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How to Develop Your Digital Strategy. Macala Wright is the head of digital innovation and strategy at Group Partners.

How to Develop Your Digital Strategy

She's been featured in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, and Bloomberg Businessweek. You can follow her @Macala or email her at Constructing digital strategies on behalf of clients makes one thing clear: Clients are often confused about what digital strategy is and how to actually develop one. Social Metrics: Market to the Head? Impossible. Newsflash: In case you haven’t heard, social marketing is not just about likes, shares and mentions anymore.

Social Metrics: Market to the Head? Impossible.

The ways that brands promote and engage via social media is evolving and so are the ways to measure key metrics and ROI—and with more and better tools on the market, it’s getting faster and easier to acquire data. Why is this is a big deal? Because companies who use social media as a marketing tool need to know it’s working, just as they would with any other tool in their arsenal. If it doesn’t work, why use it? Analytics give us feedback that allows us to marry the right brain, or the emotional side of marketing, with the left brain, or the rational, side. We have a saying here at the agency: “Market to the heart, and sell to the head.” 13 Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing. Are Sound Waves the Future of Mobile Marketing?

Your Starbucks runs and concert visits will soon be more interactive.

Are Sound Waves the Future of Mobile Marketing?

Imagine the luxury of walking into a coffee shop and receiving a personalized drink deal on your smartphone or tablet upon entry. Or, receiving an automated mobile thank-you note for watching a film, exactly an hour after leaving the theater. Thanks to Sonic Notify technology, activated by audio, our smartphones are getting smarter. So smart, in fact, they're interacting with elements in your surroundings to bring you relevant media. By installing Sonic technology into apps, companies can trigger mobile notifications at precise times or specific locations.

Co-founders Jonathan Glanz and Alex Bell started developing the unique audio-to-mobile technology in 2011. The sound-triggered technology allows precise delivery of content to mobile devices within apps, Sonic Notify EVP Ross Weinstein tells Mashable. A Beginner's Guide to Google Website Optimizer. If you want to make real progress in increasing the conversion rates on your website, randomly trying different headlines, images, and other elements on your pages and crossing your fingers isn’t going to get you very far.

A Beginner's Guide to Google Website Optimizer

You need something that can give you real data about what’s working and what’s not. Even better is a free tool that can manage your conversion testing. Leave it to Google to provide just such a tool: Website Optimizer. What is Google Website Optimizer? Google Website Optimizer is a free tool for creating experiments for conversion rate testing. There are huge advantages to this method of testing over other sites that test your pages with people who may or may not fall into your target market. A/B Testing vs. Meta Tags vs. Keywords: Your Site's Visibility - Invisible Gold - Your Website Should Be Easy To Edit. META tags were originally used in the <HEAD> tag of an HTML document to help search engines find your site. Within a META tag, you can define two variables: description and keywords. The description is used to describe the content of your website while keywords are a list of terms, separated by commas that highlight important information in your page.

For instance, if you were to create a website using these META tags, they might look like this: META tags are not displayed to individuals surfing the web and are used by very few search engines as a sole means of ranking web pages. In the past, using META keywords would help search engines find your site easier and list it on their results page according to its visibility. The abuse of META keywords became such an issue that the United States made it punishable by up to 20 years to use keywords as a means of luring minors to "potentially offensive material. " 6 Successful Twitter Hashtag Campaigns. The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, an inbound marketing software company based in Cambridge, MA, that makes a full platform of marketing software, including better B2B lead nurturing.

6 Successful Twitter Hashtag Campaigns

Chances are if you've heard of a Twitter hashtag campaign, it's because it failed. The marketing world, in fact, is littered with the recent detritus of woebegone hashtag campaigns. Think back to McDonald's doomed #McDStories campaign or RIM's #BeBold effort, and it seems that trying to create a stir on Twitter is a fool's errand. Focusing on such misfires, however, conceals the fact that some — or even most — hashtag campaigns are actually successful. Below are six campaigns that effectively harnessed Twitter in a way that provoked positive discussion and action. 1.

Domino's Pizza U.K. offered fans a solid reason to participate in its Twitter campaign: cheaper pizza. 2. 12 Essential Social Media Cheat Sheets. Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur.

12 Essential Social Media Cheat Sheets

Social Data: The New Driver for Marketing Strategy. There is a new generation of consumer data: social data.

Social Data: The New Driver for Marketing Strategy

Social data is anything and everything collected from social network profiles and behaviors i.e. sharing activity, gender, interests, birthday, etc… And since social media is here to stay, accessing this information has never been more important. In fact, 97% of marketers surveyed by Wildfire believe that social media is an integral part of their business model and marketing strategy.

However, what most companies don’t realize is that they can tap into the vast amount of data contained in the online social footprints that consumers leave behind. Utilizing this data to maximize marketing output and increase ROI is called Social Data Strategy. The following diagram illustrates the role that social data plays in the marketing strategy process. 3 Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Groupon, and Pinterest. Augustine Fou | May 24, 2012 | 13 Comments inShare173 Social media is about attracting actions and conversations, not shouting at people.

3 Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Groupon, and Pinterest

Social media marketing is what most CMOs have at the top of their list for spending increases this year and next. Indeed, social media holds the promise of wild viral effects, socially infused search results, and virtually infinite possibilities for targeting. But as many marketers dive into using social media, some are learning lessons the hard way; some lessons are costly and others may cause irreversible and permanent damage. Facebook - Perpetuating the Myth of Reach and Frequency Doing social media shouldn't mean sticking ads on Facebook. After several quarters of experimenting, advertisers are left scratching their heads and wondering about return on investment (ROI) and business impact.

How to Track Social Media Traffic With Google Analytics. You have a website and you are building traffic to it, but what do you know about your visitors?

How to Track Social Media Traffic With Google Analytics

Do you know where they come from, how engaged they are with your website or if they have converted as a reader, subscriber or customer? You can see all of these insights for free using Google Analytics. Why Google Analytics? Local SEO: How geotargeting keywords brought 333% more revenue. Login Page.