masculine contests from men and boys. A research published in the journal of social sciences reveals that masculine contests in any organisations harm men and women within them. Doing away with the toxic masculine work culture can lead to better lives for the men around us. Diversity and Inclusion Consulting. Women Leadership Development training. While the ‘leadership experience’ is unique to different women, all women face challenges due to stereotypes, lack of sufficient role models, and the pressure of family responsibilities.

Women Leadership Development training

When organisations don’t acknowledge this and provide differential support, it makes the workplace an uneven playing field for women. Organisations aiming to improve gender balance and help women advance in leadership roles must invest in focused and customised support. After all, preparing women to feel entitled to seek and exercise leadership is a skill that they must consciously build, as opposed to men. Failing to recognise and bridge this gap can put women at a disadvantage. Flying Lessons is ideally suited for women who: