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Sustainable-Building-Future. The World That Can Be/New Future. MakeSense Seattle. MakeSense Seattle Gang. Evolver Puget Sound (Seattle) Do It With Others - Maker Community Manifesto. Maker Faire ® season is here.

Do It With Others - Maker Community Manifesto

It is all year long, actually. Thousands of people turn out for large and small events around the world that are oriented at inspiring and enabling makers, hackers, inventors, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. I was on the organizing team for the Kitsap Mini Maker Faire and these events are different than other fairs or festivals or community markets. Seattle Free School - A place to exchange knowledge for free! Knoq - Your neighborhood at your fingertips. Seattle Good Business Network - Welcome. - The Easy Small Business Barter Exchange. Snohomish Mutual Credit System > Local Currency > LETS.

Eastside Time Bank. Seattle Barter Exchange. Backyard Barter - Sharing Food. Growing Community. Cultivating New Cascadian Culture. Income Sharing. A Social Justice Commune in the heart of Seattle. Coworking + Event Spaces + Social Entrepreneurship Resources - Another world is happening. Northwest Community Commons. Housing.