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Lumen - Не надо снов - L - Аккорды и Табулатуры - Муз.Информ. - AltWorld.Ru. Untitled. Cпортивная барахолка №1. Горные лыжи, сноуборды, велосипеды, коньки, туризм. Покупка и продажа. Dave Giles' Blog: Testing for Granger Causality. Several people have asked me for more details about testing for Granger (non-) causality in the context of non-stationary data. This was prompted by my brief description of some testing that I did in my "C to Shining C" posting of 21 March this year. I have an of example to go through here that will illustrate the steps that I usually take when testing for causality, and I'll use them to explain some of pitfalls to avoid.

If you're an EViews user, then I can also show you a little trick to help you go about things in an appropriate way with minimal effort. It's important to note that there are other approaches that can be taken to make sure that your causality testing is done properly when the time-series you're using are non-stationary (& possibly cointegrated). For instance, see Lütkepohl (2007, Ch. 7). The first thing that has to be emphasised is the following: First, a simple definition of Granger Causality, in the case of two time-series variables, X and Y: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

& 10. 11. Святая вера в рост или Почему "хомяки" будут раздеты? / Блог им. 123insaider / Клуб трейдеров sMart-Lab. Мы делаем деньги на рынке. Анализ 4 часовых графиков Сипы вчера показал, что крупные игроки начали продавать. Об этом говорят длинные тени на 4 часовых барах в 16-00 (нижняя) и 20-00 (верхняя). Учитывая медвежий тренд, можно предположить, что крупные игроки используют данный отскок для закрытия длинных и открытия коротких позиций (большим фондам не так легко быстро выскочить из лонгов, им для этого нужно длительное время, поэтому все малейшие отскоки используются для закрытия лонгов).

Однако работа крупных игроков зачастую очень убедительна для мелких игроков (условно назовем эту категорию «хомяками»). Судя по вчерашней реакции на мой пост на Смарт-лабе то же хватало людей, которые свято верили в рост РИ выше 160к (цены по сентябрьскому контракту), а Сипы — выше 1200. Даже агрессивные продажи на клоузе американского спота, жесткий слив РИ на последних минутах ФОРТС многих не убедили об обратном (они подумали, что это обычный откат цен). Берегите себя и будьте с трендом! Oil Roulette: Rising Oil Prices Harm American Families but Enrich Serial Speculators.

SOURCE: AP/Elaine Thompson Ryan Riemath starts to fill his tank at a Shell gas station Tuesday, April 26, 2011, in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue, Washington. By Daniel J. Weiss and Valeri Vasquez | April 28, 2011 The oil shock of 2008 helped drive the U.S. economy into the Great Recession. Oil at that time cost a record $147 per barrel, and gasoline prices surged to $4.11 per gallon in July 2008—the highest price ever. This squeezed families’ budgets because it is very difficult for most people to significantly reduce driving in the short run when prices rise .

This year “ it’s like déjà vu all over again .” As in 2008, there are serious indications that speculators are driving up oil prices. Hedge funds and other speculators have increased their positions in energy markets by 64 percent since June 2008 to the highest level on record. The United States, too, has relatively ample domestic reserves —enough to reasonably allay fears of an immediate supply disruption.

Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis. As part of its Energy and Financial Markets Initiative, EIA is assessing the various factors that may influence oil prices — physical market factors as well as those related to trading and financial markets. This website describes 7 key factors that could influence oil markets. The analysis explores possible linkages between each factor and oil prices, and includes regularly-updated graphs that depict aspects of those relationships.

EIA's traditional coverage of physical fundamentals such as energy consumption, production, inventories, spare production capacity, and geopolitical risks continues to be essential. EIA is also assessing other influences, such as futures market trading activity, commodity investment, exchange rates, and equity markets, as it seeks to fully assess energy price movements. This analysis was published on June 16, 2011 and covers the period from 2000 forward. Several charts include projections from EIA's Short Term Energy Outlook. Feedback. Ipasserby - Осторожно, мошенники. ‪Уроки гитары: Сплин - Моё Сердце‬‏ ‪Цыганочка Ciganochka‬‏ ‪drfainstoun уроки‬‏ BP Solar International Inc.: Private Company Information.

