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Intervention 911

At Intervention 911, we recognize that in the way each and every human being is different, their approach to recovery must be individualized: there is no simple formula. Our global team of interventionists is the best in the business. They take on the most daunting circumstances and turn them into success stories by formulating an approach to recovery that considers each and every possible variable. This is where Intervention 911 excels. We have an option for every possible situation, from alcoholism to Xanax addiction. Nobody should be denied the right to help.

Intervention 911 Video Library. What to Expect During an Intervention. When you call Intervention 911, we work with you to craft an intervention for your unique circumstances.

What to Expect During an Intervention

Our highly trained team is prepared to answer any questions you may have, and will make recommendations to guide you through the process of compassionately confronting your loved one. Consultation The first step is to give us a call at 844-230-4911. You’ll speak with one of our staff members, who will determine if an intervention is the best course of action for you.

We will also review your insurance plan’s substance abuse coverage with you before providing a confidential insurance quote at no cost. Prescription Drug Addiction Intervention. Prescriptions Pharmacies across America filled nearly 3 billion prescriptions last year.

Prescription Drug Addiction Intervention

Considering those numbers, it’s not surprising that the National Survey on Drug Use found that approximately 6.3 million people had used prescriptions for non-medical purposes. Most prescription drug abuse involves pain relievers, followed by tranquilizers, stimulants and sedatives. You may have already noticed we gave special attention and information pages about certain prescription drugs. Interventionist for Heroin Abuse. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of the Asian poppy plant.

Interventionist for Heroin Abuse

Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder. Typically injected, snorting and smoking heroin has become more common in an effort to avoid the risk of infection, HIV contraction and physiological damage to tissue and veins at the site of injection. The Wizard of Oz depicts a world in black and white, void of color until Dorothy and her companions reach a field of poppies, a world of intense color and a peaceful rest. Let’s not kid ourselves about the allure of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The desire for gain and the fear of loss are prime movers and heroin is purely a vehicle for acquiring a greater degree of pleasure than one imagines possible using more benign and/or less active compounds. This means that one dose creates an experience that is nearly perfect to the user. Heroin Abuse. Interventionist for Co-Occurring Disorders.

If your loved one has issues with both substance abuse and addiction, you may feel overwhelmed by the idea of staging an intervention.

Interventionist for Co-Occurring Disorders

Often, those suffering from anxiety, depression, or other disorders may turn to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate. They believe this helps with their feelings of helplessness, despondence, or worry, but over time, we know that substance abuse can actually worsen mental health concerns. Young Adult Interventions. Substance Abuse Often Connected Because substance abuse is often linked to other mental health issues, it is important to address any underlying problems as treatment is sought.

Young Adult Interventions

Often, people who become dependent on drugs or alcohol at a young age are prone to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or other related psychological disorders. One way to determine whether issues like these are affecting a family member is to maintain close contact, either by phone or in person. Parents should take note when their child becomes despondent or difficult to reach. If the adult child is still financially dependent on their parents, financial well-being can also be a good indicator of trouble. Dealing With Addiction When dealing with the addiction itself, some programs may work better for young adults than others.

Private Interventionist for Professionals. Intervention 911 Executive was created to meet even the most extreme needs of an addict and their families based any number of unique circumstances.

Private Interventionist for Professionals

Over the years, Intervention 911 has been asked to provide interventions and aftercare attention to some of the world’s most private individuals who not only needed very unique lifestyle needs met, but also needed them met with extreme privacy. We will honor and respect any request and have created a comprehensive executive a la carte set of options which is simply a guide – if you have a request that doesn’t appear, we will see to it that it is met.

While these options are not included in the basic intervention process, we want to illustrate what is available if you feel Executive will best suit your needs. Mental Disorder Interventionist. Mental illness is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a health condition involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior.

Mental Disorder Interventionist

It is often marked by distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities. This may present as waning performance at work, worsening communication with others, difficulty paying attention in school, or a general inability to care for oneself. Mental illness can take many forms, from depression and anxiety to severe schizophrenia. Difficulty functioning is also on a spectrum: some people may only experience minor impairment, while others lose the ability to leave the house and fulfill obligations. Who needs a mental health intervention? California Alcoholism Interventionist. Alcohol Interventions for the Disease of Alcoholism For those individuals of legal drinking age, alcohol is a legal and socially acceptable drug.

California Alcoholism Interventionist

Alcohol utilizes first pass metabolism, and is one of the few drugs that enters the blood stream, initially, from the stomach. Recent evidence suggests that genetic/physiological factors – specifically the presence, absence and amount of digestive enzyme(s) available in the gut – greatly influence the user’s first and continued experience with alcohol. There are gender and racial biases important in understanding one’s ability to remove alcohol as a toxin from the body. Palm Springs CA Interventionist. Please use the links below to learn more about the many types of addiction.

Palm Springs CA Interventionist

This list compiles some of the more common addictions and is by no means complete. If you would like information about something you don’t see here, please contact us for additional support. Addiction Recovery – 5 Year Plan By Ken Seeley The 5 Year Plan For Addiction Recovery In this country, someone dies of an accidental overdose every 19 minutes. 80% of the world’s prescriptions are taken by Americans. Drug & Alcohol Interventions.