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Anything and everything that's going on inside the Zappos HQ.

The Versatile Air Aiden Penny Moc From Cole Haan | Blogs | A Thank You from LIVESTRONG | Blogs | Deep within the pit of midnight inside the Zappos Campus, ancient stalking figures turn the wheels of the insomniac giant. This team of nighttime warriors almost singlehandedly uphold the Zappos promise to be available 24 hours a day, sacrificing sunlight and access to any business closing at 5 pm. One such figure is Zapponian Paul W. Once believed to be a legend in the vein of Bigfoot, Paul was recently confirmed manifest by a passing Zapponian raiding the Bistro off regular business hours for a midnight snack. A proud member of the fabulous Zappendales, Paul Walker's e-mail skills are so magnanimous that he makes answering a phone call look like live chatting a tweet.

But how can this figure of Olympian online correspondence cope with the tedium of a world that doesn't understand his art? Often, he copes by dressing up all lady-like. This first question comes with a challenge. PW: So you can say them, but I cannot. Right, I can say them. PW: I am the lead singer-- PW: Gyration? No. Keen Kids Keeps Your Camper Cozy | Blogs | The Shorty Awards - Honoring the best of Twitter and social media. (@Zappos_Service on Twitter. Inside_zappos (inside_zappos) The Mind. Top TED Business Talks. Fashion Around the World. Facebook-1. Design. Marketing & Social Media. Blogs art&culture. Blogs art&culture. Blogs photography. Entrepreneurship. Zappos's Channel. Social media examples.

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