Горячая линия NinjaTrader. ‪Zombie (The Cranberries) - Fingerstyle Guitar by Shaï Sebbag‬‏ ‪The Cranberries - Zombie Instrumental Cover (classical guitar)‬‏ Видео Аккорды. Cover) KyneticORM: A configuration-less, dynamic self-adaptive ORM with no need for mapping or configuration files. Kerosene ORM 6.5 Packages and Samples Introduction If you are reading this article you most probably are, like me, a heavy ORM user. You like the level of abstraction ORM solutions promise to deliver so that you can, ideally, focus on solving your business problems only, instead of losing your time with the myriad of details that, otherwise, you would have to take into consideration when dealing with the integration between your application and your database. But, maybe, your are not completely comfortable with how most ORM solutions deliver that promise. Maybe you dislike all the time and efforts you need to devote just to start understanding them - not to mention that mastering these solutions is, typically, an obscure and arcane science even assuming that you can find proper and organized documentation.

Or, maybe, you feel limited by all the constraints they typically impose in the way you think, develop, and architect your applications. Motivation You are not alone. A first example. Three-tier .NET Application Utilizing Three ORM Technologies. Download source code - 2.28 MB 1 Introduction This article presents a three-tier .NET WinForms accounting application, called "LEK", that can be configured at run time to access its data (in a SQL Server database) using either LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, or NHibernate.

The download for the article contains the Visual Studio 2008 solution, including everything you need to build the application. The source code included in the download, and the article itself, are organized so that it is as easy as possible to compare how the same functionality can be achieved with each of the three ORMs. If you are already familiar with one of these three ORMs, and need to learn one of the other three, then I think you will be able to use this article to leverage your knowledge of one to learn the other. 2 Contents at a Glance 3 A Few Screenshots Contents at a Glance Detailed Contents Here is the form that comes up when you launch LEK: Here is the form for creating and querying for accounting transactions:

Catel - WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 MVVM library - Home. On April 18th, 2013 we moved to GitHub because it provides better support for pull requests and has better integration with our issue tracker. For the latest information, please visit Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC). The core of Catel contains an IoC container, models, validation, memento, message mediator, argument checking, etc. Catel.MVVM contains all the MVVM classes such as ViewModelBase, Command, services, etc. Catel.MVC contains all the MVC classes. Catel also provides the following extensions: ControlsCSLA.NETDataEntity FrameworkFluentValidationPrismThe release cycle is very short (4 weeks), so all found features and bugs are solved within 4 weeks. If you are not convinced yet, take a look at the MVVM comparison sheet and you will be convinced.

Note that we no longer use the issue tracker of codeplex as from March 8, 2013, but JIRA. Advanced Unit Testing, Part I - Overview. Oh dear God, anybody who votes [for unit-testing] has major problems. I hate the @#$% things. And the "Write tests first, code later" paradigm eludes me. I mean, come on, unit testing is not the end-all, be-all people! I don't care how sophisticated your tests are, a "pass/fail" grade is not sufficient to make sure you're ready for production. - David Stone, on the "do you like design or unit testing better" survey.

Contents Preface This is a meandering article on the issues of unit testing and the Extreme Programming (XP) process. The four articles in this series are: Introduction As brash as the title sounds, I personally feel that the concept of unit testing has a long way to go. On the other hand, I'm realizing that unit testing has its place in the code-writing process. On the other hand, I also think unit testing is too simplistic.

