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Taking Action on Climate Change

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How to Fix the Climate, in One Simple Flowchart. During his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama promised that if Congress didn't act swiftly on climate change, he would.

How to Fix the Climate, in One Simple Flowchart

And a few months into his second term, he's already made a few promising moves. His political action group, Organizing for America, is taking climate deniers to task by issuing a mocking video of Republicans and a plush new website tool to help figure out which members of Congress are most resistant to taking climate action. All this is a good start, but considering the opposition he faces in the House, what can Obama actually accomplish? And if an economy-wide carbon price is off the table, what's next? What if he can't get his new EPA administrator through the painstaking Senate approval process without being filibustered? The following chart is your one-stop shop for mitigating climate change from the top down. Home » Urban Stream Innovation. Practical Plants. Polycultures, Guilds & Companions...

Practical Plants

In addition to each plant being able to record interactions with other individual plants, users can also create polycultures or guilds of known plant combinations that work well together. We are at the very start of our collection of polycultures with The Three Sisters set up as a quick example. You can create your own favourite polycultures here: An open encyclopedia of plant information. Tools and Approaches. This section is a recipe book of popular thrivingresilience tools and approaches for community leaders and folks.

Tools and Approaches

Tools and approaches are the hands-on “wisdom systems” that are building thriving resilient communities today: principles and practices, education and training resources, stories, knowledge bases, etc. Wisdom systems vary with the size of community. To help you find what’s useful to you, we first offer a simple local ecosocial system overview and then describe wisdom systems based on community scale.

PERMACULTURE PRINCIPLES DESIGN DECK. At the heart of permaculture is a set of teachings from nature.


These principles, directives, strategies, approaches, attitudes and design methods can be applied to any system of design and development. India’s Auroville shows the way in green living. Summers on the eastern Indian coast are hot and dusty with temperatures often shooting up to 40 degrees Celsius.

India’s Auroville shows the way in green living

The red sand in this eastern part of the state of Tamil Nadu is crisscrossed with tiny streets that link together different settlements and villages. It’s an experiment that began 50 years ago — Auroville or the “global village.” Obesity System Influence Diagram. Food%20Trends. NGOs, Social Change and the Transformation of Human Relationships: A 21st-Century Civic Agenda.

This was an early attempt by me and Indian economist Gita Sen to outline why issues of personal change had to be factored into the pursuit of social justice.

NGOs, Social Change and the Transformation of Human Relationships: A 21st-Century Civic Agenda

A revised version was later published in Third World Quarterly, 2000. NGOs, Social Change and the Transformation of Human Relationships: A 21st-Century Civic Agenda. A Strategy for the Commons. We often think of the commons as shared assets, whether elements of our environment such as forests, the atmosphere, oceans, space, rivers, lakes, fisheries or grazing land, or emerging digital and cultural resources such as the internet or Wikipedia.

A Strategy for the Commons

Commons are usually characterized as resources, natural or social, tangible or intangible that must be kept abundant; collaboratively governed by the communities and networks that produce or use them and have a stake in keeping them sustainable for their own livelihood and for posterity. 2013 Technology Trends. North Korea conducts its third nuclear test On 12th February 2013, North Korean state media announced it had conducted an underground nuclear test, its third in seven years.* A tremor that showed a nuclear bomb signature with magnitude 4.9 (later revised to 5.1) was detected by the China Earthquake Networks Centre, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation Preparatory Commission and the U.S.

2013 Technology Trends

Geological Survey. In response, Japan called an emergency UN meeting and South Korea raised its military alert status. The test prompted widespread condemnation and tightened economic sanctions from the international community. Estimates of the blast yield were mostly in the 6-12 kiloton range, though one geological institute in Germany claimed it may have been as high as 40 kilotons.* For comparison, the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII had yields of 16 and 21 kilotons, respectively. Home Harvest Farms. Arctic "death spiral" leaves climate scientists shocked and worried. A "radical shift" is plunging the Arctic Ocean towards an ice-free state for the first time in millions of years.

Arctic "death spiral" leaves climate scientists shocked and worried

One of the world's foremost ice experts, Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University, calls it a "global disaster" that will cause such a big boost in global temperatures that even such extreme measures as geo-engineering need to be considered urgently. Climate science has long understood that disappearance of summer sea ice in the Arctic would be a "tipping point" in the Earth's climate system, accelerating global temperatures and causing extreme weather and other climate changes far beyond the Arctic. Yet nearly every expert has been shocked by just how rapidly this "continent of ice" has been vanishing, and how dramatic the impacts have been already.