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Lifestyle Properties

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The Pros and Cons of Waterfront Homes. Maintenance Ask any homeowner who lives on the water, and he or she will tell you that waterfront living involves more maintenance than other homes. The humidity, mist, erosion, and elements (including salt, if you're on the ocean) not only impact the grounds and exterior of the house, but also the appliances and furnishings inside. Not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it might mean allocating a bit more toward the maintenance category of the yearly household budget. Less Privacy Because living on the water is considered desirable by so many, the waterfront attracts residents and visitors alike. Waterfront living may come with the sound of your neighbor's construction, barking dog, or weekend volleyball and BBQ events (it's not unusual for high-end neighborhoods to have tall, opulent homes on small lot sizes).

If you're a people-person and don't mind the increase in visibility that often coincides with life at the water, then this may not be a downside for you. Mosquitos Rising Sea Levels. How to De-Clutter and Organize Your Entire Home. 3. Use a Different Lens The answer to the question: "do lists really help you get stuff done? " is: "yes; if you use them with the right attitude. " Writing a to-do list is extremely helpful (pivotal, really); however, there comes the time when you actually have to do the tasks on your list! That's when it can become hard to follow-through with your plans. There are tricks to help you get through this sticky spot!

The degree to which your list of today's tasks can be helpful to you is determined by the attitude with which you approach it. It's time to kiss and make up with your checklist and remind yourself that your list is there to help you. Think of your daily task list as a sidekick, it's the Robin to your Batman, ready to help you take on the day's battles. Start looking at your list with rose-colored glasses. Your to-do list is not only not your enemy, it would like to be your best friend! You can use a checklist for anything! 4. 5. So what? It's time to get over it, and start again.

LA Communities

Things to Do in LA. Living for Optimal Health. International Relocation. At our firm, David Findley is a Certified International Property Specialist. Findley draws on almost 30 years of experience specializing in the estate homes market, his degree in psychology, and years of facilitating experiential learning groups to help others accomplish their real estate goals. Findley has a deep well of knowledge and experience helping international clients find and invest in estate and lifestyle properties. He has trained a talented team of experts to help others have the best home-selling, home-buying, and relocation experience possible. Many of Findley’s clients have their own Business Managers, and he has extensive experience working seamlessly with the team of advisors clients often have in place to assist them. On your behalf, David Findley and his team research the nuances of the most desirable real estate markets across the globe as they assist you in navigating the constantly changing market conditions at the hyperlocal level.

What is a lifestyle property? "Urban Pedestrianism" is the latest high-concept in healthy living. Homes that live next to the Lake Hollywood Reservoir in Los Angeles are increasingly considered lifestyle properties. In the Land Of The Car, being in such close proximity to a popular walking and running spot is considered highly desirable. Imagine waking up early each morning and stepping into your "backyard" and hopping into your rowboat for a quick workout on the sea water? That's exactly what it's like to live in the Venice Canals in California.

Now that's living! With improvements in technology and the increase in telecommuting, many people are choosing homes in warm-weather areas where they can turn the backyard into their office. Or how about living in a lighthouse? Or living off the grid with your own wind turbine and solar farm? The possibilities are endless! Many people choose a home chiefly by its architecture style -- it seems everyone has a favorite style, be it Tudor, Craftsman, or Contemporary.