There is also the idea that if your unit tests pass, then your code is ready for production (or, at least, acceptance testing). What Is A Unit Test? SetUp. Unit Testing 101: Getting Started with NUnit. Introduction Unit testing is the process of using short, programmatic tests to test the logic and functionality of discreet units of code. The use of such tests brings a whole host of benefits, not the least facilitating change within the code base (including refactoring), by being able to easily identify if breaking-changes have been introduced; as well as encouraging the use of test-driven development. NUnit is a well-established, Open-Source unit testing framework for .NET. It is, in my opinion, extremely easy to use, and is very well supported by most good continuous-integration systems, allowing unit tests to be run automatically as part of the build process.

This article is primarily for those of you who are new to unit testing and is intended as a basic introduction to unit testing and test-driven development; as well as how to write basic tests using the NUnit framework. Our Scenario The scenario we are going to look at in this article involves a simple BankAccount class. Our Tests. ALGLIB. Î ïðîåêòå ALGLIB ALGLIB - ýòî êðîññ-ïëàòôîðìåííàÿ áèáëèîòåêà ÷èñëåííîãî àíàëèçà, ïîääåðæèâàþùàÿ íåñêîëüêî ÿçûêîâ ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ (C++, C#, Pascal, VBA) è íåñêîëüêî îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì (Windows, Linux, Solaris). Âîçìîæíîñòè ALGLIB âêëþ÷àþò â ñåáÿ: Ëèíåéíóþ àëãåáðó (ïðÿìûå àëãîðèòìû, EVD, SVD)Ðåøåíèå ñèñòåì óðàâíåíèé (ëèíåéíûõ è íåëèíåéíûõ)ÈíòåðïîëÿöèþÎïòèìèçàöèþFFT×èñëåííîå èíòåãðèðîâàíèåËèíåéíóþ è íåëèíåéíóþ àïïðîêñèìàöèþ ïî ÌÍÊÐåøåíèå îáûêíîâåííûõ ÄÓÂû÷èñëåíèå ñïåöèàëüíûõ ôóíêöèéÑòàòèñòèêó (îïèñàòåëüíóþ ñòàòèñòèêó è ïðîâåðêó ãèïîòåç)Àíàëèç äàííûõ - êëàññèôèêàöèþ, ðåãðåññèþ, â ò.÷. ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì íåéðîííûõ ñåòåéÐåàëèçàöèþ àëãîðèòìîâ ëèíåéíîé àëãåáðû, èíòåðïîëÿöèè è ò.ä. â àðèôìåòèêå âûñîêîé òî÷íîñòè (ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì MPFR) Çà ÷òî âûáðàòü ALGLIB?

Çà òî, ÷òî áèáëèîòåêà ALGLIB: ïåðåíîñèìà. Îíà ìîæåò áûòü îòêîìïèëèðîâàíà ïðàêòè÷åñêè íà ëþáîé ïëàòôîðìå ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ïðàêòè÷åñêè ëþáîãî êîìïèëÿòîðà (ñì. ìàòðèöó ñîâìåñòèìîñòè).ïðîñòà â èñïîëüçîâàíèè. Îáúÿâëåíèÿ ALGLIB User Guide Contents. ActionStrategy и QuotingStrategy - Стратегии и алгоритмы - Форумы Stock# Serialization in .NET - 1. Recently while returning home from work my wife (another .NET developer) was murmuring something. On further poking she said that she has been assigned a task where she has to serialize and deserialize objects and she is afraid of serialization. What? Serialization is pretty easy, I replied back. So that’ small discussion is my motivation for writing this blog on serialization.

In this and subsequent blog I will show how easy serialization is and also delve into the nitty gritties of serialization. What is serialization? Serialization is the process of converting an object into another format whereby the state of the object can be easily saved to a file, database or memory etc and can be recreated easily. Different types of serialization. The different types of serialization are Binary Serialization XML Serialization SOAP Serialization Binary Serialization Binary serialization is the process where you convert your .NET objects into byte stream. XML Serialization SOAP Serialization Sandeep. Вчерашние свечи / StockSharp (S#) / Биржевая торговля, глазами трейдера. Algorithmic Trading with MATLAB - 2010. Click your way to great Silverlight charts [Live ChartBuilder sample and source code!] - Delay's Blog. Yesterday in my Introduction to Charting with the Silverlight Toolkit post, I included a teaser for my ChartBuilder application.

The tease ends today, because I've just posted a live ChartBuilder for everyone to play with and am also making the source code available for download. What is ChartBuilder? In addition to driving the Silverlight Charting effort and being one of the primary developers, I was also the entire test team for Charting. (I told you we were resource constrained.) I decided pretty quickly that I needed to do what I could to make it easy for anyone to exercise the Charting implementation, find bugs, and report them. Additionally, I wanted an easy way for the developers to exercise what they'd written in strange and unusual ways. My task was somewhat complicated by the fact that Charting supports fully dynamic data sources - static XAML Charts simply aren't enough to cover all the scenarios we care about. What does it look like?

Anything else I should know? Any last words? WPF Charting using MVVM Pattern. Download source - 38.89 KB Introduction There are tons of articles on the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern, and rightfully so. It's an easy pattern to understand (after you've studied it for a while) and it very nicely separates concerns. Where better to separate concerns than with a Chart and its data? This article shows you how to use the .NET Framework's (free) Datavisualization Chart component using the MVVM model.

Background This sample was built using Visual Studio 2010 running .NET Framework 4.0. Using the Code The zip file for this article (minus the DataVisualization component) is an entire project that allows you to compile and run a sample of every chart type currently supported in WPF. Points of Interest The View Views in the MVVM pattern are just the markup in XAML needed for displaying content and style. Notice there's really not much there, as it is really just a "Shell". So in the code above, we see the "pattern" of MVVM property "getters/setters". Ahh! The Model. My new home page, enhanced [Updated collection of great Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization resources!] - Delay's Blog.

Sign in Delay's Blog Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, Web Platform, .NET, and more... About About Delay's Blog Delay's Blog is the blog of David Anson, a Microsoft developer who works with C#, XAML, HTML, and Azure. @DavidAns Information This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Options Search Translate This Page Translate this page Microsoft® Translator Tags Archive Archives My new home page, enhanced [Updated collection of great Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization resources!] MSDN Blogs > Delay's Blog > My new home page, enhanced [Updated collection of great Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization resources!] Public Service Announcement This blog has moved to a new location and comments have been disabled. All old posts, new posts, and future comments can be found on The blog of See you there! David Anson 20 Jul 2009 2:01 AM Comments 10 In the time since posting my last collection of Silverlight/WPF Charting links, there's been some great activity!

Thread-safe Collections in .NET 4.0. Download source code - 8.66 KB Introduction I was playing around with .NET 4.0 and one of the very interesting features that I felt good to share is concurrent collections. .NET 4.0 now has a new namespace System.Collections.Concurrent. Earlier, .NET had collections to represent data in memory but these collections were not type safe; a collection when defined can have any possible type of object in it, which meant we had to explicitly type cast back to the original type before performing any operation. .NET 2.0 introduced Generics in collections and type safety was ensured. Supplying the proper type is ensured at compile time only, it will not wait until run time blow up. It also has one glitch, it is type safe but not thread safe - when two or three threads simultaneously access a collection, then we need to explicitly lock the collection so that only one thread can be entered at a particular point of time for data modification.

Using the code BlockingCollections<T> Features Disclaimer. Summarize C# Control Excel Skills.


Лучшие цитаты из лучших мультсериалов! Korea's nuclear policy after the Japan's crisis - Korea Real Time. Автостоянка "Новая" Парковка в Шереметьево-1. Стоянка в Шереметьево 2 1 | Парковка в Шереметьево, платная охраняемая автостоянка возле аэропорта Шереметьево 1 2. Объявления. Finance. НУП. Crude oil price forecast for 28 April 2011 | Trading Energy. Renewable Energy Information by Eric Martinot. Аккорды.